Belching with rotten eggs: causes, symptoms. What to do when you burp rotten eggs: useful tips and tricks


Belching with rotten eggs is a condition in which a person releases gases with an unpleasant odor of hydrogen sulfide. Such an eructation almost always signals various violations in the gastrointestinal tract, so it can not be ignored. Let us consider in more detail the causes of burping with rotten eggs and methods of its treatment.

Belching with rotten eggs: the main causes

Usually belching with rotten eggs occurs when the process of digestion is inhibited in the stomach and intestines of a person. This causes stagnation of unprocessed foods, which gives rise to gas formation and belching.

Most often, this process starts for the following reasons:

1. The presence of salmonella and other dangerous bacteria in the human intestines is one of the most common causes of burping with rotten eggs.

2. A deficiency in the production of essential enzymes can occur with severe inflammation in the pancreas.

3. Failures in bile secretion, which leads to disruption of the overall digestion and processing of fats.

4. The presence of severe inflammation in the gastric mucosa.

5. Lack of motor function of the stomach.

6. Poisoning by spoiled food.

7. Improper nutrition, which most often happens when a person is overeating fatty and meat dishes. At the same time, a stomach is placed on a stomach that is not used to such food, and he simply is not able to digest everything on time. This causes prolonged fermentation in the digestive tract, which may be accompanied by nausea, heaviness in the stomach and other unpleasant symptoms.

8. Various acute intestinal infections.

9. Stenosis.

10. Pancreatitis (chronic form).

11. Gastritis.

12. Diseases of the duodenum.

13. The individual intolerance of certain food products (for example, the use of dairy products when they are completely not assimilated).

14. Human addiction to frequent use of indigestible food (mushrooms, legumes, fried meat dishes, sauces, etc.).

15. Reduced acidity of gastric juice.

16. Various liver diseases (hepatitis, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, etc.), when bile is produced in small quantities.

17. Gluten enteropathy is a disease in which a person develops an acute intolerance to gluten (cereal protein). In this state, the body will not completely digest all flour products, bread and cereals. It is also worth saying that gluten enteropathy is often transmitted along the genetic line (by inheritance).

What to do with burping rotten eggs: diagnosis

First of all, when belching with rotten eggs, you need to identify the root cause that provoked the appearance of this symptom. To do this, undergo the following diagnostic procedures:

1. General blood test.

2. Advanced biochemical blood test.

3. Irrigoscopy.

4. Colonoscopy.

5. Fibrogastroscopy.

6. Radiography of the stomach and esophagus.

7. Measurement of acidity of the stomach.

8. Manometry.

9. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

10. Computed tomography of the stomach.

What to do with burping rotten eggs: treatment methods

If the burping was caused by food poisoning, then you need to take such measures:

1. Do an urgent gastric lavage.

2. Drink a weak soda solution to induce vomiting.

3. After that, it is allowed to drink several tablets of activated carbon or another sorbent.

4. Drink plenty of fluids and herbal teas throughout the day. It is necessary to refuse food intake temporarily so as not to overload an already poorly functioning stomach.

5. The next day you can eat, but only diet foods without salt.

6. It is impossible to take antibiotics or other drugs on your own without a doctor’s prescription in case of poisoning or other conditions.

The doctor should be consulted if such symptoms occur:

• diarrhea with an admixture of blood;

• dizziness;

• migraine, which is not relieved by conventional pain medication;

• increase in pressure;

• severe abdominal pain;

• diarrhea, which is repeated more than ten times a day.

Medication for burping rotten eggs depends on the type of disease diagnosed. Traditional therapy involves the following:

1. If the belching was caused by constipation, you can take a laxative, put an enema and drink a few tablespoons of olive oil.

2. For dysbacteriosis, it is allowed to take fresh yogurt or a probiotic (Linex, Hilak Forte, Kolibacterin, etc.).

3. With debilitating diarrhea, it is better to urgently call a doctor, since in this condition a person very quickly loses fluid.

4. If belching with rotten eggs was caused by severe overeating of a person, then in this case he needs to drink a tablet of the enzyme preparation (Mezim Forte, Festal, etc.).

5. If gastritis, ulcers or other diseases of the stomach are detected, it is necessary to be treated with enveloping drugs (Almagel).

6. With severe stagnation of bile, you need to drink a choleretic drug (Holosas, Allohol, etc.). Also, tea with lemon will help.

When treating children with medical drugs, therapy should be under medical supervision. In addition, it is desirable that she be brought in a hospital setting.

What you need to do with a strong belching with rotten eggs: nutrition features

In the acute course of diseases, which are accompanied by belching of rotten eggs, it is very important to follow a diet that provides for the rejection of the following products:

• salt;

• smoked meats;

• mayonnaise;

• sausages;

• fatty fish and meat;

• fried foods;

• herring;

• coffee;

• pickled vegetables;

• sour fruits (especially grapes and citrus fruits) and their juices;

• semi-finished products;

• mushrooms;

• bean;

• alcoholic drinks;

• dairy products (if intolerant).

To improve the digestive system, you should adhere to such nutrition rules:

1. It is very useful to drink a light honey solution before each meal (1 teaspoon of honey in 1 cup of water).

2. Before eating, it is advisable to drink a tincture of rose hips or mint. It can also be replaced with dried fruit decoction.

3. You can use a mixture of butter and honey in equal amounts. It will help improve stomach function and overall digestibility of food.

The basis of the diet should be such foods and dishes:

1. Vegetable soup (it is advisable to wipe it in a blender). You should not eat broths from meat broths, since they are excessively fatty.

2. Dried bran bread. It can also be replaced with biscuit cookies.

3. Sweet fruits.

4. Boiled fish or steamed meat. These products can be used to make meatballs and meatballs without salt.

5. Milk jelly.

6. Porridge, especially buckwheat and oatmeal.

7. Green tea.

8. Salads of herbs and olive oil.

9. Dairy products (it is important that they are low-fat).

Belching with rotten eggs - what to do to prevent this

To prevent the development of such an unpleasant symptom, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

1. Do not overeat. The portion should contain no more than the volume of the closed palms of a person (handful).

2. The last meal should be no later than three hours before bedtime. This is the only way to give the stomach a rest.

3. In time to identify and treat diseases of the digestive tract that can cause the appearance of this unpleasant symptom.

4. Chew each piece of food thoroughly.

5. Do not eat "on the run."

6. During each meal you need to eat at least one liquid or hot dish (soup, stew, etc.).

7. After eating, it is undesirable to take a lying position. Instead, it's better to take a walk in the fresh air.

8. Do not eat food whose shelf life is already running out.

9. Do not eat immediately after exercise.

10. There should be 4-5 full meals per day. At the same time, it is better to separate dishes and not to use "all at once."

11. If it is not possible to eat fully at work, then for snacks it is better to choose healthy foods (nuts, apples, yoghurts, etc.) instead of harmful crackers and other fast food.

12. Be sure to monitor the amount of fluid you drink. At least two liters of water should be consumed per day. The body needs it for normal digestion of food and overall coordinated functioning.


Watch the video: How to get rid of rotten egg taste burps sulfur burps (June 2024).