Universal "diet": buckwheat soup with chicken. Recipes of buckwheat soups with chicken, mushrooms, cereals or vegetables


Dishes from buckwheat groats are generally domestic exclusive, and boiling poultry dressing soup with buckwheat groats, and even feed them a baby, is an outrageous thing for foreigners.

If we look from our point of view, then such dishes are characterized by low calorie content, with high saturation with useful trace elements.

The flavor characteristic of buckwheat goes well with mushrooms, it can be emphasized or hidden, correctly using spices, and buckwheat soup with light chicken broth is one of the best dishes that can be cooked on a fire in a short hike.

Buckwheat Chicken Soup - General Cooking Principles

• Buckwheat soup with chicken is inherently a dietary first course, and therefore it is better to cook it on low-fat broth made from chilled, frozen or fresh curtains.

• Poultry must be washed well before cooking the broth, if it needs to be cut into pieces, then dried a little to make it easier and more convenient. Non-dried pieces of chicken can slip out of the hands when cutting. Also, before cutting, it is recommended to remove the skin from the bird, but if you want to get a slightly more oily soup, you can leave it. For baby soup, perhaps it’s still worth a few calories.

• Chicken is poured with cold, preferably filtered through a filter, water, brought to a boil, as quickly as possible and remove the "var." Then the heat is reduced to medium and continue to cook the meat until cooked.

• Put the remaining ingredients into the broth, observing the order depending on the time required for cooking each product.

• Groats for buckwheat soups with chicken can be taken whole or crushed (chopped). The section contains a slightly smaller amount of carbohydrates and it is cooked much faster than whole grains.

• Buckwheat soups with chicken are cooked not only on the fire, but also in the oven, using clay pots for this. In this case, the soup languishes, but does not boil, and it turns out more flavorful. Having correctly selected the ratio of ingredients, you will prepare a soup that is very rich in taste, but dietetic in calorie content.

Buckwheat Chicken Soup


• 400 grams of chicken, fillet;

• one carrot;

• two medium onions;

• half a glass of buckwheat;

• three potato tubers;

• spices and spices to your taste.

Cooking method:

1. Cut chicken into small slices and fry until half cooked in a small pan in vegetable or animal fat. To the chicken, put carrots and onions, chopped with a small straw, - thin half rings. Add coarse salt to your taste and fry everything until the onions are transparent.

2. In clay portioned pots, spread the frying in equal amounts, add potatoes cut in not too small cubes.

3. Put in each pot a pair of peas of allspice and buckwheat. Pour in enough water and put in the oven for 40 minutes. The oven should not be cold; preheat it in advance to 200 degrees.

4. Remove the containers of soup from the oven, try and, if necessary, salt. Sprinkle with herbs and return to "infuse" for another 10 minutes.

Children's buckwheat soup with chicken - "Baby"

Ingredients per one and a half liters of water:

• buckwheat, dry - 90 grams;

• chicken white meat, breast - 300 grams;

• three medium potatoes;

• half a medium carrot;

• a small onion head.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the breast well, be sure to remove the remaining chicken fat, cutting it off with a knife along with excess films. Cut the meat into small strips of thin straw, fill with water and set to maximum heat for rapid boiling. When the water begins to boil, drain it, and rinse the meat again under the tap, washing each piece well.

2. Pour water again, for baby soups it is better to take a special bottled one, and boil the fillet pieces for ten minutes.

3. Put the slices of the breast from the broth on a separate plate, cool and grind with a meat grinder, preferably with a fine wire rack.

4. Cut, as small as possible, cubes of potatoes, onions into slices, and rub the carrots into a fine grater and dip the vegetables in a boiling broth. Add thoroughly washed, slightly dried, buckwheat groats and continue to cook the soup until the added ingredients soften.

5. Slightly salt the dish, add the scrolled meat and, warming up for two minutes, remove from the stove.

6. You can also add quite a bit of very finely chopped dill, without stems.

7. If you beat the soup well with a blender after bringing to readiness, then in this form it will be possible to give it to very small children as complementary foods.

Classical Buckwheat Chicken Soup


• chilled chicken - half a carcass (600 g);

• 170 grams of buckwheat, well-fried groats;

• a small onion;

• large carrot;

• 450 grams of potatoes;

• black pepper peas;

• leaf of lavrushka;

• greens of garden parsley.

