Puffs with cherry - the most delicious pastry with your favorite berry! Surprise with your skill: start cooking puffs with cherries


Puff pastry prepares many wonderful dishes. But puffs with cherries are something special. With this delicious pastry you can delight yourself and loved ones all year round. After all, our cherries are inexpensive and you can stock up on it without any problems. Frozen berry in a puff is no less dainty than fresh.

You can diversify the taste of the filling by adjusting the amount of sugar, and in this way will be satisfied both those who love the sweetest and those who adore sour cherries.

Cherry puffs - general cooking principles

Puff pastry is best prepared on their own. After all, using the storefront, we don’t know exactly what it was made of and when, for how long it lay on the counter.

But from the home-made dough any pastries will be tender, fragrant, airy and incredibly tasty.

It can be prepared for future use and stored in the freezer.

But no one forbids baking puffs with cherries from the dough purchased in the store.

If it is frozen, then it is necessary to defrost in advance, and not just before baking.

Wash the cherries, let the water drain and remove the seeds.

Defrost frozen berries, like dough, in advance. In the evening we take it out of the freezer and put it on the lower shelf of the refrigerator. Then the defrost will pass evenly. Cherry can be placed above the sink in a colander, and the liquid gradually drains.

Starch and sugar are added to the filling, as well as chocolate, almonds, cottage cheese.

For magnificent puffs we use sifted flour of the highest grade. To make the dough, you will also need butter or margarine, water or milk, eggs, sugar and salt. You can use yeast, vanillin, lemon juice, vegetable oil.

Roll out the prepared dough to a thickness of less than one cm and divide it into squares with a side of 10 cm. This is the standard size.

The shape of puffs with cherries depends on the imagination. They should be baked on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. There should be a distance of three centimeters between the puffs, as they increase in size.

The temperature of the oven for uniform baking dishes - 190-220 degrees. The standard cooking time is 25 minutes.

Recipe 1. Lavish treats with cherry puffs


For the test:

• half a kilogram of flour;

• 200 ml of water;

• 300 gr. + 75 gr. cream margarine;

• one lemon;

• 10 gr. salt.

For filling:

• 600 gr. cherries;

• 150 gr. sugar;

• 60 gr. corn starch.

Cooking method:

Put a small piece (75 grams) of cream margarine in a slightly preheated oven. There he will melt completely for several minutes. You can do this in a water bath. Let the melted mixture cool to room temperature.

Pour water into a large bowl and add salt. It must dissolve very well so that no precipitate remains.

Squeeze the juice out of the lemon.

Pour chilled creamy margarine. Slowly mix the ingredients.

Pour flour into a bowl and stir it quickly. On the test, make a shallow cross-shaped incision, cover and put in the refrigerator for about twenty minutes.

Cover the plate with baking paper and spread on it 300 grams of cream margarine. Cover with another piece of paper.

Armed with a rolling pin, swing the margarine into the formation with a side of about fifteen cm, and a thickness of two cm. We also send it to the refrigerator for about fifteen minutes.

Let's prepare the filling. We put the cherries in a saucepan, cover them with sugar and starch.

Bring to a boil over medium heat and leave to cool.

We take out the dough and rolled out a layer of creamy margarine. We release them from the film and parchment.

We expand the dough at the place of the incision. We roll out the edges with a rolling pin so that we get a flower with petals.

In the middle we place a creamy margarine rolled into a layer. We cover it with dough petals and roll it again into a rectangle with approximate dimensions (in centimeters) of 40 × 25 and a thickness of one cm. Put it in three layers and leave it in the refrigerator for ten minutes.

We take the dough and do the previous operations: roll it into a layer, put it in three layers and return it to the refrigerator for ten minutes. The rolling process must be repeated at least five more times.

When we smooth the dough for the last time (to a thickness of half a centimeter), we cut it into strips, and them into squares with a side of ten centimeters.

Make four cuts from each edge to the center and connect the opposite edges diagonally. At the bottom of the puffs, we make a few punctures with a fork.

Place them on a prepared baking sheet and fill with cherry filling.

Open the egg and grease each item.

Twenty minutes later, the aroma of puffs with cherries will fill the most remote corner of the house and lure everyone to a cup of tea.

Recipe 2. Puffs with cherry "daughter's gift"


• five incomplete glasses of flour;

• two tablespoons of salt;

• two tablespoons of Art. sugar;

• one and a half spoons of h. High-speed yeast;

• yolks of two eggs;

• 350 gr. butter butter;

• four tablespoons of Art. vegetable oil;

• one and a half cups of milk;

• 400 gr. ripe cherries;

• 100 gr. sugar for powder berries.

Cooking method:

Let's prepare the yeast dough.

In a saucepan, slightly heat half a cup of milk. Add a spoonful of sugar and dilute the yeast.

Let's wait until our mass begins to foam.

Add the remaining sugar, one yolk, salt, vegetable oil. We mix everything very carefully with a whisk or a spoon.

Add a little flour and prepare a soft dough. In the process of mixing, pour the remaining milk.

We put the container with the dough in a warm place, so that it rises. It takes at least an hour.

We collect the dough in a bun and divide it into two parts for convenience.

We roll out one of the parts to a centimeter thickness. We turn it into a booklet and again roll it from the middle to the edges.

Spread the resulting rectangle with a soft butter. Again, turn the booklet, roll out, spread with oil. Repeat these operations at least five times.

