Diet for losing weight per 10kg: how to lose weight in a week. The best options for weight loss diets 10 kg, nutrition principles


Being overweight is a common problem for both women and men. It happens that a person does not stand on the scales for a long time, allows himself to "relax", eats a lot of sweet and starchy foods. The result can be predicted. After some time, your favorite jeans will not fit, and the scales will show excess weight. What to do in this case? Of course, I want to solve the problem as soon as possible. Diet for losing weight by 10 kg is the way out. There are several effective methods that will allow you to get rid of hated fat in just a week.

Is everything “sweet” in a fast diet

Losing weight by 10 kg in a week or 10 days is possible, however, this technique is considered to be tough. Despite the amazing result, the system has a significant drawback. Rapid weight loss leads to the same rapid return.

For this reason, when you "exit" the diet, it is important to properly build your diet. It is strictly forbidden to immediately lean on sweet and flour, fried potatoes and smoked chicken. This will negatively affect the digestive tract, speed up the process of returning lost kilograms. The diet needs to be built so that the stomach works correctly, the metabolism is normalized, not to abuse calories.

There are a lot of diets for losing 10 kg now, however, not all of them are effective. For example, fasting. Of course, if you use only water for a week, you can lose a lot of weight. However, as a result, human health will be significantly affected. Starvation is fraught with serious problems with the body. If you urgently need to lose 5-10 extra pounds, the diet needs to be selected correctly.

Diet for 10 kg slimming on buckwheat: an effective result for a week

Buckwheat diet is good because in a week you can lose up to 10 kg, while cereals are allowed to eat as much as you want. The main thing is to cook it according to a "special" recipe.

One glass of cereal is steamed with two glasses of boiling water for 12 hours (preferably all night). It is strictly forbidden to add sugar, salt. In addition to buckwheat, the menu is allowed to include:

• kefir fat content of 1%;

• plain non-carbonated water;

• green tea;

• green apples.

Grapes and bananas are strictly prohibited, as they are characterized by high energy value.

Sample day menu

1. Morning. 100 grams of buckwheat porridge, a glass of kefir (can be replaced with green tea without sugar).

2. Lunch. 100 grams of porridge and 1 green apple.

3. Dinner. A glass of kefir and buckwheat porridge.

Buckwheat contains many valuable vitamins and minerals. For the body, it is extremely useful. The duration of the diet should not exceed 10 days, as it can be harmful to health.

Diet of physicians: the principle of fasting fasting

The diet of doctors guarantees weight loss per week by 10 kg.

Repeating the system is allowed no more than 1 time in 1.5-2 months. The advantage of the method is that you do not need to spend money on the purchase of expensive products.

The menu is healthy, tasty, inexpensive.

The only drawback - due to the insufficient amount of energy value of the products, a person may feel weakness, headaches, sometimes even dizziness.

10 kg diet for 1 week: detailed daily menu

1. The first day - during the day you need to drink 1.5 liters of pure still water. The whole amount is distributed 6 times, consumed by the hour.

2. The second day is skim milk (0.8 liters per day), 1 green apple before bedtime (half an hour).

3. The third day you need to unload, as on the first.

4. The fourth day of the vegetable. You can make a salad of the following ingredients:

• dill greens;

• White cabbage;

• carrot.

Such a salad is seasoned with olive oil, salt, and other spices are strictly prohibited.

5. The fifth day will be a repetition of the second.

6. On the sixth day in the morning it is allowed to eat one boiled egg. For lunch, 100 grams of chicken is permissible, the same amount of canned peas. An hour before bedtime you can eat 1-2 green apples.

7. The last day is curd. For a day it is allowed to eat 500 grams of low fat cottage cheese, drink 1 liter of milk. Before going to bed, a green apple is not prohibited.

The unloading diet of doctors gives good results. The diet is designed in such a way that the body is cleaned of toxins, toxins. For a week, the technique allows you to lose up to 10 kg, it all depends on the initial weight of the person, his individual characteristics.

Mayo diet: 8-10 kg loss per week

The basis of the weight loss technique is fat burning soup. Eating it is allowed in any quantities, the more the better. However, the diet needs to be a little diversified. The soup contains extremely few calories, the body will not have enough energy. Including other foods in the diet can fill this gap.

