Jason Statham goes to Moscow for the premiere of "Parker"


On January 28, 45-year-old Hollywood actor Jason Statham will visit Moscow. The star of films directed by Guy Ritchie will present the crime thriller Parker in Russia. The premiere of the tape is scheduled for January 31. The film was directed by Taylor Hackford. Roles performed by: Clifton Collins, Jennifer Lopez and Nick Nolte.

Jason Statham plays a professional thief who lives in strict compliance with his own laws of honor, the main one of which is never take money from the poor. The plot is based on detective novels by Donald Westlake. Recall that Westlake's works have already been filmed. For example, the thriller 1999 "Payback".

Jason Statham - a popular British actor, known to the public for his brilliant work in the films of cult director Guy Ritchie "Revolver" and "Cards, money, two trunks." Statham also starred in the blockbusters Professional, Carrier, Deadly Race, Adrenaline, and The Expendables.

In total, Statham has about forty paintings. Very soon, the movie The Expendables 3 will be released, the script for which was written by Sylvester Stallone. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Statham’s colleague in the second part of The Expendables, arrived in the capital yesterday to present his film The Return of the Hero to the audience.


Watch the video: Parker Premiere: Jason Statham in Moscow (June 2024).