Friendship plot


As in the case of love spells, conspiracies on friendship have two facets - light and dark. In this case, to understand whether white magic or black is used, you can, specifying the purpose of the conspiracy.

People who want to establish a strong friendship with rich and powerful people, in order to improve their own standard of living, proceed from greed. Without knowing it, with envy and greed they make their way through black magic. Even if the conspiracy comes true, there is a high risk that dark energy will worsen the lives of such people in the future.

Those who turn to the deliberately white magic in such a conspiracy usually come from bright goals: one-sided sympathy, good intentions, the desire to get rid of loneliness, the desire to make peace with a dear person.

In this article, we consider only white magic, so the following are conspiracies that can establish warm friendly relations, tied to spiritual harmony. Like the white love spell or conspiracy to intimate relationships, such rites have no negative consequences.

How to talk to a strong friendship?

Conditions for conducting such rituals often differ depending on the purpose of the ritual. Usually, motifs that drive a spell fall into one of three categories:

  1. Finding new friends is a great option for those who from childhood wanted to have a reliable and loyal friend, but fate decreed otherwise.
  2. Feeding an established relationship is a way to strengthen friendship, transfer it to a closer rank, or reconcile quarreled people.
  3. Expansion of the circle of dating and friendship is not a specific goal for a person ceremony, aimed at the emancipation and increase the attractiveness of the magician in the eyes of others.

Regardless of the purpose, such ceremonies are advised to be held in the daytime on the rising moon. Are you interested in what things are needed to plot a strong friendship?

Attributes of a conspiracy can vary, basically these are three components:

  • Candles.
  • Photo or personal thing of the person with whom you want to improve relationships.
  • Individual for each plot element.


A conspiracy on the friendship of a woman should be read in the evening, after sunset and before midnight, on a rising moon or new moon. Full moons should be avoided for such rituals, as well as eclipses.

Regardless of your gender, whether you are a man or a woman, prepare for a ceremony appropriately: put on the most ordinary clothes, try not to look officious or defiant.

Required items:

  • A cup of water.
  • Photo or personal thing of the woman. A hair tie, a forgotten piece of jewelry, or a temporary item of clothing (if you are a woman) will do. The thing must be such that it withstands contact with water.
  • Orange Candle
  • Ladies' mirror (ideally suited to the girl with whom you want to strengthen friendships).

Important! If you are a man and are pursuing the goal of building strong friendships with the girl in order to then move on to more intimate ones, your plan will most likely not work. Higher forces perfectly see the deception and the result may be negative for both of you. Take advantage of the white love spells, they have no consequences and work more effectively for such purposes.

So, having prepared everything you need, proceed to the rite. Having retired and having removed from extraneous noise, put a bowl with water on the floor.

Put a photo of a girl or a personal item next to a bowl. If both items are available, put both. Photos should depict only the chosen girl, extra people are not allowed. Try to match the size of the photo to the size of the mirror. It is permissible to trim the face of a girl.

Open it and place it next to the drinking mirror so that your face is reflected in the upper half.

Light a candle and place it in front of a mirror. It is important that the candle be entirely orange, not coated with colored paint over wax. Orange color symbolizes openness and optimism, improvement of friendly and business relations.

Meditate for a few minutes, remembering all the positive moments that have happened to you with the participation of the girl. You can speak them out loud in order to enhance the effect. Feeling an emotional rise, proceed to the ritual.

Take in the hands of the personal thing girls. If you don’t have one, follow the next step with your index finger. Dip it into the water and, making circular movements with your hand, say:

“Water, accept my gift, accept my light, recognize the owner of this thing and feed it with what I give to you. My sincere friendship, my unselfish warmth, my desire to be strong and close friends. ”

Bring the candle to the water so that its flame is reflected on the surface. Run the thing through the glare spots. Without taking it out of the water, with your other hand, drip candle wax on the lower part of the mirror with the words:

“I seal my words, they will be strong and eternal!”

Set aside the candle and put water on the spot of wax from the plotted thing. Put on top of the photo and close the mirror with the words:

“As a mirror it does not reveal, not to find, so our friendship will be strong forevermore. Amen!"

The mirror should be hidden and not touched while you are on the road of friendship. Make sure no one else has access to it. Pour the water under the tree in the deep night, extinguish the candle with wet fingers. In the future, it can simply be lit at night in moments when the relationship will cool.

Soon you will feel a significant strengthening of relations.


A man to talk to a strong friendship is much easier if you are also a representative of the stronger sex. The sincere naivety of a woman may in the future cause the incited man to desire to move from a friendship to a relationship. It is extremely important, starting such a ritual, to consider all possible consequences.

