Evil eye

Damage to death is one of the most powerful and malicious sorcery slanders. Even if the victim of the curse does not perish, she will suffer all her life, be ill and suffer from pernicious thoughts. But how to determine damage to death? How to get rid of this negativity without harm to anyone? Let's talk about this in the article.

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Energy protection of aura person in childhood is much weaker than in adulthood. The younger the child, the more susceptible it is to damage, to the evil eye and other types of negative impact. Magical energy acts on the children's aura with all its destructive power. But how to determine the evil eye of a child?

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Corruption is one of the most difficult sorcery slanders. It is not easy to remove, and most often, to completely get rid of the effects of the curse, you need to know the name of the person who sent it. But how to find out the author of damage? Let's talk about this in the article. Signs of damage Before you begin to clarify the culprit of your troubles, make sure that the cause of the failures and problems that haunt you, is precisely in damage.

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Freedom from damage, sorcery slander and other negative effects on the human aura is a time consuming and long process. And, like any other procedure, the purification of a person’s energy field is carried out according to certain rules. In addition, some of these rules apply not only to the process of getting rid of damage, but also to a certain period after it.

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Unlike damage, the evil eye can be induced by chance, without malicious intent. However, its destructive power is so great that if one does not get rid of it in time, the victim may die. Therefore, measures should be taken immediately, as soon as the symptoms of witch slander are detected. Get rid of the evil eye will help a simple pin.

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