
When deciding on an operation, anyone will worry about the result and worry about the professionalism of the surgeon. A beneficial effect on the doctor, a positive outcome and a successful process of any intervention can be a suitable prayer. About what prayers should be read, to whom, how and when, more in this article.

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Talk about the causes of human fear and anxiety can be infinite. The fact remains: they are. The instinct of self-preservation is present in every person in varying degrees, and fear is a completely natural reaction to the negative influence of the surrounding world. But sometimes, when we cannot understand the reasons for its occurrence, or we understand, but we cannot take control of our emotions, fear only increases.

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Prayers help in all situations and with various problems, including those concerning relationships. After reading certain prayers, you can find love, marry, marry, save feelings and even return your loved one, and the last point sometimes seems impossible. In this article we will talk about who and how to pray for the return of a boy or girl.

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In the Orthodox world, the blessed Matrona is one of the most revered saints, despite the fact that the canonization took place recently (in 2004). Her divine gift of healing was sent along with the greatest trials. What is the power of Matrona of Moscow? From birth, the girl was blind, and at the age of 17 she lost her ability to walk.

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Sometimes it can be very difficult to lose weight. In pursuit of a slim body, a person can try many different ways to lose weight, but those extra pounds will not go anywhere. The reasons for this problem are delayed metabolism, hormonal failure, or any obvious or hidden disease of the endocrine system.

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Despondency and despair are mortal sins, decadence, imposed by demonic offspring. If you succumb to weakness and let these feelings in you, you can lose faith and even fall into insanity. If a person lives in sin for a long time, only an appeal to the Mother of God can save him. The Blessed Virgin Mary provides intercession to all those in need through the image of "Unexpected Joy", imprinted on the icon of the same name.

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Когда человек уходит из жизни, это всегда становится шоком для его близких, даже если кончина была ожидаемой в силу возраста или болезни. Справиться и пережить это трудно. В православной религии существует множество обычаев и ритуалов, позволяющих достойно проводить умершего в последний путь. Первостепенное значение имеет организация погребения, поминальные обряды, установка памятника на могиле и пр.

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The sacrifice of the Mother of God, who gave her only son to atone for the sins of mankind, is known to all. But the fact that the Mother of God experienced in these difficult days is rarely mentioned. The cycle of prayers "Dreams" tells about its torment and serves as a guide for true believers who ask for salvation. How to read the "Dreams" of the Virgin?

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Oh, the way is the road! How do you sometimes want to go where the eyes look, especially if the budget allows. Traveling is the best way to broaden your horizons and spend time with benefits. But what if before the way you begin to overcome doubts and fears? If due to such a problem, the journey is in jeopardy, it is worth resorting to the help of higher powers.

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From trouble no one is immune. Every person in life happens black and white stripes, and in the first place the period of bad luck is reflected in the work. Difficulties arise in the performance of standard duties and conflicts with employees and superiors, which may even lead to dismissal. The reason for such negative changes in the working atmosphere can be not only external factors, but also a direct attack of the human energy field - curse, evil eye or damage.

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A lot of icons depicting the Virgin are recognized as miraculous. These icons flow myrrh, radiate with light energy and heal the grave diseases of the suffering people. It also happened that even experienced doctors would spread their hands, but the “hopeless” patient would be completely healed by sincerely praying before the Face of the Virgin Mary.

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Every Orthodox driver knows: one should go on the road, having prayed to God for good luck on the road. In our time, on busy roads often occur various incidents. Professionalism and attentiveness at the wheel will help to avoid an accident, and Christian prayer is able to calm the mind and give confidence.

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For a long time, prayer is an integral part of the life of all religious people. Thousands of believers daily seek the help of one of the most revered Orthodox saints, Seraphim of Sarov. What can you ask the Reverend? What prayer to turn to him? How often can you cry to the Prelate? We answer all the questions in this article.

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It is possible to pray to the Lord and His Saints not only for help, one should also pay no less attention to the prayers for the forgiveness of their sins. In order to be cleansed from the grievous weight of sinfulness and unrighteous deeds, proper repentance to heaven must be offered. How to do this and with what prayers - read more in the article.

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Saint Xenia of Petersburg has long been helping to get rid of various diseases and problems, to find love and create a strong and happy family. Blessed daily pray from different parts of the country and visit her grave with requests and prayers. On how to properly raise the petition of St. Xenia and exactly what texts are used for this, read more in the article.

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The one who always stands behind the shoulder and helps in difficult times. We need special protection, and the sky does not deny it. From the moment of baptism, a guardian angel, a heavenly protector and helper on the path of life, are put in charge of man. He stands on guard for peace and happiness, but he should be able to turn to him. How can heavenly defenders help?

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Every person at least once in his life on personal experience felt such a painful phenomenon as a serious quarrel with close people. But sometimes this litter can turn into something more terrible and destructive - into enmity. But is it possible to reconcile people with the help of prayer? Which Saints should be addressed in this case?

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The most precious thing a person has is a family, and everyone who knows firsthand how difficult it is to preserve it will agree with this. There are not so many reasons why collapse of strong families: routine, quarrels, problems of a financial nature, betrayal, life tragedies. The well-known wisdom says: happy families are equally happy, each is unhappy in her own way.

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Every person in one way or another wants to succeed. The pursuit of a career, the search for love, all sorts of procedures to maintain and improve health are all part of life, a measure of success. But not everyone is lucky in this. To rectify the situation, to attract luck to your side, to raise your business and find love is possible if you know someone and what to ask for.

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Maternal love and care knows no bounds. Excitement for your own child and even less deprives sleep, appetite and rest, especially in difficult times. Every mother wants to help her son and sometimes does not know how to do it. However, some mothers know that in difficult situations you can resort to the help of the Almighty.

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