Dandelion Jam: Is It Delicious? How to Make Dandelion Flower Jam


Once at a party I was treated to an incomprehensible, nothing like “jam” - transparent, sunny in color with a honey aroma. It turned out - dandelion jam.

It is very interesting: what it tastes like, whether the plant remains in it and how it is cooked.

ATTENTION! Not all dandelions are suitable for jam. More on this later.

The benefits of dandelion jam

Dandelion flowers contain organic resins, vitamins of various groups, glycosides, essential oils, saponins and other useful substances. Even in ancient Russia, tea from dried or fresh dandelions was used to treat colds, lingering coughs, diseases of the liver, kidneys, and joints. As for jam, some of the nutrients die when the temperature rises, there are practically no water-soluble vitamins. But, something still remains.

What is useful dandelion jam:

  • It treats respiratory and bronchopulmonary diseases, improves sputum discharge, and softens cough. Jam can be an alternative to bee honey if it is not tolerated.
  • Cleanses the liver, kidneys, blood vessels, reduces cholesterol and dissolves plaques, helps to eliminate bile from the body.
  • Increases tone and endurance, improves well-being, gives strength. Useful in winter when the body lacks sunlight and vitamin D.
  • Antioxidants contained in dandelion jam inhibit aging, prevent the formation of tumors, and keep skin youthful.
  • It removes swelling. Jam can be taken during pregnancy, but after consulting a doctor.
  • Strengthens the immune system. It is useful to use dandelion jam in the season of viruses and colds, it will help the body withstand pathogens.

Jam has many useful properties. This simple and cheap treat will give you health, replace harmful sweets, protect the whole family from illness, and just get ready. Boil it under the force of any housewife.

What dandelion jam does it taste like?

Many people associate dandelion with bitterness. The stems and leaves really taste bad. As for the flowers from which the jam is prepared, they are not at all bitter. If you make jam only from flowers and sugar, then it will turn out to be cloyingly sweet, like syrup. When consumed, a rich aroma of flowers, pollen is felt, a honey aftertaste remains. It is for this reason that the treat is called dandelion honey.

Often, lemon is present in recipes. It enhances the beneficial properties of jam, adds flavor, dilutes sweetness, and is also a preservative. Sometimes jam is prepared with orange or other citruses, less often added mint, lemon balm, cinnamon. All of these ingredients affect the taste.

What dandelions to use for jam

Jam is made only from spring dandelions. In most regions of Russia, they flourish in May. Used flowers without stems and leaves, but with a green cup. Sometimes only yellow needle petals are cut off, but this is superfluous.

You need to collect dandelions for jam in clean places away from the road, working factories and other pollutants. We select only blossoming flowers without traces of ripening. Usually in recipes they are indicated in pieces, you can immediately count the desired amount.

It will be useful to predict the time of collection and preparation, since the torn flowers will not be stored. They need to be used the next 3-4 hours. If this did not work out, then the flowers can be dried, and for the jam you will have to pick new dandelions.

Dandelion jam recipe with lemon

The most common dandelion jam recipe. The delicacy will delight you with a rich taste, it really looks like honey. It is prepared in two stages, it will not work at one time. We take a small lemon, you can replace it with orange or other citrus.


  • 200 dandelion flowers;
  • 1 lemon
  • 700 g of sugar;
  • 0.5 l of water.

Cooking method

  1. Torn dandelion flowers, pour water, mix thoroughly, rinse, drain into a colander. Leave for half an hour, let the water drain.
  2. Lemon will be used with the peel, so we rinse thoroughly and pour over boiling water. Then we cut into thin slices, during the process we take out, discard the bones.
  3. We combine lemon and dandelions in a saucepan, add water, put on the stove. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover. Stir on a minimum heat for about ten minutes. Then turn off the stove, leave to insist on the day or at night.
  4. We filter the infusion. It is better to use two layers of gauze, through it and carefully squeeze out all the liquid. The flowers should remain almost dry.
  5. In the infusion add prescription sugar, put on the stove, melt and bring to a boil.
  6. We reduce the fire, prepare the jam for about half an hour, do not let it seethe actively. The foam that will form is carefully removed with a spoon.

Ready jam from dandelions should be poured into sterile jars, after cooling, tightly close. You can store it even at room temperature, but it is better to clean it in a cool place, protect it from sunlight.

How to use jam

This is the usual jam in which you can dunk a pancake. It can also be served separately in a vase or bowl, eat with a spoon. If the treat is prepared for medicinal purposes, then it is taken daily for 3-4 weeks separately from the main meals. It can be combined with light snacks: drinks, fruits, dairy products. Why not season with cottage cheese dandelion honey?

When coughing, colds, runny nose, jam is added to herbal tea or eaten slightly. The daily portion should not exceed 5 tablespoons. On average, for a year an adult will need about three liters of dandelion honey for treatment and recovery.

Possible harm to dandelion jam

There is a lot of pollen in the jam, which can cause allergies, like lemon (if it is added by prescription). Care should be taken to dainty people who are overweight. Since it mainly consists of sugar, calorie content is quite high, on average, ranges from 190 to 250 kcal. In addition, the product affects the insulin content in the blood, causes its fluctuations, can provoke a sharp feeling of hunger, subsequent overeating.

The main contraindications:

  • diabetes;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • gallstones
  • increased acidity of the stomach.

If there are no such diseases, then you can safely try the jam, use it for various purposes, but observing the measure. Any medicine can become poison if you use it in unlimited quantities.


Watch the video: DIY: How to make DANDELION HONEY great old recipe (July 2024).