Is it possible for nursing cucumbers and when to introduce them into the diet? In what form can you eat cucumbers to a nursing mother without harming the baby


Cucumbers are necessary for a nursing mother to saturate the organisms - her and her baby - with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Their main wealth is fiber, which copes with constipation and enhances peristalsis.

Fresh cucumbers are often included in diets, as they are a low-calorie product.

Is it possible for nursing cucumbers and how will they affect the body of a newborn?

Is it possible to nursing cucumbers and what are their benefits

Despite the fact that the vegetable consists of 95% water, it contains many vitamins (A, B, C, E, PP) and trace elements (magnesium, zinc, chlorine, iron, sodium, calcium, fluorine, potassium).

It is rich in iodine, which has a positive effect on the endocrine system. Potassium, which is part of cucumbers, improves the functioning of the liver and kidneys and prevents the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The use of cucumbers by a nursing mother leads to the normalization of the digestive tract, the restoration of normal metabolism and better absorption of protein foods. Due to the high water content in cucumbers, they have a diuretic and choleretic effect, which is useful for normalizing kidney function.

Cucumbers rich in fiber and alkaline salts establish metabolic processes in the body and contribute to the neutralization of acid compounds that enter the body of a nursing mother with other foods.

Can nursing cucumbers: their effect on the baby

Breastfeeding experts say that in the first two weeks after giving birth, the mother must observe the most sparing diet. It is better to start cucumbers in the diet not earlier than in 3-4 months.

In order to understand whether it is possible for nursing cucumbers, you need to know about their benefits for children. Vitamin B contained in them is necessary for babies for normal growth and development. Vitamin C is responsible for bone strength, and A - for the formation of immunity. The baby receives all the benefits of the vegetable with her mother’s milk.

Cucumbers are useful for babies, provided that there are no reactions. In order to make sure that mom can eat cucumbers or, conversely, give them up for a while, you need to organize the correct entry into the diet.

At first it should be a small part, for example, a quarter. It is better to enter in the morning to track the reaction of the baby. Despite the benefits that cucumbers have on the mother’s digestive tract, they can cause flatulence in a newborn. This is fraught with sleepless days and nights, screams and torment of the child.

It is better to refuse pickles for breastfeeding. Often they cause a negative reaction in children (especially in babies up to 3-4 months):

● stool disorders;

● gas generation;

● allergic skin rashes;

● increased feeling of thirst;

● colic;

● dysbiosis;

● nervous state.

After entering the cucumber into the diet, the reaction (if it exists) may occur in the next day. If this did not happen, then you can safely use this vegetable for a nursing mother. However, you need to know the measure. The norm is 3-4 cucumbers no more than twice a week. To get involved in them, even in the absence of a reaction in the baby, is not worth it. Due to the fact that the baby’s intestines are not strong, a large amount of fiber can provoke severe colic.

Is it possible to nursing cucumbers and in what form

The most useful are fresh fruits. However, they can not always be eaten. The best option is cucumbers grown in season on the ground. Purchased, which are grown under artificial conditions or imported from abroad, it is better not to eat a nursing mother. When planting for a better look and fast growth, they are “nourished” with chemicals, inorganic fertilizers, all kinds of medicines for diseases and other harmful compounds. All this is preserved in the fruits, no matter how they are washed. Harmful substances easily penetrate into breast milk and enter the bloodstream of the baby. Subsequently, this can cause the development of many serious diseases.

If there is no way to grow a vegetable yourself, but you really want to eat it, then you need to know the rules of choice when buying. Attention should be paid to hard fruits that have an even dark green color. Such cucumbers can be safely taken. At the slightest violation of the color or integrity of the vegetable, it is better to refuse it. It is also advisable to cut off the skin before eating, since it is it that accumulates a large amount of toxins in itself.

Salted cucumbers home cooking retain more than half of the nutrients. In addition, their use increases appetite and also contributes to the normalization of stool in mom. Their only drawback is the high salt content. It prevents the removal of toxins from the body of a woman, delaying them. This leads to the fact that harmful substances enter the bloodstream, and then into the breast milk that the baby eats. There is a way out of the situation: you can cook light-salted cucumbers. To do this, it is better to choose larger fruits so that the saline solution does not soak them much. In it, vegetables should be kept no longer than a day.

Purchased Pickles it is better not to eat during lactation. They have absolutely no benefit either to the mother or to the child. To increase the shelf life, preservatives are added to their brine. In addition, an open can can stand for no more than two days, and during this time a woman is allowed to eat all a couple of cucumbers.

Pickled - also not the best option, and they should be abandoned altogether for the period of breastfeeding. Marinade contains vinegar, salt, spices, which have a negative effect on the child's body. Purchased pickled cucumbers often contain sodium nitrate, which can cause oxygen starvation in the baby, which can subsequently affect its health.

Is it possible to nursing cucumbers? Yes, but it is necessary to introduce them into the diet gradually and carefully, observing the reaction of the child. If the baby does not react to a new product, you can indulge yourself with fresh cucumber salads. Sometimes it is allowed to afford a pickle to improve appetite. If the new vegetable bothers the child, it is better to abandon him and try to introduce a little later.


Watch the video: Top 10 Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding (June 2024).