"Table 1": diet, menu for the week, allowed foods and recipes. What to cook on a diet "Table 1": a varied menu for the week


The main "Table 1" is a therapeutic diet, which is prescribed for burns of the esophagus, at the stage of healing of stomach ulcers, with exacerbation of chronic gastritis, in the postoperative period.

The delicate mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines during these periods need to ensure complete calm. "Table 1" with its diet and menu for a week helps to relieve pain, discomfort, normalize digestion.

General principles of the diet "Table 1": menu for the week

Dishes can be prepared in any way, but be sure to wipe or grind well. You can eat fried and baked meat, but only without a crust.

In the menu for the week week diet "Table 1" you can not include food that is digested for a long time, causes fermentation, gas formation, increased production of gastric juice, as well as food that irritates the gastric mucosa.

You can eat:

• dry (the day before yesterday) bread, dry biscuit cookies;

• boiled lean meat, poultry fish;

• eggs in the form of an omelet or soft-boiled eggs;

• boiled porridge from rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina;

• boiled vegetables (raw can not be eaten);

• pureed sweet fruits and berries;

• vegetable and butter.

You can drink any drinks except carbonated, chilled and coffee. Dishes need to be prepared in the form of mashed soups, mashed potatoes, vegetable purees. In general, the food should be soft, easy to digest.

Everything coarse, salty, sour, pickled, smoked is prohibited. From cereals is not suitable for a weekly menu in the diet "Table 1" pearl barley, millet, egg, corn. You can’t eat cheese, chocolate, prepared hot sauces, ice cream, rye bread.

Diet "Table 1": menu for the week

The norm of calories on this diet is no more than 3 thousand kilocalories. This is quite a lot, but there should be small portions.


• Breakfast: a sandwich of dried white bread with doctor's sausage, black tea with honey or milk.

• Second breakfast: biscuits with coffee.

• Lunch: milk soup with noodles, meatballs with sour cream sauce, compote.

• Snack: mashed apple or pear.

• Dinner: cottage cheese pudding with berries.

• Before going to bed: a cup of drinking yogurt

Cottage Cheese Pudding with Berries


• a pound of mashed cottage cheese;

• egg;

• three tablespoons of sugar;

• two tablespoons of semolina;

• to taste vanillin;

• a pinch of salt;

• two tablespoons of raisins.

Beat the egg with sugar, mix with cottage cheese and other ingredients. To mix everything. Place the mass in molds greased with butter and bake at 180 ° C for 30 minutes. Serve with mashed berries.


• Breakfast: omelet of three proteins with milk, biscuit cookies.

• Second breakfast: boiled carrots in the form of mashed potatoes with raisins and a spoonful of honey.

• Lunch: minced fish cutlet with mashed potatoes and sour cream sauce, pear compote.

• Snack: berry jelly.

• Dinner: carrot roll with chicken, marshmallows and green tea.

• Before going to bed: a cup of kefir, one biscuit cookie.

Carrot roll with chicken


• a pound of carrots;

• egg;

• a tablespoon of semolina;

• chicken breast;

• vegetable oil;

• half a glass of sour cream;

• salt.

Grind the breast. Cook carrots, grate, combine with egg and semolina. Grease a sheet of parchment with vegetable oil. Arrange carrots, salt. Top with minced chicken and salt. Form the rudders, grease on top with sour cream and bake at 200 ° C until tender.


• Breakfast: boiled milk rice porridge with honey, soft-boiled egg.

• Second breakfast: a sandwich of dried bread with doctor's sausage.

• Lunch: mashed potato soup, veal meatballs with sour cream sauce.

• Snack: mashed berries with honey.

• Dinner: grated beetroot salad, mashed potatoes, veal meatballs.

• Before going to bed: a cup of warm milk with honey.

Veal Meatballs


• a pound of veal;

• half a glass of round rice;

• egg;

• salt to taste;

• a spoonful of butter;

• onion;

• small carrots;

• a piece of stale rolls;

• half a glass of milk.

Soak the loaf in milk. Cook rice. Grind the veal with onions and combine with rice and roll. Salt and knead the minced meat. Dissolve oil in a pan, fry coarsely grated carrots. Form meatballs. Put meatballs in the steamer thicket, put carrots on top, pour in a quarter glass of water and cook for 30 minutes.


• Breakfast: scrambled eggs, boiled carrot salad with honey.

• Second breakfast: coffee and dry cookies.

• Lunch: chicken noodles, a slice of boiled chicken with zucchini or potato puree.

• Afternoon snack: jelly of their peach.

• Dinner: cheesecakes with sour cream sauce.

• Before going to bed: drinking yogurt.

Cheesecakes with sour cream sauce


• a pound of mashed cottage cheese;

• half a glass of flour;

• two eggs;

• two tablespoons of sugar;

• 25 grams of butter;

• half a glass of sour cream.

Beat eggs with sugar, combine with cottage cheese and flour. Form cheesecakes. Spread out over a greased baking sheet and bake for 30 minutes. at 180 ° C. Serve with sour cream.


• Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with milk, soft-boiled egg, tea or coffee with milk foam.

• Second breakfast: mashed cottage cheese with jam.

• Lunch: milk soup with hercules, a piece of steam chicken, a rosehip broth.

• Snack: milk jelly.

• Dinner: pumpkin and semolina pudding, boiled beet salad, tea.

• Before going to bed: drinking yogurt or bio-ether.

Pumpkin Pudding


• 150 g of semolina;

• three hundred grams of pumpkin;

• a glass of milk;

• egg;

• a pinch of salt;

• two tablespoons of sugar;

• a spoon of vegetable oil.

Dice the pumpkin, stew and mashed in a blender. Cook semolina porridge. Grind the yolk with sugar, beat the protein with a salt mixer. Connect everything. Pour the mass into a greased form and bake the pudding in the oven at 180 ° C until tender.


• Breakfast: baked pink salmon in butter, grated boiled beets and carrots with sour cream, tea.

• Second breakfast: coffee with biscuits.

• Lunch: soup with meatballs, mashed potatoes with butter.

• Snack: a cup of mashed cottage cheese with honey.

• Dinner: vermicelli with grated egg, steam cutlet.

• Before going to bed: warm honey milk.

Baked fish

Soak the fish fillet in milk. After half an hour, remove, put on a sheet of foil, salt, put a little oil on top and send to the oven for 20 minutes.


• Breakfast: air omelet in milk, diet sausages and a slice of stale bread.

• Second breakfast: mashed apple with honey.

• Lunch: vegetable soup with breadcrumbs, beef patty with mashed potatoes.

• Snack: berry jelly.

• Dinner: cottage cheese pancakes with sour cream, carrot salad with honey.

• Before going to bed: green tea with a biscuit.

Vegetable Soup


• one and a half liters of water;

• three potatoes;

• a small onion;

• small carrots;

• three hundred grams of zucchini;

• a spoonful of butter;

• salt.

Boil all the vegetables together. Send to a blender, salt and grind together with a decoction. Return the mashed potatoes to the pan, toss the butter, warm and serve with croutons of white bread.


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