Tom Cruise: the whole truth about divorce


The whole world, watching the social life of Hollywood stars, has been wondering for more than a year about the reason for such an unexpected divorce of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. The actor himself, in a series of interviews, admitted that his ex-wife was against his passion for Scientology, a religious teaching in which Cruz has been an honorary adherent for many years, transferring huge sums of money to churches.

But, finally, the veil of secrets of the actors' divorce subsided after the publication of the transcript of the speech of Cruz in court, where he voiced the real reason for the breakup with his wife.

Tom Cruise filed a lawsuit against the publishing house, which published information that the actor, after divorcing his wife, stopped all communication with his daughter Suri, whom the ex-wife of Cruise tried to protect from her husband’s religion.

To a direct question from a lawyer who asked if this was true, Tom, in particular, answered "You went on the offensive. As in any relationship, we had different questions for each other ... But what you are saying now is very disappointing."- said the actor. But later Cruz admitted: "Yes, that was one of her claims ..."

Also, in the framework of the court proceedings, an attempt was made to establish whether, after the divorce, Tom Cruise did not communicate with his daughter for 110 days. To this accusation, the actor replied: "I didn’t see her, but I talked to her on the phone. And, you know, I succeeded in that!"


kvs 10.11.2016
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kvs 10.11.2016
Part-time job at home on the Internet for 3-4 hours daily. Payment from 240 rubles per hour. Daily payments and, if necessary, the signing of an employment contract are possible. Email: [email protected]


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