June 18: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on June 18th.


Holidays June 18

Italy was proclaimed a Republic

June 18, 1946 is considered the birthday of the new system of government. This date was preceded by a nationwide referendum held in Italy on June 2, at which most citizens wished to abolish the monarchical system of government and voted for the Republic. For the first time, Italian women also took part in the elections. According to the results of the referendum, Italy was officially proclaimed the Republic on June 18, and from January 1, 1948. the new Constitution came into force. Since the two thousandth year, June 2 - the date of the referendum - has become a public holiday in the country officially.

Adherents of Zoroastrianism celebrate the holiday of healers of Haurvat

Haurvat is the patron saint of healers. It is said that a true healer is one who heals not only the physical body, but also the soul, i.e. Eliminates energy negativity and filth. Well restores the structure of cells and the integrity of the body clean water. It is believed that on this day, water in natural sources has precisely such cleaning properties. If you drink water from the spring on Haurvat’s day, you can clear yourself of negativity, schisms, contradictions both on the spiritual and physical levels, and find complete harmony with the world around you and yourself. Celebrate the holiday with the rise of the first rays of the sun before its full sunset. The celebration begins with the lighting of four lights. On this day, everyone can unite on the basis of selflessness and mutual assistance. To do this, they should drink from a common bowl of milk, juice or spring water.

June 18 in the folk calendar

Dorofeev day. Dorofey accounts for the first of the three shortest nights of the year. People call such nights "passerines". There is a belief that on the night of Dorotheus you can look into the future by seeing a prophetic dream. Happiness awaits the one who sees in a dream a young girl or a young man. But if you dream of an old woman with a hook, you should expect trouble. On that day, dream grass blossomed. The peasants believed that all evil spirits bypassed its tenth road, so it was customary to carry sleep grass with them and have in the house. If the hut was just being built, then the grass was walled up at the corners of the building so that life in the new house was calm and abundant. Not every plant was good. In order for the dream grass to have miraculous properties, it was certainly collected with conspiracies, and then, after waiting for the full moon, they were put in spring water - the "correct" grass must necessarily stir. In Dorofei they tried to weed beds of weeds in the morning. It was believed that in that place she would no longer grow.

Historical events of June 18

June 18, 1918 Black Sea Fleet was deliberately flooded in Sevastopol

The Brest Treaty, signed by the Bolsheviks in 1918, obliged all ships of the Black Sea Fleet, located in Sevastopol, to transfer to German control. To preserve the fleet, the Soviet government decided to relocate ships from Sevastopol to Novorossiysk. Germany did not like such a maneuver, and she in an ultimatum form demanded the return of the ships. Otherwise, it threatened to break the Brest Treaty and again begin military operations against Russia. The Bolsheviks faced a dilemma: either get involved in the war, or transfer the Black Sea Fleet to Germany. The first item dropped immediately, because Russia did not have military power to oppose the German troops, but they did not want to give up the fleet either. Therefore, Lenin gave the order for its flooding. The crews of several battleships decided to independently go to Sevastopol and surrender to the Germans. Most of the ships remained in Tsemess Bay, where they were sunk on June 18. In total, 14 ships of the Black Sea Fleet were flooded.

June 18, 1932 a state such as the Socialist Republic of Chile ceased to exist

The socialist republic did not last long, only 13 days. On June 6, as a result of a revolutionary coup, the Communists came to power in Chile. The republic was declared socialist; corresponding decrees were prepared. In addition to private, it was planned to introduce collective ownership, nationalize strategic enterprises, distribute empty land to peasants, etc. But this state of affairs did not suit Britain and the United States, which controlled the economy of Chile. Therefore, they allocated funds to overthrow the new government. On June 18, opposition forces managed to rebel and seize power. The socialist government was arrested, and its supporters were persecuted and terrorized.

June 18, 1937 AN-25 aircraft went on a direct flight from Moscow to the USA via the North Pole

It was the first flight in the world aviation across the North Pole. The crew consisted of three people: the first pilot Chkalov, the second pilot Baidukov and the radio operator-navigator Belyakov. Departure took place on June 18. After 63.5 hours of flight, on June 20, the plane landed at an airfield near Vancouver. The flight was not easy. About 10 thousand km were covered, most of the way was blind, because the route was uncharted, and boundless ice stretched under the wings of the plane. Flying over Canada, the car fell into a cyclone and had to bypass it. Oxygen reserves were coming to an end, the pilots were exhausted, and were replaced at the helm literally every hour. Upon arrival, they were met as heroes both in America and at home, in the Soviet Union. The names of Soviet pilots have long been on the front pages of world print media.

Born on June 18

James Paul McCartney (born 1942), British musician

Paul McCartney lost his mother early. His upbringing was the father of the musician, who gave his son a love of music. In the evenings, father and his children often arranged improvised concerts at home. It was from his father that Paul received the first guitar in his life as a gift. Soon, McCartney met with John Lennon. They quickly became friends with music, as well as the fact that both lost their mother early. It was these two musicians who were destined to become the founders of the band "The Beatles", which became a legend on a global scale. After the breakup of the group, McCartney founded his own team, and after a while he took up a solo career. For services to Britain and contribution to the development of the music movement, in 1997. he was granted the knighthood. From now on, he is referred to as Sir Paul McCartney.

Maksim Galkin (born 1976), a parodist, entertainer

Maxim was an artistic child from an early age: his first public appearance took place at a matinee in kindergarten, where he appeared before the audience in the form of a chicken. Later he participated in school plays, trying on various acting roles, practiced a parody, very believably portraying not only classmates, but also teachers and directors. After school, he entered the Humanities University, while attending the Moscow State University Student Theater. He invented and showed parodies of famous politicians of that time - Khasbulatov, Gorbachev, Yeltsin. I liked the number, and Galkin was included in the concert program of the student theater. With this humorous performance, the artistic career of the future star began. Now Maxim is an extremely sought-after artist: he is invited to conduct various programs, shows, festivals, he performs solo concerts, acts in films.

Name day on June 18

Igor, Victor, Dorofei, Leonid, Konstantin, Fedor, Pavel, Kondraty, Anastasia, Galina, Vasilisa


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