Potato diet for weight loss: diet recipes and examples of the menu. The effectiveness of potato diet for weight loss


It is believed that potatoes are not diet foods because of their high calorie content.

For this reason, this product is excluded from the menu of a low-calorie diet.

However, modern nutritionists have decided to look at potatoes from a different angle.

It turns out that with its help you can get rid of excess weight if you learn how to cook properly.

Potato diet for weight loss is in great demand among women.

With the right approach, a satisfying and healthy product will allow you to bring the figure back to normal without harm to the body.

Potato diet for weight loss: advantages and disadvantages

Potato diet for weight loss, like other nutrition systems for weight loss, has both positive and negative sides.

Main advantages

1. A person will never feel hungry. Potato is a very satisfying product.

2. It is incredibly simple to prepare dietary dishes from potatoes - it does not take much time and does not require large financial expenses.

3. If during the day a person is hungry, he will be able to find in any cafe a diet dish made from potatoes.

4. The composition of the product is rich in minerals and vitamins. In addition to starch, there are amino acids, vitamin C and pectin. Young potatoes are especially useful, it helps to keep blood pressure within normal limits.

Main disadvantages

1. Only dishes prepared from young potatoes are suitable for weight loss, since the old one is characterized by high energy value.

2. You can’t sit on one product for a long time, because the body will lack vitamins that come from other foods.

The basic principles of the potato diet

A potato diet for weight loss gives an effective result if you know all the subtleties and nuances of organizing a nutrition system. Before you go to them, you need to understand in what form the product contains the least calories.

Energy value of the product (per 100 grams)

1. Boiled potatoes without peel - 75 Kcal.

2. In the "uniform" - 80 Kcal.

3. Mashed potatoes - 300 Kcal.

4. Baked potatoes - 80 Kcal.

5. Shop chips - 500 Kcal.

6. Free - 400 Kcal.

Obviously, the energy value of the product increases if you add fats to the dish. It has been proven that eating potatoes without salt and various gravy does not harm the figure.

It is also worth noting that the energy value of a product depends on its shelf life. For example, in young potatoes there are very few carbohydrates - it is completely harmless to the figure. But the "old" potatoes in the diet cannot be used, since there is too much starch (carbohydrates) in it.

If a woman wants to lose weight, she needs to learn how to cook the product correctly - without oil, spices, vegetable oil and fats. The most useful dish will be one that is made steamed or in the oven. This allows starch to break down faster into simple sugars, which are perfectly absorbed by the body.

What is potato good for?

Potato diet for weight loss is popular not only because of its low calorie content. Not everyone pays attention to the fact that the product contains many useful trace elements.

Nutrients of potato composition:

• vitamins B2, B1;

• potassium;

• iron;

• magnesium;

• amino acids;

• phosphorus;

• vitamin C.

Also included is tuberin protein, which is known for its high biological value. Eating potatoes allows you to maintain normal blood pressure, promotes the release of the hormone of joy, a good mood will always accompany a person.

Potato diet for weight loss: menu options

Potato is a product with which you can cook a huge number of various dishes. It is for this reason that it is not difficult to hold out on such a diet. A woman just needs to choose the right menu for herself.

5 day diet

The method of losing weight is suitable for those who do not like to limit themselves to food for a long time. The presented diet is very satisfying, it can easily be maintained for 5 days. The result is minus 2 kg.

1. Breakfast. A glass of fresh, slightly warmed milk.

2. Lunch. Mashed potatoes in milk, without the addition of salt and other spices.

3. Dinner. Jacketed boiled potatoes and tomato and cucumber salad.

Mono diet

Potato diet for weight loss is designed for 9 days. Confectionery, sugar and salt are prohibited.

1. Day 1, 2 and 3 are the most difficult. It is necessary to drink 2 liters of water per day without gas and eat 1.5 kg of boiled potatoes.

2. Day 4, 5 and 6 are easier. 1.5 baked potatoes with vegetable oil are allowed. Do not forget about water, you can also drink green tea.

3. Day 7, 8, 9 - mashed potatoes on the water, without adding salt. Some greens and olive oil are allowed.

An effective diet for 5 days

A potato diet for weight loss, designed for 5 days, is a balanced diet that allows you to get rid of 3-4 extra pounds without harm to the body, normalize metabolism.

