Stepfather through the eyes of a child


Many women are soon in search of a life partner again after the divorce. Undoubtedly, for them it is a newly opened door to a bright future and the opportunity to find happiness with a new second half.

Most often, after a divorce, children remain with their mother. For them, the gap between parents is a real shock, and the appearance of an unfamiliar uncle in the house becomes a test. Especially for teenagers, this life stage is rather difficult. After all, a child at this age more emotionally tolerates such changes in the daily life of the family, and it is difficult for him to call his stepfather dad.

First of all, before acquainting children with a new "dad", a woman should prepare them psychologically. It is necessary to explain to the child that the mother has no further relationship with his mother, and the joint life can no longer continue. And also to discuss the moment that the children will soon grow up and begin to create their family hearth, so the mother needs a new companion who will take care and love her for many years. And this does not mean that she will love her children less, everything will remain the same. You should not force a child to call his stepfather dad, everything will come with time, and he will decide for himself who his mother’s friend is to him.

Children should understand this and perceive a man, if not as a father, but as a man who is ready to take care of the mother, protect and love her. After all, no matter what, she deserves real female happiness and a strong shoulder.

Acquaintance with the stepfather should be gradual, the child needs time to get used to the idea that the mother has a new friend. Walking in three, sharing a weekend, inviting a man to visit - this will help the child and the man to meet and also find a common language. In no case should the children's lives drastically change. Before you start living together with a man, you should inform the child about it, for him this is an important event. A man, in turn, needs to try to create a new family, actively participate in the development and upbringing of the child, but in no case should not try to replace the biological father. Thus, the baby will be able to trust his stepfather and perceive him properly.

At first, there may be a feeling of jealousy from both a man and a child, so you should explain that for each of them there will always be a place in the heart of a woman.

Between spouses should be a conversation about all the nuances of raising a child, about his habits and passions, about the wishes of their relationship. Soon everyone can get used to each other, the atmosphere in the house will be comfortable.

In each family, the stepfather's relationship with the child develops differently. Sometimes stepfather becomes a native dad, friend. After all, a man who truly loves a woman will be able to love her children, as well as try to find common language with them in various ways. Over time, the children understand this and make contact with their stepfather.


Watch the video: Stepfather charged with murder in death of 3-year-old girl in Queens (June 2024).