Cooking method:

1. Remove the skin from the chicken, rinse well, dip in a saucepan with cold water and put on heat slightly above average. Before boiling, constantly remove the foam collected on the broth and try to remove as little fat as possible. After boiling, add to the chicken a leaf of parsley, peppercorns and let it cook for about an hour over medium heat.

2. Put the grits slightly dried after washing, and fry them in a dry pan. As soon as the buckwheat starts to crack slightly, turn off the heat.

3. Remove the cooked chicken from the broth, cool slightly and disassemble, separating the meat from the cartilage and bones.

4. Put the roasted cereal in the broth, and after ten minutes add small cubes of potatoes and continue cooking with moderate heating until it softens.

5. In a small thick-walled dish, stewpan or frying pan, in vegetable oil, fry not very large pieces of onion until they become transparent. Add grated carrots and fry until tender golden color. So that the frying does not burn, fry the vegetables on a small fire and periodically stir with a spoon.

6. When the potatoes reach half cooked, remove the peppers and lavrushka from the broth. Add the roasted vegetables and chicken, salt and continue to cook the soup.

7. Ready buckwheat chicken soup, let it brew for half an hour and serve only after that.

Fragrant buckwheat soup with chicken and mushrooms

Ingredients for a 2 L pan:

• 700 grams of chicken soup set;

• 300 grams of potatoes;

• 0.5 cups (200 gr.) Buckwheat;

• a small handful of dried mushrooms (porcini, boletus);

• 150 grams of young champignons, fresh;

• head of a bitter onion;

• carrots - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare the broth from the soup set in filtered water, do not add spices and do not salt. Remove the pieces of chicken from the pan and, having cooled a little, separate the flesh from the bones.

2. In a hot, almost boiling broth, put the dried mushrooms and, after boiling for about twenty minutes, remove them, and, after cooling a little, grind them with a meat grinder.

3. Dip the meat back into the pan and add the washed buckwheat, cook for ten minutes.

4. Add potatoes chopped into medium-sized slices and continue cooking.

5. Chop the onion finely with a knife, rub the carrots lightly, but not too finely. Fry vegetables in vegetable, unrefined oil, not turning brown, add mushrooms chopped by a meat grinder and stew, pouring broth from the pan here for five minutes.

6. Transfer the frying to soup, salt to your taste, and bring to moderate readiness with moderate heating. Soup should not boil.

Buckwheat Tomato Soup with Chicken and Tomatoes

Ingredients per 2 liters of liquid:

• chicken legs - 350 grams;

• potatoes - 2 tubers;

• carrots - one, large;

• buckwheat - 4 tbsp. l .;

• three medium tomatoes.

Cooking method:

1. Chop off the bottom of the bone of the “legs” with the cartilage on it, rinse well, removing the “ponytails” of the feathers from the skin, and chop them finely. One leg into about four parts. Pour in filtered water and cook unsalted broth.

2. Fry the carrots cut in very small strips to a tender amber color in a frying pan in fat (vegetable oil), along with chopped onions. Add tomatoes sliced ​​in small slices, without skin, and simmer vegetables under a slightly covered lid for four minutes.

3. In the finished chicken broth, pour the fried buckwheat, potatoes with medium-sized whetstones fried in a pan, without oil, and cook the soup, focusing on the softness of the potatoes.

4. Dip the roasting in buckwheat soup, simmer it, cover the pan with a lid, for six minutes and turn off the heat.

Buckwheat Chicken Soup - Tips and Tricks

• If buckwheat chicken soup, prepared in pots, is removed from the oven, remove the lids for a minute, letting off steam, and then returned to the oven and held for at least a quarter of an hour before serving, it will be better stewed and will become even tastier.

• It is recommended to take the pots out of the oven five minutes earlier than the specified time, as even outside the oven such dishes can cook their own meals for up to ten minutes. Love a richer taste - just “wrap” the pots with a thick terry towel.

• Stuffed in buckwheat soup with chicken or cereal, rinse them until clean water in a sieve and dry a little, the broth will not cloud, and the finished soup will be transparent.

• To preserve all the useful nutrients of buckwheat in the soup, do not boil it separately, but dip it raw in the main broth.

• The taste of soups noticeably changes for the better, if buckwheat is prepared in this way: dip it in boiling water in a small saucepan, the ratio of water to cereals is about 1: 1 by volume. Wait for boiling and discard in a colander, rinse with boiling water and then, not allowing to cool, transfer to a saucepan in which you cook soup.

• After washing the buckwheat groats, fry a little in a pan, the taste and aroma of the soup will increase.

• Try not to season buckwheat soup with dill and parsley at the same time.


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