Chronic inflammation of the appendages: causes and symptoms. Treatments for chronic inflammation of the appendages


Adnexitis or inflammation of the uterine appendages is a fairly common disease in women, which develops due to the penetration of pathogens into the fallopian tube.

Consider in more detail the symptoms of chronic inflammation of the appendages and methods of treating this condition.

The main causes of chronic inflammation of the appendages

Chronic inflammation of the appendages develops for the following reasons:

1. Untimely treatment of the acute form of adnexitis, which led to the chronicity of the disease.

2. Appendectomy.

3. Complex birth.

4. Non-observance of norms and rules of intimate hygiene.

5. Earlier abortions.

6. HIV infection.

7. Diabetes mellitus.

8. Earlier transferred serious infectious diseases.

9. The introduction of the spiral into the uterus.

10. The presence of more than one sexual partner at times increases the risk of inflammation of the uterus. Moreover, with unprotected sexual relations with different partners, a woman runs the risk of catching a whole list of sexually transmitted diseases.

Also distinguish such factors that contribute to the development of adnexitis:

1. Frequent stress and nervous strain.

2. Hypothermia (unfortunately, going out in kapron pantyhose can threaten not only inflammation of the appendages, but also the risk of other, equally serious pathologies of the reproductive system).

3. Sexual intercourse during menstruation can lead to severe inflammation. This is explained by the fact that in such a period the uterus is especially unprotected from infections.

4. Incompletely cured diseases of the genital organs, such as vulvitis, candidiasis or vaginitis, do not go unnoticed and can cause inflammation of the appendages.

5. Various sexually transmitted diseases that have not been cured.

6. Strong overwork contributes to a decrease in immunity, which threatens the risk of adnexitis.

Symptoms and signs of chronic inflammation of the appendages

Chronic inflammation of the appendages usually proceeds quite long and undulating. All symptoms are less pronounced than in the acute form of this disease. They seem to be erased and can aggravate, then subside.

Despite this, chronic adnexitis is considered more dangerous than acute, since it threatens the development of irreparable complications.

Most often, chronic inflammation of the appendages has the following symptoms:

1. An increase in body temperature.

2. Severe chills (sometimes trembling in the muscles).

3. Pain in the body.

4. Weakness.

5. Migraine.

6. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen or lumbar region.

7. The feeling of cold.

8. Digestion disorder.

9. Bloating.

10. Pain during urination.

11. The appearance of purulent discharge from the vagina.

12. Soreness on palpation of the abdomen, especially in its lower part. Also, pain can occur after menstruation, during hypothermia, or after physical exertion.

13. Menstrual irregularities are the first sign that there is inflammation in the uterus. It is on this symptom that women should first of all pay attention.

At the same time, menstruation itself will be scarce. Between them increase the gap.

14. Sweating.

15. The fever.

16. Nausea.

17. The appearance of dull back pain.

Also, with a prolonged course of adnexitis, a woman may develop disturbances in the digestive tract, cystitis and colitis appear. Sometimes there are disorders in the nervous system (depression or neurosis develops).

In some women with chronic inflammation of the appendages, sexual desire is reduced.

Chronic inflammation of the appendages: diagnosis, transmission routes, treatment

Infection of chronic inflammation of the appendages can be transmitted in the following ways:

1. Through the blood. This usually happens in patients with genital tuberculosis.

2. Through the lymph.

3. Through the reproductive system.

Before starting treatment for such standing, a woman must undergo the following diagnostic procedures:

1. Ultrasound of the pelvis.

2. General analysis of blood and urine.

3. Examination by a gynecologist and therapist.

4. Laparoscopy.

These studies are needed in order to distinguish adnexitis from other diseases that may have similar symptoms.

Only after diagnosis of the disease, the patient is treated. It has such features:

1. The treatment should be long, since chronic inflammation of the appendages requires serious antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drug therapy.

2. It is important that the woman during the treatment period respects bed rest.

3. The patient must be prescribed antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action so that they can suppress the activity of the infection. Electrophoresis, physiotherapy and vibration massage can also be prescribed to her.

4. For severe pain, analgesics are prescribed.

5. At high temperatures, antipyretic drugs are used.

6. For problems with urination - drugs to improve the functioning of the bladder and kidneys.

Alternative treatment of inflammation of the appendages involves the implementation of such methods:

1. Means of wormwood. To do this, pour a handful of wormwood with three liters of boiling water. When the broth is in tune, then they need to be washed twice a day.

2. Boil one onion. The resulting broth from it can be used for douching.

3. A remedy from garlic (it has an antimicrobial effect, so it will help get rid of the infection). To cook it, you need to crush the garlic and pour it with warm water. Blot the swab with the ready-made solution and insert it into the vagina. Leave for two hours. Repeat the procedure twice a day for 3 days.

Before using traditional medicine methods, you need to consult a doctor.

Chronic inflammation of the appendages: treatment, complications, prevention

In the absence of timely medical treatment, chronic inflammation of the appendages can cause such complications in a woman's condition:

1. Infertility. This is the most dangerous complication of inflammation of the uterus. It develops due to the fact that with severe inflammation, cells of the fallopian tubes are affected. This leads to a violation of their function and the appearance of scarring. In this case, the fallopian tubes simply "turn off" their work, depriving women of the opportunity to bear a child.

2. With a long inflammatory process, ovarian capsules will be prone to proliferation of connective tissue. This will lead to their thickening. This condition also threatens the impossibility of pregnancy.

3. The appearance of an ovarian abscess, when it is filled with pus, can occur with the formation of adhesions between the uterus, ovary and fallopian tubes. In this case, the infection can penetrate into the ovarian cavity, and cause it to fester.

This condition is very dangerous for a woman and requires immediate medical and surgical treatment.

4. The appearance of a tubo-ovarian abscess can lead to accumulation of fluid in the fallopian tube, which will eventually turn into pus. Moreover, in the absence of treatment for this condition, the infection can enter the abdominal cavity, which will cause severe inflammation and peritonitis.

5. An ectopic pregnancy can occur in a woman’s chronic inflammatory process. In this case, the embryo will have to be removed, since it will still not be able to develop normally. Moreover, if you do this procedure several times, then the woman may also no longer become pregnant.

6. Pain during sexual intercourse can be observed in the absence of treatment for the disease. Moreover, sometimes she will be so strong that a woman will completely abandon sexual intercourse.

7. Disorders in the nervous system with pathologies of the reproductive system, unfortunately, are not uncommon. In this case, the patient will be subject to frequent stresses, nervousness, neurosis and depression. This, in turn, is negatively reflected in the work of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

8. Decrease in sexual desire.

To avoid the development of inflammation of the appendages, you should adhere to such recommendations:

1. Avoid hypothermia.

2. Avoid stress and nervous strain.

3. Use reliable methods of contraception so that you do not have to have an abortion in the future.

4. Protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections.

5. Observe intimate hygiene. In this case, it is advisable to wash with soap, which includes lactic acid. It will protect against infections.

6. Have one permanent sexual partner.

7. Avoid physical overwork.

8. In time to treat diseases that can lead to adnexitis.

9. In time to treat acute adnexitis, until it becomes chronic.

10. When the first unpleasant symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.


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