I hate women. What to do?


“I hate women” - this kind of phrase can be easily heard from men who try to avoid the female presence in any of its manifestations. They simply hate them, not thinking about the original root causes of the "disaster" that is happening to them. If they even communicate with representatives of the weak half of humanity, then in this case they will surely try to find another drawback and write it on their "hate list", which in the future may become simply endless.

In their value judgments, such men are rather restrained and it’s simply unrealistic to hear good words about women from them, only insults and ridiculous reproaches. They are simply not able to speak compliments to the weaker sex.

This is only a small fraction of the characteristic distinguishing features by which an avid woman hater is easily determined. Read to the end and you will learn to identify these men at a glance.

Why are representatives of a strong half of humanity so often use the phrase: "I hate women." What is the reason and what to do in such difficult situations?

Why is there a feeling of hatred?

In general, where could aversion to the female sex come from? This difficult question is quite clearly answered by specialists working on this topic. After all, it is no secret to anyone that the overwhelming majority of the country's inhabitants constantly watch television, and it is there that appear:

terrible fathers

The same images can be observed without special problems in commercials, television series, in the Internet space. Everywhere one sees a distinctive feature - contempt for women. However, in such a video, the weaker sex is not an example for everyone to follow. Sometimes in the series they behave worse than the last monster man.

Not everyone is aware, but professionals are sure that some men subconsciously copy screen images. Then, gradually, step by step, they begin to transfer their hostility into real life. It’s not for nothing that people say: “That from love to hate is just one step.”

Distinctive features of a woman hater

Psychology is an extremely useful and effective science in everyday life. She can help sort out hopeless situations involving intricate gender relationships.

In psychology, men who violently hate women are called misogynists. Of course, for a simple layman, this name cuts the ear, therefore, "among the people" they use the concept of a woman-hater.

What are the symptoms that “with a head” can be given by such men who cannot live a day without saying the phrase: “I hate women”.

They have an extreme hostility to all the representatives of the weak half of humanity that they meet on their way of life.
They consider only men to be ideal. In the eyes of a woman-hater, the stronger sex is superior to the weaker in all known indicators.
They try not to notice the visible successes of women and pretend that they do not exist at all. Even if a man is put “on his shoulder” in a fair fight, he will deny what is happening and claim that the woman has been deceived and insidious.
With all his words and perfect actions, the woman-hater is trying to somehow belittle the woman. In order to achieve the desired result, any tricks will be used.
In the sphere of love relationships, men who hate women will appear in the image of a tyrant, not taking their partner seriously and constantly changing her. But they simply will not tolerate the opposite appeal to their person and will constantly remind of this fact.

Or maybe the woman is to blame?

Admittedly, a man cannot hate just like that, without any root cause of what is happening. Sometimes it happens that girls just don’t notice how they inspire “peasants” with a feeling of hatred and banal disgust, which over time spread to all representatives of the weak half of humanity. What does a woman do wrong?

Neglect of flashed feelings

Girls often push men away from themselves and do such things just like that. Sometimes a man simply offers help, and in response only hears rude reproaches. Or offers courtship, but he is simply humiliated.

Sometimes a woman decides to make herself an “errand boy”, but they don’t calculate the consequences of her rash acts. Representatives of the weaker sex can not even imagine what a man feels in a similar situation, and what such "games" with a living person can lead to.

It happens that a woman simply taunts a man, thereby forming serious complexes with him. A man can change over time, and past (accumulated and increased) grievances will definitely remain and turn a cheerful man into an ardent woman-hater.

Ladies who make such mistakes in their life do not even realize that they can overtake them in the near future. After all, there is some likelihood that it is they who come across such a woman-hater who can easily become a despot in a relationship.

It should be remembered that any even the most problematic situation can be resolved. It is only necessary to combine joint efforts. If misogyny has already gone very far, you just need to ask a practicing psychologist for help.


Watch the video: 8 Words Men Use That Women Hate (June 2024).