A man in order to talk on the friendship of another man, it is enough to give him a conspiracy souvenir or a valuable item. This may be a magnet on the refrigerator, a pen, a suspension in a car or a lighter.

The selected gift should be left on the window under the moonlight all night. The next morning, taking him in hand, say:

“By the power of the moon and the milky light, I implore you to become my tether. With (the name of your future friend) make friends with me, give our friendship to us and go. Thank you for that. ”

The next day, meet with the object of the conspiracy and give him a magical gift. Be prepared for the fact that the amulet that has done its work will randomly disappear. In such a case, prepare him a full replacement, no longer talking a new amulet. The task of the first will be completed in full with his disappearance.

Many women, parting with a loved one, do not want to break off relations with him. However, over time, the former partner grows cold to the woman. It is difficult to preserve what was at a different level of communication when completely different things were entrusted. There is a ritual that can strengthen such relations and translate it into the category of really strong, decent film adaptation of friendship.

A conspiracy on friendship with a former partner is carried out by a method different from the first. You should take the thing that this person has ever given you, or borrow something from him for a while that you have ever given him. It must be a personal, often used thing. Perfect scarf, gadget or tool.

The plot is pronounced early in the morning, during the dawn. The most favorable phase of the moon is the growing one. With the thing chosen for the ritual, you should sleep the whole night before. Put it on the nightstand near the bed, get up in the morning, take it and go out onto the porch, into the garden or onto the balcony. Raise it up, substituting the rays of the dawn sun and chanting read the plot:

“We were close to you, we will be even closer with you now. Were with you a couple, now become friends. Our strong friendship cannot be broken, it cannot be broken, but a strong thread will not break, - so you and I will not part, swear, avoid each other, be forever connected with each other. Nature witness I conjure you, forever be a friend I promise you. "

Return the plotted object to a friend and feel relieved. Your relationship will gradually improve and strengthen. If this does not happen right away, try repeating the ritual, perhaps with another thing.

Conspiracy to restore friendship

It seems impossible to restore a lost friendship, especially when quite a lot of time has passed since the moment of separation. However, no matter how difficult for both of you were the reasons for the break, friendship is a river that, having withered, does not lose its channel. And to put a new water in the old way is easier than it seems at first glance.

For this ritual you will also need:

  • Photo of you with your friend (where you are depicted together, without strangers);
  • One orange candle for each year spent in separation. If quite a bit of time has passed, up to a year - take only one candle.
  • Seven church candles.
  • Two orange threads.

For this ritual, you need to choose the time that is closest to the time when you last friendly conversation with the object of the conspiracy. Try to perform a ritual on the same day of the week, hour of the day and day of the month, if possible. If the time is not at all appropriate, conduct the ritual after midnight, repeating the words of the conspiracy fourteen times in a row instead of seven. This is necessary for the higher forces to hear your call.

Take a photo and place it on the floor. In the photo, carefully place a lit orange candle, trying to keep the wax from falling into the face.

Seven church candles light and place around in random order.

Connect the two orange threads together and read the plot seven times in a row, tying the knots together (a total of seven knots and seven repetitions of the plot should turn out).

“What is not forever is reversible, what has passed is repeated. By the power given to me on the moonlit night, by the power of fire and heat in my chest, by the power of longing and memory I conjure you, thread, to revive my former friendship. The one who was the support, the one who was the support, let him remember me and turn again. He who shines with the sun, he who warms with happiness, let him return. ”

Wrap the resulting double thread around the orange candle. Turn the photo over and take the orange candle so that the wax drips from it on the back of the photo. The candle should not go out, do it slowly and carefully. Do not burn yourself. Each of the seven church candles drip on each bundle - one candle per node. At the same time sentence:

"I seal my word, I fulfill my desire."

Sealing the thread in this way, remove it from the candle. Leave them on. Tie a thread on your left wrist, tie it for another seven knots. Burn the remaining tips in a flame and dip into the melted wax.

Carry the amulet without removing. His power is great and in a short time you will receive news from an old friend. If this does not happen - submit it yourself. Apply all efforts to strengthen the relationship. A powerful talisman will help you in this matter.

Rituals to improve relationships with people

This type of rituals belongs to the third category and is aimed primarily at changing the internal perception, attitudes towards themselves and others.

The following ritual is quite difficult to prepare, but effective as a result.

