Is kefir possible for children - is it so useful to everyone, without exception? When and what kind of kefir can be given to children: ask a pediatrician


The word "kefir" itself came from the Caucasus.

It means "health."

This drink has very useful properties, but it has its own characteristics for children.

Let us consider in more detail whether kefir is possible for children, at what age it can be given to a child, and much more.

The benefits of kefir or why it can be given to children

This product is useful in that it contains unique bacteria that effectively inhibit the activity of various pathogens of infectious, fungal and bacterial diseases.

In addition, kefir can be called not only useful, but also therapeutic, especially for the body of a small child.

In the gastrointestinal tract, kefir performs the following functions:

• restores the microflora of the child in case of its violations (after taking antibiotics, after poisoning, etc.);

• improves appetite;

• stabilizes digestion processes;

• improves the functioning of the pancreas;

• relieves the problem of abnormal stool, as well as constipation;

• boosts immunity.

On the central nervous system of children, kefir has such a positive effect:

• gives vigor and strength;

• helps the baby get rid of pathological fatigue;

• A drunk glass of kefir soothes the child before bedtime.

Additional benefits that kefir has on the body of children:

• compensates for the lack of calcium, which strengthens bones and joints;

• creates a favorable acidic environment in the stomach, which makes it possible to better absorb vitamins B, D, as well as iron;

• provides the growing body with all the amino acids necessary for the normal development;

• helps to eliminate harmful toxins from the body;

• helps in the treatment of acute respiratory diseases (pneumonia, flu, pneumonia, etc.).

Despite the advantages of kefir as a fermented milk product, give it children under one year old contraindicated. This is explained by such reasons:

1. The high protein content in kefir is difficult to process as yet unripe infant kidneys.

2. If you give kefir to the baby, this can lead to the withdrawal of hemoglobin along with feces: the child will lose blood through the intestines.

3. Due to the high content of casein in kefir, it will be difficult for the baby to digest this product. In him, it can cause diarrhea and colic.

4. Children under one year old are not recommended to consume the fatty acids contained in this drink.

If you give kefir to a child up to a year, then in any case it will overload the work of his digestive system. In addition, frequent interruptions in the intestines can contribute to the occurrence of unwanted diseases in the baby (indigestion, diarrhea, abdominal pain). For this reason, you can give kefir to children no earlier than from a year old.

It is also important to know that the use of kefir has direct medical contraindicationsabout which it should not be given to a child at any age. These include:

• epilepsy;

• frequent gastrointestinal upsets;

• increased acidity in the stomach, expressed as heartburn;

• individual body immunity of dairy products.

Is kefir possible for children: which kefir can be given to a child

According to the advice of pediatricians, it is impossible to give kefir to children with an age of less than twelve months, since their body is simply not ready to take this kind of food.

It is also necessary to start complementary foods gradually. It is important for the first time not to give the baby too much of this drink, but instead to carefully monitor the reaction of his body to the new component of the menu.

It is best to start feeding with kefir according to this scheme:

• on the first day give the child only 50 ml;

• in the second - 80 ml;

• on the third day - 100 ml;

• on the fourth day, take a break (if the stool is normal, then you can continue, if diarrhea occurs, then you need to stop giving kefir);

• on the fifth day, you can give 150 ml per day. On this figure you need to stop, because more than a small child simply can not digest.

In addition to the correct selection of the amount of kefir, it is very important to give the baby a quality product. Experts advise to adhere to such rules when choosing a kefir for a child:

1. Kids under three years old should be given kefir with minimal fat content. With age, fat content can gradually increase.

2. When buying kefir, you should pay attention not to its expiration date, but to the date of manufacture. It is better to purchase the freshest product, since all useful bifidobacteria have long died in a stale drink.

3. Sometimes children are poisoned with kefir. This is due to improper storage of the product (warm). For this reason, before buying, parents must make sure that this particular package of kefir was stored in the proper temperature regime and that the hygiene standards for its preparation were not violated.

In fact, finding the “right” and “living” kefir is quite difficult. For this reason, pediatricians recommend that parents independently produce this product for the child, especially since it is not at all difficult.

In order to prepare healthy home-made kefir, you need to buy sourdough in a pharmacy or in a dairy factory. It contains live milk mushrooms.

The classic recipe for making homemade kefir provides for the following actions:

1. Bring cow's milk to a boil.

2. Remove from heat and cool to 50 degrees.

3. Add the leaven.

4. Mix.

5. Pour into a container with a lid (best in a glass jar or thermos).

6. Leave in a warm place for twelve hours. After this, the product can be given to the child. Shelf life will be 36 hours.

Is kefir possible for children: rules for use

In order for kefir to only benefit the child, one should adhere to the following recommendations:

• Store kefir correctly (in a dry place at a certain temperature condition);

• Do not sweeten kefir to the child. Instead, it is better to add chopped fruits and dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, dates).

Kefir can be given to children, as its regular use will provide the child with good health and a cheerful mood. Despite this, before beginning its introduction into the diet of infants, parents should additionally consult with a pediatrician.


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