Mel Gibson - the biological father of the sons of Jodie Foster?


After the ceremony dedicated to presenting the Golden Globe in a Hollywood party, it was rumored that Mel Gibson was the biological father of the children of the famous actress Jodie Foster. At the ceremony, Foster openly announced her orientation. The actress's speech made secular chroniclers think about it. 50-year-old Jody thanked the family and sons (12-year-old Keith and 14-year-old Charles) for their support, separately mentioning Mel Gibson: “You must know that you saved me.”

The camera showed the actor who applauded the speaker. During the celebration, Jody with the children and 57-year-old Gibson sat together. Journalists turned to a specialist in genetics, who carefully examined the photographs and made the following conclusion - "the sons of the actress really look like Gibson, only they are a little bit brighter."

Jodie Foster stubbornly silent and in no hurry to reveal the secret of paternity. She has said many times that she will do this when her boys are 21 years old. Gibson and Foster have known each other since 1994. Jody gave birth to her first child in 1998. It is possible that Mel, the happy father of eight children, became a sperm donor. The press called another candidate for the fathers of boys Jody. This is assistant director Randy Stone, who died of a heart attack in 2007.


Watch the video: Mel Gibson Might Father Jodie Foster's Babies & Downton Abbey Causes Erectile Dysfunction (May 2024).