August 26: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on August 26th.


Holidays august 26

Independence Day of Abkhazia

Abkhazians believe that on this day of 2008, historical justice finally triumphed - Russia recognized the independence of Abkhazia. It was a difficult process - Sukhum, having learned the news, stopped working. A huge mass of people gathered on Freedom Square. There was a pedestal from the monument to Lenin in the frame of the three destroyed buildings, rallies and various actions are traditionally held around it. The President of Abkhazia also attended the rally and congratulated the people. He noted that the people's dream has finally come true, and the result achieved is the result of collective efforts.

South Ossetia Independence Day

On August 26, 2008, Russia decided to recognize the independence of South Ossetia. After the Georgian troops attacked the capital of South Ossetia, Tskhinvali, Russia sent its troops into the republic, and then recognized independence. The Georgian side was shelling areas of the city, while casualties appeared. About 1632 people were killed, mainly from among the refugees. Georgia broke off diplomatic relations with Moscow, considering the two independent republics occupied territories.

US Women's Equality Day

For the first time, American women celebrated the holiday in 1971. The United States is a true advocate for women's rights around the world. Bella Abzug, a politician and lawyer who initiated the celebration for the first time, is a feminist with Russian roots in her origin. The first Jewess summoned to the American Congress looked very unusual - her head was always decorated with a wide-brimmed hat. Equality of women was thought back to in the 19th century. A group of enthusiasts proclaimed that men and women are the same, a real national movement has begun. In 1920, the 19th amendment was adopted, guaranteeing the rights of women when participating in elections. Women received suffrage. American women fight for women's rights around the world, opposing circumcision, prostitution, child marriage.

August 26th in the folk calendar

Tikhon Passion Day

Timothy Zadonsky in the world bore the simple name Sokolov. The famous church leader and theologian lived in the 18th century, was a major Orthodox enlightener. Starting his education at the department of rhetoric, Tikhon took tonsure and eventually became the archimandrite of the Assumption Monastery, then bishop. Under him, the system of spiritual education rose to a new level, he also engaged in the arrangement of churches and exerted a moral influence on the social life of society.

In 1861 he was canonized as a saint. His relics had many miracles. He is considered an assistant from all despondency. On this day, you need to go around the house with the icon "Passion", so two names appeared in the name of the holiday. On this day, the peasants tidied up in the sheds, spoke up the canopy from the evil eye, all evil spirits. If the winds blow quietly, it will be windy for several days ahead. The bureys foreshadowed the rainy September days. If there are a lot of mushrooms in the forest, you can hope for a good harvest of bread.

Historical events of August 26

August 26, 1377 - Moscow burned down at the hands of the young Tatar khan Tokhtamysh

The struggle between the Golden Horde and other parts of the Tatars intensified, Tokhtamysh was able to capture large territories from Mamai, starting from Azov, with its capital in Sarai, and approached Moscow. Moscow was ruled by Dmitry Donskoy, and he decided not to accept the battle, having fled to Kostroma with his family, and leaving the defense of Moscow to the young prince from Lithuania Ostei. Muscovites did not surrender the city for two days, but Tokhtamysh outwitted Muscovites by promising a pardon at the surrender of the city. The promise could not be fulfilled - the city was plundered, a mass of people died. The nearest cities and Moscow were taxed.

August 26, 1155 - The icon of the Mother of God was moved to Moscow from Vladimir

The Evangelist and Apostle Luke painted this icon on the blackboard from the table, at which Jesus and the Virgin dined, in the 12th century it was presented to Yuri Dolgoruky, the icon was stored in Kiev, in the Vyshegorodsky monastery. The son of the prince Andrei Bogolyubsky moved it to the Assumption Cathedral, and the Moscow prince decided to transfer the icon to Moscow. The path to Moscow took 10 days. On the sides of the road, people were kneeling and praying. The Tatar Khan Tamerlan at that moment had a vision - from the high mountain several saints with golden wands descended to him in a dream. This, as the sages explained to the Khan, the mother of God herself defended the Russian land. Today the icon is stored in the Tretyakov Gallery.

August 26, 1736 - "Note on the potato" (the first work of nerds on potatoes).

New-fashioned exotic dish did not take root on Russian tables right away. At court banquets he was served as an exotic dish. A little later, when they learned to use potatoes correctly, a special decree was issued ordering the cultivation of potatoes in order to prevent hunger. Real potato riots swept through some areas - these peasants, having not yet figured out the benefits of potatoes, expressed their protest. Today, potatoes are considered the second bread, and in those days, the first scientific agronomist to describe the properties of potatoes was Andrei Bolotov.

Born on August 26

Peter Todorovsky (1925-2013) - Russian film director

In his films - ordinary people and worldly events, but feelings are manifested in difficult circumstances. Therefore, stories and directorial work are simply breathtaking. Pyotr Yefimovich survived the war, reached Elba, and this left an indelible imprint on his life and work. Favorite films: Two Fedor, Never, Urban Romance, Last May, Spring on Zarechnaya Street, My Daughter.

Mother Teresa (1910-1997) - Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Agnes Gongja was originally Albanian, but at the age of 18 she became a member of the monastic order of Catholics "Irish Loreto Sisters". She got her name in honor of the saint, canonized in 1927 by Theresa of Lisieux. The merciful nun worked in India in a mission to organize disaster relief in economically disadvantaged regions.

George Georgiou (1915 - 1991) - Soviet actor.

A bright and memorable actor made his debut in the role of a bully, and in the future he had no end to offers to act in film. He received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR, starred in a huge number of films: “First Joys”, “Secret Mission”, “Ordinary Miracle”, “Old, Old Tale”.

Yan Arlazorov (1947-2009) - Russian actor and comedian.

At the time when he first appeared on the big television stage, he had more than 30 years of work in the Moscow City Council theater. In the early 90s, he became very popular with the theme "Man", his famous word "Lord!" His method of work is to go out into the hall and involve people; he was the only artist of this kind in the colloquial genre. He was also the author of many of his monologues, conducted a small show on the radio.

Valery Popenchenko (1937) - Soviet boxer

Valery Vladimirovich made his first successes in sports at the age of 12 - he became the champion of the Union. In 1959, he became the champion in the 2nd middleweight division. Over the next 5 years, he becomes the permanent champion of the USSR, claims to international gold at the Tokyo Olympics, but becomes the owner of a technical cup. In his track record, there are 200 victories in 213 fights held.

Name day on August 26

Name day on this day Ivan, Konstantin, Vasily, Evdokia, Maxim, Ksenia, Alexei, Nikolay, Paramon, Tikhon, Jacob.


Watch the video: Live English - 12th August 2018 - It's My Birthday! - Holiday fun - Strange Words - Duncan & Steve (June 2024).