One in three women suffers from dehydration


To feel good and look great, a person needs fluid. Meanwhile, global statistics show that one in three women suffers from dehydration. The reason is that many people do not quench their thirst sufficiently. Often, thirst is mistaken for a feeling of hunger, and salty and unhealthy foods lead not only to dehydration, but also to overweight and health problems.

How to avoid dehydration? You can drink not only clean water, but also any non-alcoholic drinks, with the exception of sweet pops. Water is found in many dishes. A lot of water with "vitamins" in cucumbers, tomatoes, celery and radishes.

You can include a variety of drinks in the diet: it is easier to saturate the body with moisture. But it’s better to choose what you like best, because you can drink so much. As for carbonated mineral water, its consumption should be within reasonable limits, especially if it is not ordinary, but healing mineral water.

Signs of a lack of fluid in the body can be chronic fatigue, poor attention, constipation, headache, sudden skin aging. To avoid this, in the morning you should drink a glass of ordinary warm water and drink it during the day in small sips. It is easy to calculate your individual rate. The ambient temperature and the weight of the person are taken into account. At a temperature of twenty degrees for every kilogram of weight, about twenty milliliters of liquid is required. With heat, the norm increases accordingly.


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