DIY crafts from cotton pads. Gentle violet in 5 minutes. A gorgeous bouquet of roses for your beloved mother as a gift. Children's applications


For today's master class, you need an unconventional approach to creativity, a little imagination, a minimum of improvised material.

As a test subject - ordinary cotton pads from a store or pharmacy.

It is proposed to go from simple to complex.

Do-it-yourself will take no more than two hours of the weekend for all crafts made from cotton pads.

Craft from cotton pads No. 1 - indoor violets

In every house, fresh flowers and plants flaunt the window. Often you want your favorite flowers to bloom constantly - in winter and summer. One of the options for solving this issue is artificial flowers, which can be made easily with your own hands.

Of the materials required: cotton pads, gouache or thick paint, glue, starch, green tape (a durable elastic tape with a light adhesive effect often used in floristry), metal wire, paper towel (or cotton wool).

The working process:

1. In order to shape the future petals of a flower, a starch paste is cooked. One tablespoon of starch is bred in 100 grams of cold water. With constant stirring, a glass of hot water is added to the resulting texture;

2. Cotton pads fall into the liquid for a few seconds. After that, you need to dry them. It is possible on a battery;

3. From the dried disks the shapes of violet petals are cut out;

4. Ready-made petals are painted in any colors as desired. It is advisable to observe color similarity with natural violet;

5. After painting, the petals are dried. Then they are glued together with glue in five pieces;

6. Using cotton wool, you need to make small lumps as the core of the flower. Cotton wool is also painted, but only in white. After drying, cotton balls are glued to the center of the flower;

7. A stem is made of wire, on which an elastic tape is wound in a spiral. Petals are made of tape and attached to the stem;

8. The resulting stem is glued to the petals. It is recommended to make several flowers and put them in a pot. It can be filled for stability and decoration with sand, sugar, salt, pebbles.

Here you are ready to make a flower from cotton pads with your own hands, which will delight you with its flowering all year round.

Craft from cotton pads No. 2 - a bouquet of roses

It is easy to make a realistic bouquet of roses from cotton pads with your own hands. At a distance it will simply not be distinguished from the present. Perhaps only the lack of aroma will give out.

Of the materials required: cotton pads, two-wire metal wire, copper wire, acrylic paint on the fabric (in extreme cases, gouache), green threads of medium thickness, a glue gun.

The working process:

1. Making stems. The wire is cut into pieces of 40 cm in the amount of 13 pieces. Each segment is cut to the middle. One part of the wire will become a stalk, and the other a branch with a leaf. For the latter, the elastic coating is removed from the wire and the wire is exposed;

2. Paint is diluted in a glass jar to color the petals. It should turn out a beautiful and natural color. It is recommended to test one cotton pad, dry it and make sure the color quality. Then you can color the remaining cotton pads in the amount of 9 pieces per bud;

3. For coloring the petals, similar actions are performed as with the petals. On one branch - 13 petals. Additionally 5 cotton pads are painted, of which spikes will later be made;

4. Cotton pads for petals, leaf and spikes are dried;

5. Making the bud. This is the most difficult moment of the creative process. Disks are attached to each other, creating the shape of a rosebud. It’s too early to stick them. Using a brush, you need to achieve the effect of realism. To do this, the petals are tinted in places, slightly moistened and twisted to give shape. After drying, you can use the glue gun for reliable fixation of the form. Some buds are recommended with fewer cotton pads to get small, unopened rose buds. You can make roses from cotton pads with your own hands of different sizes, shapes and colors. So the bouquet will look more interesting;

6. Each finished bud is attached to the stem with a thread;

7. Spikes are cut out of a green cotton pad and attached to the bud (as in the picture);

8. Making leaflets. Dried cotton pads of green color are cut in the shape of rose leaves. After that, each leaf is threaded onto a bare wire, pre-lubricated with glue. Each rose needs to make three leaves.

It turned out a wonderful bouquet of roses. It is recommended to spray it with hairspray with shine.

Craft from cotton pads No. 3 - children's applications

At home, with children, you can make applications from cotton pads with your own hands. Such pictures are obtained very quickly and beautifully.

The hedgehog is made only of cotton pads, which are glued together with glue. The nose and leaves are cut out of felt. This material is ideal for needlework: dense, does not crumble, keeps its shape. If you wish, you can also cut the leaves from cotton pads with your own hands. But they must be painted in advance in a variety of colors.

This application is made on cardboard. A beautiful image was selected as a background and glued to cardboard. The window frame, cat and flower pot are made exclusively of cotton pads. They are glued to the surface with glue. In order to disc joints were not noticeable, it is recommended to moisten them a little and rub them. Thus, the cotton particles are mixed together. If desired, the discs can be painted with gouache.
