
On how to choose the future profession, while at the same time it was not a burden, but fell to a person to their liking, parents begin to think in advance. Well, if a graduate has pronounced inclinations, desires and aspirations, then the decision is easier to make. Work should be a pleasure, then all life will line up at the right angle.

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Among friends, acquaintances, and just random interlocutors, we often hear about how they have no luck in life, in love, with work and money. People are used to constantly talking about their problems, absolutely not thinking that they can eliminate their bad luck. No one can be born as an absolutely happy person, but everyone can understand their life and happiness by understanding one simple truth: a great success is the daily work on oneself.

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Every person at least once in his life visited obsessive thoughts. They may be associated with work, personal experiences, change of residence, poor health. Very often, panic does not arise from scratch, but is fully justified. However, do not fall into this phase of neurosis, as this may be fraught with the threat of a nervous breakdown or aggravation of the situation.

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By nature, men are less emotional than women and have the ability to hide their feelings. By behavior, gestures, facial expressions, it is difficult to determine what they are feeling at the moment. How to understand whether a man loves you or you are just a sexual object for him, with which you can have fun? Psychology will help to answer this question.

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Every person has his own fears and phobias, even the most ardent of the brave ones. Fear is a natural emotion that warns of danger and is a reflection of the conservation instinct. But, along with fears, many people still feel insecure in themselves and in their abilities - a feeling that must be fought.

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A lot of lonely girls and women in Moscow and St. Petersburg dream of meeting a man who will have serious intentions, but this is not so easy to translate into reality in the modern world, where relationships without obligation are gaining popularity every day. However, hope dies last, so most of the weaker sex is ready to make every effort to find female happiness with a normal person and, if possible, to create a strong family.

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Очередной экономический кризис - и практически каждый задумывается о вопросе экономии денег, а то и вовсе - вариантах выживания без средств. Вопрос в современных реалиях весьма актуален: как прожить на маленькую зарплату и что делать, если уволили с работы, а новую найти нет возможности? Выход есть, и не один: дауншифтинг, волонтёрство, бартеры и многое другое.

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The situation when children misbehave and beat their parents is widely known. This does not mean that parents are not trying to teach how to behave, simply because of age, circumstances or the environment, the baby started to behave badly and stopped obeying them. The child beats his mother how to behave Exclusive nerves and correct response actions do not boast.

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In our time, the problem of panic attacks is quite common. According to statistics, 15% of the total population suffers from this disease at least once in a lifetime. On the basis of statistics, this problem was transferred from the category of diseases to a particular mode of behavior. This state arises as a result of many factors influencing the environment.

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The birth of a child is one of the most important and happy moments in the life of every woman. But not always this event is accompanied only by joyful emotions. Not every mother copes with the responsibility associated with the appearance of the child. Therefore, a woman must learn to cope with depression.

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Each of us faced a situation when there was a lot of free time ahead, and from leisure only a computer. To click with a mouse on an empty place on the desktop sooner or later gets bored, and there is no idea what to do except update the page on the social network or the toys that have become annoying. However, the Internet is a huge sea of ​​opportunities for leisure, entertainment and learning, and finding an interesting activity to get rid of boredom is not so difficult.

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Woman always strive to look at 100%. But to achieve such a result with minimal expenditure is a whole art. We decided to come to the aid of our female visitors of the fair half and reveal its main secrets. Today's topic of our publication, as you probably already guessed: as a woman / girl to look expensive and well-groomed without much material costs.

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The most common question we hear from day to day - how are you? Most often the answer sounds banal and primitive, the main thing is to give it. But you can always answer this question creatively and funny, having pleased the interlocutor. Even with the help of standard answers, you can talk about your affairs politely and succinctly.

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Color affects a person, his mood, state of health, so it’s not worth downplaying his meaning. No wonder that psychology studies such an important aspect in people's lives. The modern concept of color developed by Goethe. According to her, the dark ones act soothingly, while the light ones, on the contrary, excite. They can have a physical and psychological effect.

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Most people think that a genius needs to be born, and it is simply impossible to become one in the course of your life’s journey. But in reality, all successful and great people, who became famous for their high level of intelligence, were once the most ordinary, they just knew where to start developing their personality and how to succeed in a particular business.

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A modern girl can be strong and independent, but despite the feminism inherent in many, relationships are an integral part of each person’s personal life. Just because relationships do not arise, only in fairy tales princes themselves find their princesses. Modernity requires decisive and immediate action to find the second half.

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What ways you can bewitch a man and is it worth using magic in amorous affairs? This article describes the answers to this question, and also reveals the essence of the correct and safe use of magic spells and love spells. It is always possible to find out the cause and find a solution to existing problems that have arisen in your personal life.

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In psychology, it is believed that hypochondria is not just a depressed state (not to be confused with depression!), But an obsessive search in the body for severe, even fatal ailments, the desire to get rid of them. Any symptoms are considered by the hypochondriac as a manifestation of a terrible, incurable disease. The reasons lie in the personality traits when the psyche is disturbed.

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When the feelings cool down and the relationship comes to a standstill, there is a desire to revive them a little. One way to do this is to make a boyfriend or husband jealous. If a woman is afraid of losing a man, she is capable of the most insane and incredible things. But in order not to break the firewood and achieve the desired, it is necessary to act carefully and thoughtfully.

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From early childhood, boys and girls, playing, present themselves in various roles: teachers, policemen, cooks. Already in these games they begin to model their future life. By the end of schooling, almost everyone has a fairly complete picture of the labor market. Nevertheless, the problem of self-determination among adolescents is acute.

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