Jam from rose petals: what are its benefits and potential harm. Unique properties and simple rose jam recipes


How pleasant it is to open a jar of jam from roses on a cold winter evening! Many people prefer jam over other sweets because they are confident in its usefulness.

Rose Petal Jam Composition

In eastern countries, a delicacy of roses has been valued for a very long time and has been used in the treatment of many diseases. Roses have always been associated with youth, beauty and health. And not in vain.

The beneficial properties of this jam are due to the substances that make up the petals, namely:

● organic acids - necessary to maintain the acid-base balance in the body, increase the level of ph, which helps to absorb nutrients and remove toxins, slow down the growth of bacteria and fermentation processes, stimulate the production of gastric juice;

● flavonoids - regulate the state of blood vessels and improve their elasticity, neutralize free radicals;

● carbohydrates: fructose, glucose, sucrose - an energy source for the body;

● pectin - reduces cholesterol, improves intestinal motility and blood circulation, cleanses the body of heavy metals and toxins;

● tannins - remove carcinogens, kill bacteria, relieve inflammatory processes in the intestines;

● resins;

● essential oils - improve the functioning of the female reproductive system, has an antidepressant and tonic effect.

Vitamins contained in rose petals:

● C - strengthens the immune system, improves the condition of gums, teeth and bones, is necessary for the synthesis of hormones and the growth of tissue cells;

● A - improves vision, is responsible for the health of the skin and hair, slows down the aging process, promotes wound healing

● K - without it blood coagulation and wound healing are impossible, neutralizes poisons, normalizes the liver and kidneys;

● groups B - contribute to the improvement of metabolism and the functioning of the nervous and immune system.

The following useful elements were found in roses:

● iron - necessary to provide oxygen to all tissues, destroys oxidation products, supports the functioning of the thyroid gland and brain, strengthens the immune system;

● chromium - is responsible for the balance of sugar in the blood, strengthens the cardiovascular system and bones;

● Zinc - essential for bones, hair and healthy skin, promotes the absorption of vitamin A and the healing of wounds;

● selenium - is necessary for the thyroid gland to work, has an anti-inflammatory effect, supports vision, cleanses of heavy metals and protects the body from aging;

● iodine - stimulates the brain, promotes elasticity of the walls of blood vessels;

● magnesium - is responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses, regulates body temperature and pressure, is necessary for strong bones and teeth;

● calcium - affects blood coagulation, fights cholesterol, is needed for the absorption of vitamin D and bone health.

Rose petal jam: benefits

At first glance, the jam from the petals seems to be a panacea. Although most of the substances described above are in a purely therapeutic amount, there are special medicinal properties in rose jam.

It has the following properties:

● helps in blood formation, thanks to a rare vitamin K;

● delivers useful elements to the body (iron, zinc, chromium, magnesium);

● antifungal and antibacterial effect due to essential oils;

● antiseptic - helps to heal wounds, including with peptic ulcers;

● regulates blood coagulation and elasticity of capillaries and blood vessels thanks to flavonoids;

● Vitamin K promotes the absorption of calcium, strengthening bones and teeth;

● cleanses the body of toxins;

● fights infections.

Rose petal jam: which diseases will be effective

Due to the properties described above, jam should be taken with:

● stomatitis. It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Heals wounds and kills microbes;

● bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis. Kills bacteria and relieves inflammation;

● intoxication of the body. Jam cleanses the body of toxins and helps fight infections. To do this, it is enough to take 1-2 tsp daily. jam;

● weakening of the body after antibiotics. Nourishes the body with the necessary elements and vitamins, gives strength and vitality;

● diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It treats an ulcer, improves intestinal motility, reduces inflammation;

● diseases of the liver and kidneys. Promotes clarification and stimulates the production of bile;

● migraines. It has a calming and slight analgesic effect;

● painful menstruation and cycle disorders;

● skin diseases;

● premature aging. It has a very strong anti-aging effect;

● depression, insomnia and fatigue;

● severe allergies. Relieves an allergic reaction.

Jam from rose petals: harm and contraindications

Despite the fact that this product has many useful properties, there are categories of people who should not resort to treatment using jam. Of course, the first and greatest contraindication is diabetes.

It is also worth considering the use of jam from roses to people who are overweight and who want to lose weight. This jam contains a huge amount of sugar. Up to 45% of the daily intake of carbohydrates can be found in 100 grams of such jam. And its calorific value, according to various estimates, ranges from 250 to 350 kcal.

Do not eat jam pregnant and lactating. During this period, you should refrain from any specific products, as you can cause allergies in the baby.

Before use, you should make sure that you are not allergic to roses. If you have a rash, itching, or inflammation, stop using jam.

Rose petal jam: how to cook, recipes

How to make jam:

● cut the petals from the flowers so that the white leg remains on the stem;

● sort out the petals, rinse with cold water and dry;

● pour the petals (500 grams) into the bowl and pour sugar (1 to 1), you can grind them so that they let the juice;

● add the juice of one lemon;

● melt 500 grams of sugar in a liter of water, pour the petals in syrup and leave in a warm place;

● over the next three days, bring the jam to a boil twice a day. This will contribute to the evaporation of excess moisture and at the same time allow not to destroy the temperature of all useful elements;

● Pour jam into sterilized jars and close.

For those who want to keep the maximum of nutrients - the recipe for "cold jam". It is necessary to fill the petals with sugar 1 to 2 and leave for several days until they let the juice go. After this, pour the jam into jars. It can only be stored in the refrigerator.

There is a huge variety of recipes with the addition of strawberries, cherries and other fruits. To get a beautiful jam, you need to use the petals of bright colors - scarlet, red. The most delicious is tea rose.

Healthy foods are sometimes very tasty. Thanks to jam from rose petals, taking care of your health becomes a very pleasant experience. However, it is worth remembering that any, even a very useful product, must be consumed in moderation.


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