Nutmeg - properties and applications in cooking. Nutmeg Recipes.


Nutmeg - Description

This oblong nut the size of an olive grows on a large and sprawling evergreen tree. The homeland of nutmeg, or nutmeg, is considered to be the Moluccas, India and the Brazilian tropics. In total there are more than a hundred of its species. Muscatnik blooms all year round. In place of the flower, a fruit appears, the size of an apricot, inside of which there is a nutmeg enclosed in a shell. The shell, otherwise it is also called matsis, or the nutmeg color, as well as the nut is used in cooking. During the year from one tree you can get about 10 thousand fruits.

Nutmeg - Properties

And the reader, and the reaper, and the player on the pipe, this is how one could briefly describe nutmeg, describing its beneficial properties. It contains vitamins, minerals, the diversity and quantity of which is so great that the nut will be useful for almost any organ or system of the human body. Be it the circulatory, lymphatic, digestive or nervous system.

This is a well-known natural painkiller, which is used for pain in joints, muscles, stomach, abdomen, gums, arthritis, toothache and headache. The systematic use of nutmeg with food helps cleanse the kidneys, liver, blood, lymph, and the whole body of toxins and poisons. It will help with insomnia, nervous breakdown. Being an aphrodisiac, spray sensuality and desire, increase potency. It will calm diarrhea and flatulence, cheer up and regain appetite.

When using nutmeg, it is necessary to adhere to a strict dosage - no more than 1 nut per day. Otherwise, the occurrence of rapid heartbeat, vomiting, headache, hallucinations, death is not ruled out.

Nutmeg - Cooking Use

Nutmeg is a fairly popular spice in cooking. It is used in the production of sausages, smoking fish and meat, pickling and preserving meat and fish products.

Before adding to the dish, the nutmeg is crushed, ground on a grater or using the prepared ground spice. It improves the taste of mushroom, vegetable dishes, salads, sauces and gravy. Its pleasant spicy aroma and sweetish taste came in handy when making sweet dishes - pastry, flour, jam, milk drinks, sweets, punch and cocktails.

Nutmeg Recipe Examples

Recipe 1: Chicken Pasta with Nutmeg

Very easy to prepare dish. The recipe uses chicken or turkey breasts. The product is completely natural and much tastier than shop sausage.

Ingredients: chicken breasts (turkey) - 0.5kg, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 tables. lie vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon honey, 3 teaspoons salt, 1.5 stack. water, ground paprika - 1 tablespoon, ¼ teaspoon. nutmeg

Cooking method

Dissolve the salt in water and lower the breast into the resulting brine. Leave for two or three hours.

Chop the garlic, mix with spices and honey. The salted breast must be tightly tied with thread or twine so that a piece of meat keeps its shape. Coat the breast completely with a mixture of honey and spices and bake for 20 minutes (240-250C). Turn off the fire and let the pastor cool in the oven, then transfer to the refrigerator. After complete cooling, it can be cut and served.

Recipe 2: Pea Sausage with Nutmeg

A good dish for fasting. A la doctor's sausage. It is said that from the 19th century until the end of World War II, pea sausage was in the daily diet of German soldiers. Allegedly, she increased their stamina. For taste and calorie content, slices of bacon were added to it. The Germans are famous inventors of ersatz products. And most importantly, they do it great. Why not cook a sausage like this at home.

Ingredients: 2 cups peas (pea flakes), 2-3 tables. lie beetroot juice, 6 cloves of garlic, 100 ml of vegetable oil, 2 teaspoonful. coriander and salt, to taste: ground black pepper and nutmeg.

Cooking method

Cook thick pea puree. It will turn out faster from cereal. But the usual round peas are also suitable. To speed up cooking, it can be baked in a frying pan or in the oven, slightly cooled and ground in a blender in flour. Or cook the old-fashioned way, previously soaked in water.

Chopped garlic, spices, salt and beetroot juice. And with the hot mashed potatoes put in a blender. Beat the mass well, until completely homogeneous. You can use a sieve, but it will be much longer.

Make a sausage. From the plastic bottle (0.5-1l) cut off the top so that the bottle becomes straight. Otherwise, the frozen sausage will be difficult to get. Put the stuffing in the resulting container. Once the sausage has cooled, it is ready to eat. It, as well as the real one, can be cut and put with a slice of cheese on bread.

A little tip. Beets have a color of varying degrees of saturation. Therefore, so that the sausage is not too beetroot, the juice should not be introduced immediately, but gradually, watching the color.

Recipe 3: The liver under a golden crust

The liver is a very useful product; in truth, some of them do not tolerate it. It is very unfortunate, but we will try to help them and submit to the court an interesting recipe for a delicious liver, which with great pleasure will be eaten by absolutely everything. Give it a try.

Ingredients: chicken (turkey) liver - 600-800g, 300g champignons, 1 onion, 150g hard cheese, vegetable oil. Sauce: 100g butter, with a hill 3 tablespoons. flour, 1 liter of milk, pepper, salt, 2 pinches of nutmeg.

Cooking method

Fry the chopped onion and sliced ​​mushrooms until golden. Salt

Cook the Bechamel sauce. Melt butter in a hot pan, add flour, mix and break lumps, lightly fry. Pour in milk while stirring constantly. Pepper sauce, salt, sprinkle with nutmeg and boil a little until slightly thickened (sour cream consistency).

Prepare the liver. It should be said that it is desirable to take the liver in briquettes, so it will be convenient to prepare it for baking. Thaw the liver, but not completely. Those. it should be soft enough to be conveniently cut, but not split into pieces, but kept the shape of a briquette. Transfer to a mold where it will be baked, and cut into slices about a centimeter thick. Between the slices lay the stuffing of mushrooms and onions.

Pour the sauce, spreading it over the entire surface so that each piece is covered. Bake for about 40 minutes (200C). Then sprinkle with chopped cheese and hold for another 15 minutes in the oven so that the cheese melts and grabs a beautiful crust. Serve by slicing with a spatula. The liver is good and hot and cold.

Nutmeg - Useful Tips from Experienced Cookers

- The aroma quickly disappears from the crushed spices. Therefore, it should not be kept in powder. It is recommended to store the spice with a whole nut, and rub and chop immediately before adding to the dish.


Watch the video: 7 Health Benefits Of Nutmeg (June 2024).