For the preparation of fat-burning soup, the following ingredients are prepared:

• large tomatoes (2-3 pieces);

• 6 medium-sized bulbs;

• a small head of cabbage;

• fresh celery;

• sweet pepper (2 pieces);

• a cube of vegetable stock.

Vegetables are thoroughly washed, cut into small cubes, then filled with water. The soup is brought to a boil, held for 10 minutes over high heat, then the fire is reduced. The dish is cooked until the vegetables are soft. At the end of the soup, a cube of vegetable broth is added to it for taste.

Sample menu for the week "minus 10 kg"

1. The first day - an unlimited amount of soup, drink plenty of fluids. Any fruit is allowed, with the exception of bananas.

2. The second day - in addition to soup, you can afford to eat 2-3 baked potatoes with butter.

3. The third day - soup and any vegetables (boiled, baked), but now potatoes are banned.

4. The fourth day - a bit of unloading. During the day, drink plenty of clean still water, as well as eat fat-burning soup.

5. Fifth day - at least once a day to eat soup, it is allowed to eat 400-500 grams of boiled beef meat.

6. Day 6 and 7 - soup and any vegetables, fruits except potatoes, bananas. Preference is given to apples, white cabbage and cauliflower.

If during a day a person feels hunger, it is allowed to satisfy him with a plate of fat-burning soup.

10 kg diet for apples and kefir

Kefir-apple diet will have to adhere to a little longer than a week, namely - 9 days. The technique is incredibly simple. The main advantage is that apples contain a large number of vitamins that are important for the human body, and beneficial microelements. The system for reducing excess weight allows you to lose up to 10 kg in just 9 days (depends on the individual characteristics of the human body).

The disadvantage of this method is the lack of carbohydrates in the diet. Within 9 days, slight weakness, sometimes even dizziness, can be felt. Repeat the diet is allowed no more than 1 time in 3 months.

Estimated Apple-Kefir Diet Menu

1. During the first three days you can afford only kefir of low fat content (1%). The required daily rate is 1.5 liters.

2. The next three days, the emphasis is on apples. Only green grade is suitable. The required daily quantity of apples is 1.5 kg.

3. The last three days - a repeat of the first.

The principles of the organization of the diet, the rules of "emergency" weight loss

The presented diets for weight loss of 10 kg differ from each other menu. However, it must be remembered that all weight loss techniques have similar principles, which must be followed to achieve the best result.

1. During the diet, only those foods that are allowed by the menu are allowed.

2. Every day you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of pure still water - this is important for any weight loss technique.

3. Slimming is fraught with a lack of vitamins in the body. It is for this reason that it is recommended to purchase a pharmacy vitamin complex and drink it additionally to replenish the balance of nutrients.

4. Excessive exercise with the "emergency" diet is prohibited. They can be fraught with severe weakness, as well as dizziness, loss of consciousness.

Diet for weight loss of 10 kg during the week gives an effective result. However, if you do not change your diet at the end of following the procedure, excess weight will immediately return.

To keep yourself in good shape, you must follow some rules.

1. It is recommended to exclude carbonated drinks from the diet, as well as store juices (they contain a lot of sugar).

2. Strictly limit the use of flour. For example, sweet buns can be replaced with a slice of dark chocolate, candies with dried fruits, and white bread with black.

3. Sugar is one of the main enemies of a beautiful figure. You need to try to completely eliminate it from your diet. If you want to drink sweet tea, a spoonful of honey is added instead of sugar.

4. It is necessary to accustom yourself to consume carbohydrates in the first half of the day, and proteins in the second. This will normalize the metabolism, the body will function correctly.

5. It is strictly forbidden to eat 2 hours before going to bed, as during this period the work of the stomach slows down.

You must understand that losing 10 kg is a very serious step. Any emergency diet can cause stress to the body, this should not be forgotten. It is allowed to resort to methods of reducing excess weight no more than once every few months, otherwise the metabolism will be impaired. If you want to achieve an effective result and prevent the "return" of lost kilograms, you must strictly follow the rules of the chosen diet.


Watch the video: 6 simple ways to lose a little weight (July 2024).