It is better to spend it in a special period: before the solstice, equinox, stargazing, Pleiades, major church holidays, birthday, Christmas, anniversary of significant events for humanity, when there is a lot of positive energy in the atmosphere. Preparation for the ritual takes three days. First of all, you should clean your body. This is done in order to tune in to the ritual itself, and also to sign the higher forces that your desire is truly strong.

To do this, follow the following schedule for three days:

  1. Rise every day no later than six in the morning. Put on the alarm a pleasant, but not too quiet melody.
  2. Go to bed no later than nine in the evening.
  3. Start the day with a cold water wash, ideally with a contrast shower.
  4. In the morning, meditate or go for a run. Exercise to maintain body tone.
  5. Make meals easy and frequent: dairy products, fruits, cereals. Meat, flour, fat and alcohol should be discarded. Also refuse for this period from strong and sweet tea.
  6. At bedtime, set aside time for free-form prayer: express out loud your cherished desire to please people by appealing to higher powers.
  7. Try to limit communication with people during this period; the fewer words you utter during this time, the more your energy industry will prepare for the ritual.
  8. Listen also try smaller. In particular, it is not recommended to watch TV, entertainment programs and news during the cleaning period. Video games are prohibited, especially cruel ones. Music is better to choose meditative and instrumental.
  9. For fun these days, read books. Best of all classics, foreign or Soviet, - inspiring and inspired literature.
  10. Give yourself a will in your favorite form of creativity, let your hobby become your outlet for this time.
  11. Every day before bed, write down any thoughts that occurred to your mind in a diary or on a separate sheet.
  12. On the third day, visit the temple without talking to anyone. Pray before the altar and go back home. At midnight, proceed to the ritual.

For the ritual you will need the following elements (it is better to prepare them in advance):

  • Five mirrors of the same size.
  • Cinnamon sticks.
  • A piece of chalk.
  • Rose petals.
  • Piala
  • Mortar and pestle.
  • Glass bottle or jar.
  • Plastic bottle.
  • Essential oil with flower aroma, or other, pleasant for you.
  • New, unopened perfume or perfume, which came to your taste from the first sample. It is desirable that the smell was different from the one you used until now, strikingly and boldly.
  • Four green candles.
  • Flower in a pot.

The value of each of these elements is enormous.

It is better to perform the ritual in the place where you are most often in the house. This may be a bedroom, study, balcony or kitchen. Spread the items on a flat surface.

Put five mirrors so that each reflects your face to your shoulders. Behind them, place the pot with a flower - no difference, bought or taken from the house. It can be any plant. Perfume while you can put next.

Light the candles, place them between the mirrors.

Before them, put two bowls (bowls, bowls, plates). Pour into one ordinary drinking water, warm. Add two drops of essential oil to the water. Do not take him far, it will still be useful to you.

Pound chalk in a mortar and pour it into the second bowl. Also, take turns crushing the cinnamon and rose petals (you can take both fresh and dry), pour everything into a bowl. Put two drops of oil on top.

It is time to read the plot. It is read four times, for each of the candles.

“I, the servant (slave) of God (God’s name (your name, which you usually present as a new acquaintance), on this full night, renounce the burden of my life. free of charge to attract people and please people. From now on, the shadow will not touch me, my reflection will find a way to everyone’s heart, and I will become loved and honored by people, confirmation of this is spiritual purification that I have passed. Amen. "

Each candle drip on the mixture in the second bowl, then extinguish it in water from the first. Three candles leave aside, leave the fourth burn.

Take a small glass bottle, if possible - with a cork cap. Pour into it a mixture of bowls. If it remains - fill it to the brim, add the rest to the ground to the flower. Cork the bottle and seal the neck with the wax of the fourth candle. Then sprinkle the neck with a new perfume. Put the bottle in a prominent place where your eyes will cling to it several times a day.

Pour the water from the first pial into a plastic bottle. Water this flower every morning with this water, saying:

"Like the plant of God I water, so by the power of my words I share and multiply my strength."

Perfume, who participated in the ritual, use before each exit from the house: a drop on the elbow bend, a drop on the wrist, a drop behind the ear, a drop on the back of the head.

After the ritual, it is recommended not to take a waiting position, continuing to live the usual routine of life, but to make changes in your life. Go to the hairdresser's, change your hairstyle, change your make-up style, buy new jewelry or a few new things, sign up for the courses you always wanted to attend, register on a new website or forum for you, join an interesting social organization or club in the city.

These rather complex, but effective rituals can lead you to high results. The main thing, resorting to the help of white magic, is not to be afraid of anything and not to doubt one’s own abilities. What we sincerely and holyly desire is always coming true.


Watch the video: Top 10 Friends Plot Holes You Never Noticed (June 2024).