Day 1

1. For breakfast, a seasonal fruit salad seasoned with natural unsweetened yogurt is ideal.

2. For lunch - 3-4 baked potatoes with olive oil.

3. Do not overeat before bedtime. A glass of kefir and potato salad with red onions will do.

Day 2

1. In the morning - a glass of kefir and toasted brown bread toast.

2. For lunch - stewed potatoes with cauliflower without spices.

3. For dinner - a glass of kefir.

Day 3

1. Morning. 100 grams of cottage cheese, 1 orange.

2. Lunch. One boiled egg and jacket potato.

3. The evening. A little fat-free cottage cheese.

Day 4

1. Morning - a piece of boiled fillet and one boiled potato.

2. For lunch, a potato salad with red onions and herbs.

3. Before going to bed, it is better to drink a glass of kefir so as not to strain the stomach.

Day 5

1. Morning. Low-fat natural yogurt.

2. Lunch. Light soup on a vegetable broth with carrots and potatoes.

3. Dinner - 100 grams of baked potatoes with olive oil.

"Fast diet" on potatoes and kefir

The combination of these two products stimulates the improvement of metabolism, starts the process of burning fat.

1. Breakfast. A glass of fresh kefir fat 1% and one boiled potato.

2. For lunch - 100 grams of "jacket" potatoes.

3. Snack. If you overcome the feeling of hunger, a glass of kefir is suitable as a snack.

4. Dinner. Baked potatoes - 200 grams. You can add a little greens, olive oil, garlic or onions.

This diet can be kept for no more than 3 days, then a break is taken for a week. A balanced diet will help get rid of 3-4 kg, depending on the initial weight.

Egg and Potato Diet

1. Breakfast. One soft-boiled egg without salt, seasonings and sauces. Drink unsweetened green tea.

2. Lunch and dinner of the same type. A salad is being prepared with boiled potatoes and eggs, everything is seasoned with olive oil, you can add a little greens and onions for taste.

A potato diet for weight loss with an egg is observed for 2-3 days, which makes it possible to get rid of 3 kilograms. Such a diet removes toxins and toxins, normalizes metabolism.


Potato is one of the safest foods, so there are practically no contraindications to a diet based on it. However, you need to be careful in the following cases:

• with flatulence;

• in the presence of urolithiasis;

• with acute colitis.

Potato diet for weight loss: low-calorie recipes

1. Spicy boiled potatoes

Young potatoes are cut into 4 parts, boiled until tender. Garlic, dill and tomatoes are finely cut there. Everything is thoroughly mixed - the dish is ready to eat. This recipe is very easy, does not burden the stomach. Calorie content per 100 grams is 150 Kcal.

2. Braised casserole

An incredibly tasty dish is obtained by stewing potatoes with cauliflower and broccoli. In a small cauldron, carrots and onions are fried, cauliflower and broccoli are added there. The cauldron is covered with a lid for 7-8 minutes, then 2 tablespoons of sour cream, finely chopped greens and a glass of water are added there. The dish is left on fire until cooked. For taste, you can add a little garlic.

3. Salad with sorrel and potatoes

A very interesting combination of products. Potatoes are boiled until cooked, finely chopped sorrel is added there, a little garlic. Everything is seasoned with olive oil or natural unsweetened yogurt. Calorie salad is 200 units per 100 grams.

Potato diet for weight loss: important points of nutrition

1. It is important to learn how to eat in small portions, but often. To make it easier to get used to it, it is recommended to forget about the large dishes and start eating from the saucer. Such visual illusion will give the stomach a feeling of fullness.

2. Drinking mode. If a person does not drink 8-9 glasses of water during the day, he will never lose weight. In order for the potato diet for weight loss to give an excellent effect, you need to constantly monitor the amount of water you drink. The last glass at about 18:00, later only kefir is allowed.

3. There are not enough useful substances in the potato, therefore, following the diet, it is recommended to drink additional vitamins. Thus, you can protect yourself from dizziness and sleep problems.

Do not forget that no diet will give results if you do not devote 15-20 minutes to sports during the day. Let it be a simple charge - it will give energy for the whole day, start the process of splitting of adipose tissue. A potato diet for weight loss is effective if you follow all the useful tips and principles of organizing a diet.


Watch the video: Keto Cooking: Keto Food List (June 2024).