Beetroot juice is a bright, tasty and healthy drink. Beetroot juice: medicinal properties, indications, contraindications, use


Beetroot is an unpretentious vegetable that grows everywhere and is perfectly stored all year round. Ancient Egyptians knew about its healing properties. Modern scientists have found recipes in ancient medicine that used beet juice to treat various diseases. Vegetables are recommended for everyone.

A variety of dishes are prepared from the vegetable, or freshly prepared juice is used for medicinal purposes. However, it should be remembered that the drink, along with useful properties, has contraindications, which you need to know about before you start treatment.

Beetroot juice: healing properties

Beetroot is a low-calorie vegetable. 100 g contains only 60 kcal. A vegetable contains almost all the vitamins and minerals necessary for a person. The composition may have some differences, depending on the type of vegetable.

Beetroot contains:

• Vitamin A. Has an anti-inflammatory property.

• Vitamin B group. Stimulate the nutrition of cells, improve the state of blood vessels and have a positive effect on the nervous system.

• Vitamin C. It is an antioxidant that strengthens the immune system.

• Vitamin E. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system in women. Keeps youth.

• Sodium and potassium. The ratio of these two trace elements can prevent the development of varicose veins due to the dissolution of calcium in blood vessels.

• Manganese. Stimulates the elimination of fluid from the body.

• Iron. Improves blood composition.

• Iodine. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

• Magnesium. Soothes nerves and normalizes blood pressure.

• Chlorine. It stimulates the cleansing of the excretory system and liver.

Beets also contain organic acids that nourish cells and stimulate the digestion of food. Pectins and fiber present in the juice cleanse the body of harmful substances.

The healing properties of beet juice:

• anti-inflammatory and wound healing;

• cleans the liver of toxins;

• normalizes blood pressure;

• antitumor;

• stimulates weight loss;

• relieves spasms;

• positively affects eyesight;

• strengthens the immune system and blood vessel walls.

Beetroot juice: contraindications

The main contraindication for the use of beet juice is an individual intolerance to the product. Take a small amount of drink if you feel uncomfortable, dizzy or nauseous, give up this method of treatment and consume a boiled vegetable.

Contraindications to the use of beet juice:

• osteoporosis;

• gallbladder disease;

• gout;

• kidney disease;

• rheumatoid arthritis;

• stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer;

• diabetes;

• increased acidity.

Hypotensives should take beetroot juice with caution, constantly monitoring the pressure in order to timely reduce the amount, or completely stop taking the drink.

Rules for the treatment of beet juice

To get the most out of it, you need to know how to drink it right. Freshly squeezed juice has a powerful effect on the body, so it needs to be allowed to stand.

Observance of simple rules for the preparation and use of a drink will help to avoid the manifestation of side effects:

• Freshly squeezed beet juice must be kept in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, leaving the container open. The resulting foam is removed, the juice is poured into another dish, and the precipitate is poured.

• Start drinking juice from a teaspoon, gradually bringing the amount to a quarter glass.

• Beet juice can be taken by combining with other vegetable or fruit juices.

• Drink juice half an hour before meals three times a week. On other days, the vegetable is added to the diet in fresh or boiled form.

The method of preparation of beet juice

If you have a juicer, the cooking process will take no more than five minutes. All you need is to peel the vegetable, cut into small pieces and squeeze the juice using the device.

In the absence of a juicer, the juice is prepared using a fine grater (preferably plastic) and gauze. The peeled vegetable is ground, the pulp is placed in cheesecloth and squeezed carefully.

Prepare a drink from a strong, intensely colored, without white veins vegetable.

Beetroot juice: indications for blood diseases

Beetroot juice is indicated for use in anemia (anemia). An ailment in which there is a very low level of red blood cells, which leads to oxygen starvation of tissues. Especially in this case, the cardiovascular system and the brain suffer.

Thanks to iron in combination with vitamin C, the level of red blood cells in the blood rises.

For treatment, take in equal proportions juices of beets, carrots and black currants. Combine drinks in ceramic dishes and stand for three hours in the oven, turning on the heat to a minimum. Take two tablespoons before meals for a month.

Beetroot juice: use for cleansing the liver

Vegetable perfectly cleanses the liver from toxins and other harmful substances. Betaine is present in the vegetable, which prevents fat deposits in the liver.

To cleanse the liver, take a decoction prepared as follows:

• wash the vegetable well with a brush;

• Place in a pan and fill with three liters of purified water. Cook until a liter of liquid remains:

• Wipe the boiled beets and combine with the remaining liquid. Cook another 20 minutes. Strain the broth.

Take a quarter of the resulting broth, attach a heating pad to the liver area and lie on it. Repeat the procedure at intervals of three hours three more times.

Beetroot juice for hypertension

Vegetable juice has a pronounced hypotensive effect. Therefore, before taking a drink you should know the level of your pressure. People suffering from hypotension are not recommended to drink beetroot juice.

In order to normalize the pressure, take in equal proportions natural honey and beetroot juice. Mix and take before meals on a spoon for a month.

Beetroot juice: use for colds

Beetroot juice strengthens the immune system and accelerates recovery. A mixture of cranberry and beet juice with vodka and honey has an excellent effect. Insist her for three days and drink a spoon before eating.

A beetroot juice diluted in half with water is used to treat a runny nose. The mixture is instilled with three drops in each nostril.

With angina, gargle with the following solution: half a glass of grated beets are combined with two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Stir, insist for half an hour and filter.

Beetroot juice in oncology

In the complex treatment of oncology after surgical intervention and radiation therapy, red vegetable juice is used. The drink is especially effective in oncology of the urinary system, gastrointestinal tract and lungs. Betaine, which is contained in the vegetable, stops the growth of the neoplasm and activates the respiration of cells.

When treating oncology with beetroot juice, the following rules should be followed:

• the daily volume of juice (600 ml) is divided into six doses;

• juice is slightly warmed up and drunk 10 minutes before a meal;

• after drinking juice, they are not recommended to take products that can increase acidity;

• do not drink freshly squeezed juice;

• recommend introducing at least 200 g of boiled vegetable per day into the diet;

• treatment is carried out for six months.

Beetroot Juice for Weight Loss

The drink, in addition to medicinal properties, can stimulate weight loss. Settled juice is taken in combination with fruit and vegetable fresh. Drink it in small sips a quarter of an hour before a meal. Start taking with a teaspoon, gradually bringing the amount to half a glass.

The most effective diet mixes:

• connect a glass of grapefruit or pineapple juice with a quarter glass of beet juice;

• Mix four tablespoons of cranberry and beet juice with a teaspoon of honey. Bring the volume to 200 ml;

• Beat yogurt with banana pulp and add beet juice.

In complex therapy, beetroot juice will help to cope with many diseases. The drink will increase immunity, remove toxins from the body, improve the thyroid gland and help get rid of extra pounds.

Properly selected dosage and treatment regimen is the key to the effectiveness of treatment with beetroot juice. In any case, consult your doctor before treatment.


Watch the video: 10 Side Effects Of Beetroot Juice Must Know Before Including It In Your Diet (July 2024).