Russians disagree on psychics


People were always interested in everything mysterious and unknown. And recently, literally at every step you can meet, if not a magician, then a healer, if not a witch, then a psychic. It has even become a fashionable “trick” to turn to any otherworldly paranormal forces for help in resolving various issues. Newspapers and magazines are full of numerous ads about love spell-inversion, fortune-telling-prediction. Television constantly shows programs about people with unique abilities, makes films about them.

Someone believes in all this someone - no. On our portal, a serious debate broke out between the members of the forum about whether there are psychics - people with superpowers or all charlatans who deceive gullible people for big money.

Someone to the end will rely on their strength and rely only on themselves. And someone in a difficult situation will really want to know: but how can everything be decided? What will happen? And then such people go with their questions to the "paranormal" specialist. It happens that they turn to psychics in extreme and hopeless situations, when there is already one hope left (for example, when a loved one or his illness disappears). And there are those who are literally "hooked" on everything secret, and run to the magicians on any unimportant matter.

But the real psychic in front of you or not - how do you know? After all, she (or he) is not a princess, you can’t put a pea under her feather bed to make sure of her truth.

Tatyana 32 years:
I never turned to psychics and treat them calmly - no way, no, no. In a difficult situation, I’m unlikely to turn to them. More likely to God ...

The fact is that I am a real psychic. For many years I have been leading people’s receptions, every day there are human destinies before me. When referring to any psychic, you need to keep in mind the following: unscrupulous psychics can put the so-called "connections". Connection is an energy channel, like a vampire channel. The goal is to periodically take part of a person’s energy to himself. In my work, I found this in people who used to turn to magicians, sorcerers. Had to shoot it. Still categorically I do not recommend contacting any magicians who even call themselves white.

Gayane 33 years:
People who call themselves psychics are divided into those who have real power and beyond ability, and those who only “mow” under them. Well, the former, in turn, are divided into those who act for good and those who do evil ... So, if we are talking about people with real abilities acting for good, then I treat them very positively and with great respect! It seems to me that in our city it is difficult to meet a person who would never turn to psychics ... I, in particular, was taken to the "grandmothers" during the period of hellish headaches. One of them, unlike countless doctors, diagnosed the problem, and the other in 3 sessions saved me from it. So, I should not be forced to turn to people with supernatural abilities. I even think that they just need to be visited with a certain periodicity (say, once a year) for monitoring the situation and, if necessary, removing what the "good" people have done!

Larisa 33 years:
I hardly believe in them. Once appealed out of curiosity - I did not like it. At that moment I was looking for my way in life, I thought that psychic would help me with this. But they just sent me.

Angelica 23 years:
Although I have never turned to psychics before, I treat them very well and believe in them. Make me turn to them can only grief in the family or the loss of an expensive person.

I personally do not believe in psychics. Too many of them divorced. Perhaps they are, but not many. Although you know, when a person has a hopeless situation, if you want to - do not want to, you begin to believe in everything. Like, for example, my mother, her first child died, and before that she was very ill, the doctors could not help, she decided to go to her grandmother, but she didn’t get it: either she will fall down the road, then the car will break down ... In general, how as if she weren’t allowed. And my aunt, after 17 years of infertility, after 6 years of treatment, my grandmother became pregnant. But I think maybe her time just came. Do not trust everyone, especially those who advertise themselves as soon as they can. And at the expense of personal life, it’s personal in order to understand for yourself. Not the fact that you will come across a real psychic, but perhaps just a good psychologist who will tell you what you yourself want to hear, thereby spinning you up for money.

Natalya 33 years:
To psychics I am very ambivalent. That is, in science (well, or forces, as it is called there) as I believe in itself, but I think that now there are a lot of pseudo psychics. And those who really know how and can help, and not harm - units. I myself have never turned to psychics. Probably, you really need to go completely crazy to turn ... I, in fact, trust the village healers grandmothers more. But they are also very few and find the real one - oh, how hard it is!

Tatyana 32 years:
I do not even know. I saw on TV about psychics and their capabilities, interesting, of course. But there are doubts that all this is a performance. I have not yet turned to psychics, but I would like to turn to find out about life in general and my personal life in particular.

Lily 33 years:
I am normal to psychics. Once in her youth she turned to a fortuneteller, she wanted to bewitch one boy. There was no result, and for myself I decided that I would no longer turn to anyone. They will not tell the truth, but they will say all things, and then you sit and think.

In childhood we all believed in Santa Claus, Koshchei the Immortal ... But these are just fairy tales! And psychic abilities are just a small chapter in this fabulous world. If someone believes in “making sure that psychics exist” - this is only self-hypnosis and no more.

Natalya 33 years:
I am interested in psychics: is a man capable of such a thing ?! After all, our world of Messing had! I would like to chat with someone like him. Of course, people turn to psychics not from a good life. May I not list? I don’t want to “push” myself.

Only morons believe in psychics sorcerers! No adequate person will go and believe in this nonsense! So you can believe in the grave and in Mavrodi! They are no different from each other, only ways to lure money.

For example, I myself can relieve a slight pain. I can even see where it hurts. I think almost everyone can develop psychic abilities, the main thing is faith and desire!

"Me again":
When my sister disappeared, my mother turned to a woman who told us everything from a photograph. When we found our sister, she confirmed everything ....

Shakura, 21 years old:
I believe that you can’t be 100% sure of anything, respectively believe in anything. Freedom begins with doubt. But I'm still more inclined to believe that there are people with extrasensory abilities. Psychics in my understanding are people with a delicate sensitivity to environmental factors. But in fact, you can doubt anything, even your own existence.

I was about 15-16 years old, my parents and I went to the village, and winter is cold! Father and relatives went on business for 3 days. My tooth ached and my cheek was swollen so that at least lie down and die! It takes 2 hours to get to the city, no cars, no snowstorm buses. Well, my grandmother dragged me to a grandmother of some kind. I didn’t want to go like that! That serious grandmother, frowning, looked at me, said: sit! I came in about 15 minutes only, I didn’t even faint from the pain, and she sat down near her cheek and began to babble something like a prayer. A very long time, about 30 minutes, if not more. And the pain is gone. I note that I did not drink a single pill, and she did not give a single herb, nothing of the kind! Just something whispering around me. The pain went away instantly! Grandma said how sick, come. I slept through the night with a huge cheek, but without pain. While I was waiting for my father, the pain returned again and I again to the grandmother in the conspiracy. And the pain passed again. I don’t know if it was self-hypnosis or what, but I didn’t feel pain at all! For which many thanks to her!

Someone believes in God, someone - to hell, someone - to psychics, and someone - only in himself. "To each, as they say, let him be according to his faith!" As for my personal opinion, I believe: there is something unknown, paranormal (or paranormal). It was not for nothing that the phenomenon of Nostradamus, Wangi, Casey, Messing existed ...

Human abilities are still very little studied, different scientists talk about using from 3% to 10% of our brain. And imagine what will happen if the human brain "turns on" at 100%? Maybe then all people will become psychics, transmit their thoughts to each other at a distance and heal the most terrible diseases with the touch of a hand? ... Then, on our portal, they will begin to actively discuss and argue on a completely different topic, for example, on such: “Do you believe are you ordinary people? "


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