Chewing gum will increase reaction and ingenuity


According to Japanese scientists, chewing activates attention, concentration, improves reaction, information processing speed and short-term memory, that is, it positively affects the cognitive function of the brain.

The experiment involved 17 healthy participants aged 20-34 years. They were asked to be tested for attention and quick wit. Complex tests were offered for testing, and the time for their execution was limited to 30 minutes. Each participant passed the test twice: chewing chewing gum and without it.

The researchers tried to exclude side effects during the experiment, so the chewing gums were tasteless and odorless. While participants completed tasks, their brain activity was recorded using magnetic resonance imaging.

It turned out that when chewing, participants coped with tasks about 10% faster. The quality of execution has also improved significantly.

As scientists explain, the chewing process improves blood circulation in eight areas of the brain, helping to improve cognitive function. The areas that are responsible for motor functions and attention, the left frontal gyrus and the anterior cingulate cortex, are most strongly activated. However, what mechanism lies behind this phenomenon is not yet clear to scientists.


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