In order to get crispy layers, the thickness of the rectangle should be five or seven mm.

In the same way we process the second part of the dough.

Let’s take care of the formation of puffs. Cut the dough into 10-cm squares. We make small cuts in one of the corners: so that the air evaporates unhindered.

We put the filling of cherries, sprinkle with sugar and form a puff in the form of a triangular pillow. We pinch the edges with a fork. Leave the blanks for about twenty minutes at room temperature.

Lubricate each puff with a loose yolk and send it to bake in the usual way.

Recipe 3. Puff with cherry "Gentle"


• 500 gr. puff pastry;

• 300 gr. Cherries

• three tablespoons sugar;

• yolk;

• one l. starch;

Cooking method:

Pour the prepared berries with sugar and set aside for about twenty minutes.

Pour the cherries into a small saucepan, add the starch and stir.

Put on a slow fire and cook, stirring constantly, until thickened.

Cut the dough into standard squares and roll out to 8 mm thickness.

In one of the corners we put about a tablespoon of the filling. On the opposite side we make some cuts.

Lubricate the edges of the square with water to make it easier to glue the dough.

Make envelopes and lay them on a baking sheet with notches up.

To make the puffs rosy, grease them with yolk.

Cooking takes twenty minutes (220 degrees).

Recipe 4. Chocolate Cherry Puffs


• a layer of puff pastry without yeast;

• chocolate bar with nuts;

• 200 gr. Cherries

• one egg;

• flour;

• powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

Free cherries and cut into small pieces.

Sprinkle flour on the plate and dip the dough on both sides. Cut it in half.

In turn, we roll each piece into identical rectangles up to 5 mm thick.

Put one layer of dough on the bottom of the mold.

In the center we place a chocolate bar. Gently pour the cherry on top.

On top of it we place the second layer of dough. We carefully pinch all four edges. You can use a fork for this.

In a small bowl, break the egg and beat it lightly.

Take a brush in our hands and generously colorize the puff.

We send to bake.

We finish the cooking by sprinkling the dish with sweet powder.

Recipe 5. Puffs with cherries and almonds


• one layer of puff-free yeast dough;

• 0.25 kg of cherries;

• egg;

• a handful of dried almonds;

• flour;

• 40 gr. white chocolate;

• one tablespoon of sugar;

• a pinch of almond and cinnamon;

• a pinch of sea salt.

Cooking method:

Sprinkle a little flour on the working surface.

Roll out the dough, and then divide into four squares.

Pour the almonds into a mortar and grind into particles of different sizes. Add sugar, cinnamon and mix the contents.

Separate the yolk from the protein.

For each square of dough, lay out a spoonful of table cherries. Place it on one of the corners, stepping back from the edge of a centimeter. Sprinkle cherries with chopped almonds with sugar and cinnamon.

Smear the edges of the dough with egg protein. We cover the cherry filling with the opposite angle in such a way as to obtain a triangle. Press the edges with your hands and a fork. Cut irregularities with a knife.

Add the yolk, mix and grease the puffs with the cherry.

Bake for twenty minutes (190 degrees).

Melt the chocolate in a small saucepan. Garnish with the baked puffs.

Recipe 6. Puffs with cherry and cottage cheese


• a pound of puff pastry;

• one egg;

• 150 gr. curd mass;

• one dining room sour cream;

• a quarter cup of sugar;

• bag of vanillin;

• 0.15 kg of cherries.

For glaze:

• a glass of powdered sugar;

• two teaspoons some water.

Cooking method:

Put cottage cheese in a nice bowl. Add sour cream, sugar and vanillin. Mix and get a beautiful curd mass.

In another bowl, we spread the egg and set it aside.

Roll out the dough and cut it into squares. On each we make cuts around the perimeter. Grease the dough with an egg and sprinkle with sugar.

In the middle of the puff, put a little curd and put a few berries.

We bake prepared semi-finished products.

Mix the icing sugar with water. Knead until the mass becomes smooth and uniform.

We do not remove the layers from the baking sheet. We decorate them with a teaspoon with icing, creating cross thin lines.

Remove the layers with cherry and cottage cheese from the sheet after the sweet stripes have hardened.

Recipe 7. Cherry Puffs Quickly


• 0.25 kg puff pastry;

• 0.15 kg of cherries;

• starch;

• sugar;

• powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

A dough layer is placed on a plate with flour and rolled out. Then cut it into several squares of standard size. We put on the center of each half a teaspoon of starch. We place seven cherries on top of the pieces, sprinkle them with sugar (one and a half teaspoons).

We bend the sides and fasten together. Leave the top of the puff open.

We lay them out on a baking sheet and send them to bake.

We decorate the top of puffs with cherries with powdered sugar.

Cherry Puffs - Tips & Tricks

  • For puffs, yeast-free puff pastry is more suitable.
  • The layers of yeast dough are very strong and can hold the filling inside the product. Closed pastries come out of it perfectly. But the yeast-free puff pastry will keep the filling on itself, and not on itself.
  • So that the layers do not tear when rolling, you need to add quite a bit of lemon juice to the dough.
  • Melted margarine or butter cannot be cooled in the refrigerator - lumps will appear in them.
  • Cutting the dough is much more convenient with a pizza knife.


Watch the video: The best STRAWBERRY HAND PIES recipe! (June 2024).