Why does an unpleasant odor of sweat under the armpits occur? Pharmacy and improvised means of getting rid of the smell of sweat under the armpits


Thermoregulation of the human body is carried out by sweating.

Such a process is considered natural and should not be accompanied by unnatural odors, and even more so cause some discomfort.

However, there are no completely healthy people, and periodically everyone encounters an unpleasant odor of sweat.

Especially annoying is the smell of sweat from under the armpits, with which you have to fight constantly and look for effective ways to get rid of it.

The smell of sweat under the armpits: causes

The sweat generated is actually water with salt, and even with excessive sweating caused by high ambient temperature or excitement, it cannot have a specific smell. Therefore, fresh sweat released cannot emit any aromas.

The appearance of unpleasant odors is most often associated with non-compliance with hygiene rules. In the area of ​​the axillary hollows there are a lot of different sweat glands. Therefore, in such places there is an increased accumulation of sweat. At the same time, bacteria located on the skin begin to multiply rapidly and produce a stench.

A similar problem is more often encountered by people who have increased sweating. The smell of sweat under their armpits can be observed even in the cold season.

Such deviations are not associated with cooling the body. Behind this problem are internal violations. The pathological causes of hyperhidrosis, as excessive sweating is called in medical practice, are quite diverse.

Despite the fact that the sympathetic nervous system regulates sweating, disruptions can occur when:

• diseases of an infectious nature;

• kidney disease;

• exchange violations;

• damage to the nervous system and brain;

• hormonal imbalance;

• pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;

• gastrointestinal diseases.

In addition, increased sweating is closely associated with changes in the human body that occur under the influence of:

• pregnancy;

• lactation;

• overweight;

• malnutrition;

• taking certain medications;

• bad habits;

• nerve stress.

The appearance of a specific smell of sweat in the armpit zone is observed with hormonal disorders, menstruation, increased sexuality. Some foods and spices used in food can also affect the smell of sweat.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat under your armpits: medicines

Most often, people use deodorants or antiperspirants to get rid of the smell of sweat under their arms. It should be borne in mind that deodorants can only mask sweat odors, but do not solve the problem of sweating. In turn, antiperspirants due to the content of medicinal components in them block perspiration. Therefore, the use of antiperspirants is necessary immediately after hygiene procedures.

In addition to cosmetics, there are many drugs that can solve the problem of sweat smell under the armpits.

The most common include:

1. Formidonwhich is available as a solution containing formaldehyde. With this solution, you need to wipe the armpits. The product is able to create a thin film, dry the skin and reduce sweat.

2. Pasta Teymurova. Refers to dermatological agents that have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, the drug is able to refresh and cool the skin. The paste contains salicylic and boric acid. Due to the content of glycerin, zinc oxide, talc, as well as formaldehyde, the drug is able to relieve irritation and eliminate diaper rash, which can be caused by excessive sweating.

3. Powder Galmanin. Refers to powdered products. The preparation contains zinc oxide, as well as salicylic acid. Powder has an antiseptic effect and dries the skin.

4. Deodorant Dry Dry. It has a long prolonged action. Able to dry skin and narrow pores. The uniqueness of the deodorant is that one application per week is enough. In this case, the work of sweat glands is not disturbed.

Almost all well-known cosmetic lines have deodorants, shower gels and antiperspirants that help fight the unnatural smell of sweat.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat under the armpits: folk remedies

Each patient who is faced with the problem of hyperhidrosis is looking for effective ways to get rid of the smell of sweat under the armpits. Available tools and folk recipes can help him in this.

Tea mushroom

To combat sweat and odor, the use of a strong infusion of Kombucha is effective. This tool has an antiseptic effect, which helps to reduce sweat due to pore narrowing. With such a solution, it is necessary to wipe the armpit area. The procedure must be done after hygienic treatment of these areas.

Oak bark

A decoction made from oak bark has astringents and tannins. With this tool, you can wipe the skin under the armpits several times during the day. To prepare a healing broth, you need to boil five tablespoons of raw materials in half a liter of water for half an hour. The finished broth must be insisted for at least 2 hours, after which it must be filtered and applied as directed.


To prepare the chamomile setting, you need to take one and a half tablespoons of flowers, which insist in boiling water (2 cups) until completely cooled. After straining, add baking soda (1 liter) to the finished tincture and use it to wipe the armpits. The procedure is repeated twice a day. The effect is explained by the antiseptic effect of chamomile, as well as the narrowing of the pores, which provides soda.

Apple vinegar

You can get rid of the fetid odor of sweat with a solution of apple cider vinegar. Preparing an apple potion is quite simple. It is necessary to pour 3 tablespoons of raw materials from apples into a liter of water. After an evening hygienic shower, apply an vinegar solution to the armpit area, thoroughly wiped dry, with a cotton swab. It is necessary to wait until the agent has completely dried under the armpits before going to bed.

Strong tea

Tea brewing helps reduce sweating. It is necessary to prepare a tea leaves infusion and let it brew for up to 20 minutes. Wipe the skin with armpits with such welding up to three times a day.

Baking soda

A fairly effective deodorant can be prepared from ordinary baking soda, which will help mask unpleasant odors. To do this, pour boiling water (200 ml) into soda (1 tsp). After the solution has cooled, any essential oil can be added to it. Apply garden deodorant to wipe the armpits three times a day. Treatment is carried out for a month.


Lemon has an antibacterial effect. It is able to destroy bacteria that have settled under the armpits. To eliminate a specific smell, the armpits are wiped with fresh lemon juice. You can mix lemon juice with soda. Use such a means to combat the smell of sweat is necessary until it completely disappears. Apply juice to clean and dry armpits. After carrying out such procedures, the skin can become lighter. This is a natural reaction, as lemon juice has a whitening effect. Over time, the color will be restored.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat under the armpits: what clothes are better to wear?

Any clothing that is not able to pass air and absorb sweat promotes the active growth of bacteria. Therefore, for problems associated with the unpleasant smell of sweat, it is better to refuse to wear any clothes made from synthetic fabrics. Ideal for people with sweating problems would be clothing made from natural cotton fabrics.

In addition, it is better not to resort to wearing tight blouses, t-shirts and blouses. On such clothes with increased perspiration, ugly moist spots form, which, when dried, leave yellowish marks.

And remember to observe the rules of hygiene. No deodorants are able to block the unpleasant specific smell of sweat coming from stale clothes. Therefore, try to change clothes daily and do not wear them again without washing or special handling.


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