Shirshasana is the queen of yoga. The benefits and harms of a headstand


Translated from Indian Sanskrit, shirshasana - posture on the head ("shirsha" - head, "asana" - posture). It is no coincidence that she is considered the “queen" of yoga - a headstand produces a healing effect on the human body, rejuvenates, restores all organs and systems. This is one of the main and most important yoga poses. Performing it daily, you can “deceive” age and significantly delay the aging of the body, both internal and external.

Yoga is the oldest wellness culture that requires gradual preparation and very careful implementation of even the simplest postures. All of them have a therapeutic effect on the body, and therefore have contraindications as well. We will figure out what the benefits of a headstand are, and in which case it is harmful to the body.

Headstand: who can access the asana?

Shirshasana is not a difficult pose for sophisticated yogis, but for beginners it is not only a difficult exercise, but also requires certain skills and preparation. If you are just starting to exercise, it will take at least 1.5 - 2 years to prepare the body, it is enough to strengthen the skeleton muscles, and then from the "inverted triangle" (preparatory posture) the legs themselves easily rise above the head.

An untrained person needs to train for a long time in order to achieve a result, but, as fans of asanas claim, success can be achieved at any age. Starting training with simpler postures, observing safety, gradually master the headstand and evaluate the effectiveness of the exercise, its benefits to the body.

A few reasons to do a headstand

Just 3-5 minutes of daily performance, shirshasans will change the quality of your life, since all body functions will improve day by day. What is the undeniable benefit of a headstand?

Reversing energy

As you know, the force of gravity keeps our body in an upright position. With Shirshasana, the internal energy of man - prana, as well as the gravity of the body are reversed. By definition, it has a strong healing and anti-aging effect on the body. In this position, the heart is located above the head, which contributes to increased blood supply to the upper body. The result will not be long in coming, and the changes will be "on the face" in the most literal sense: the skin epithelium, thanks to a rush of blood, receives additional nutrition, the cells are enriched with oxygen - natural lifting and botox. Wrinkles are noticeably smoothed, the skin becomes healthy and radiant.

Headstand: Hair Benefits

To strengthen the hair follicles, it is necessary to achieve a rush of blood to the scalp. Shirshasana gives just such an effect, and thanks to powerful stimulation of the hair roots, their growth, strength is strengthened, the bulbs are strengthened. Hair becomes healthier, hair loss is reduced and the appearance of the first gray hair is delayed for a long time.

Effects on the brain

In just a few minutes of daily head-rest, you can put in order the hormonal balance in the body, restore the functioning of the organs of internal secretion. The pose provides a powerful blood flow to the brain, pituitary and hypothalamus, which are responsible for the endocrine system: the functions of the thyroid gland, pineal gland, adrenal glands, and gonads are improved, and the risk of nervous disorders is reduced.

A headstand is a useful remedy for depression. The fact is that it helps to cleanse the adrenal glands from toxic substances, their normal functioning: the production of adrenaline and steroid hormones, the fight against stress and nervous breakdowns, and the improvement of a person’s mood.

Due to the intense rush of blood, brain cells are activated, vision, memory improves, and the risk of stroke decreases.

Beneficial effect on the heart muscle

The aspiration of blood flow and prana (internal energy flows) reverses significantly reduces the load on the heart muscle. The heart gets an opportunity to take a break from stress, recover, recover. The risk of ischemia is reduced, venous blood returns faster from the extremities to the heart - from here follows another useful property of the headstand: posture is the prevention of varicose veins. After a long day on the feet, shirshasana will help get rid of the “buzz” in the legs caused by stagnant venous blood.

The use of a headstand for digestion

According to the teachings of yoga, Shirshasana strengthens "digestive fire and bodily heat." Exercise increases blood flow from internal organs, stimulates the stomach and intestines, food is digested faster, intestinal motility improves, stool returns to normal, and hemorrhoids are reduced.

Some sources claim that the headstand helps to cleanse the blood, increase hemoglobin levels, as lymph flow is significantly increased.

Well, of course, to achieve all of the above .... It is impossible without strengthening the corset muscles of the back, shoulders, abs. If you can already perform asana yourself, then the muscles of the body are already quite strengthened.

Contraindications: to whom is a headstand harmful?

Shirshasana has a powerful effect on the body, so you should be careful about such a powerful healing method. Contraindications are inevitable, there are a number of diseases in which a headstand can be harmful:

• It is forbidden to do asana during menstruation, since after returning to the normal position, the rush of blood to the genitals will increase sharply, which can provoke uterine bleeding;

• a headstand contributes to a strong rush of blood to the head, which is extremely undesirable for patients suffering from high blood pressure - a strong load on the vessels can lead to a hypertensive crisis or cause a brain hemorrhage (stroke);

• although the stance as a whole has a positive effect on improving vision, it is forbidden to perform the exercise when the retina is detached - increased stress and blood supply cause disease progression;

• pathological changes in the spine also serve as a contraindication to performing an asana - a deformed spine is even more curved, it is possible to pinch nerve endings, develop a hernia of the spine;

• it is very dangerous and harmful to perform a headstand for people with heart pathologies - heart rhythm interruptions may occur.

General tips

In no case should physically unprepared people attempt to perform this dangerous exercise. Even if you seriously decide to do yoga, 1.5-2 years is necessary for preparation. The headstand is preceded by lighter asanas. In addition, it is better to seek the advice of an experienced specialist in order to eliminate possible contraindications and not cause harm to health.

It is best that the study of yoga technique be supervised by a teacher or an experienced person who has been practicing yoga for a long time. They will help to correctly and accurately carry out exercises, getting the maximum benefit from the ancient system of self-knowledge and management of vital processes of your own body.
