Love triangles ... And if the extra angle - is that you!?


There are many options for love triangles in our lives. For example, "you-he-his mom"; “You-he-his work; "He-you-another guy." And the most popular is “You-he-his girlfriend.” In my life, in any triangle, for some reason, I always turned out to be an obtuse angle.

There was a triangle with tops in my life: "he", "me" and "my girlfriend". It all started with the fact that my friend and I went to the club, at the entrance to which we met a guy. More precisely, I said: "Your boyfriend is waiting for you at home, and I need to arrange a personal life! Look, cute, let me talk to him!". As a result, the evening lasted for another couple of hours of communication in three. I clearly made it clear that I like him. The young man, in turn, behaved coolly, showing no sympathy for any of us. On the way home, in a taxi, we exchanged numbers with a guy. And I had hope for a continuation. But geographically it turned out that I got out of a taxi first, and my girlfriend and handsome drove on. Morning came, a phone call rang, a friend cooed enthusiastically: “He is so cool! I don’t remember how, but I was at his house. In short, I’ll tell you at the meeting” ...

A few weeks have passed, and the girlfriend does not quit her boyfriend, nor does she refuse my desired things. That is, she has already drawn her own geometric figure. I suffered because I could not ask: “Friend, do not meet him, I like him. You have your boyfriend, why do you two?” Could not and that's it. Yes, and love can not be forced. And I silently felt sorry for myself, asking the inner question: "What's wrong with me?" Ended love geometry that a friend asked me for forgiveness, but did not cease to communicate with him. Of course, over time, she made her choice in favor of her former young man. I have forgiven her, everyone lives and acts according to her conscience.

A year later, I practically found myself in her place ... But already in another triangle: "he", "me", "his girlfriend". My old student friend, with whom we were very close friends (spent a lot of time together, walked around the arms, cuddled at the meeting, knew each other's parents) fell in love, and started dating a girl from another university. My attitude towards this was calm, her - no. It is worth mentioning that his parents always liked me more. Therefore, in order to avoid conflicts on family holidays, they invited me - a friend, and not her - a girl.

But the situation on the eve of the International Women's Day, I was shocked, to put it mildly. My friend came to congratulate me with a fiery speech: "I bought her a big teddy hare, you gave me a small one and gave her a big bottle of perfume, and you bought a smaller one. Everything is identical, so no offense."

Judging by the photos exhibited by his girlfriend in social networks, he did not deceive me. But, if she could put it all on the page with all the pride, then what did I have to think? What I am less important than it is precisely on such a certain number of centimeters and milliliters? Or that I - a spare airfield?

Although, I do not think that I was the blunt angle in this situation. Perhaps, with low self-esteem and deep respect for this person - yes. After all, I did not in any way let him understand that his act really offended me. And, if he just bought different, but equivalent gifts - I would have reacted calmly to this. I do not know what exactly my friend felt, I don’t want to build guesses and I won’t. But we continued to communicate in the same format: I am very closely friends with him, she nags him for this, and he is torn between two fires. He even introduced us to her, hoping to calm her down - it did not help. Most likely, the problem was, sadly enough, in the nearness of his girlfriend: it was necessary to look for no rival in me, but to see a crib. The clue about what she does is wrong.

Over time, the young lady frequent hysterical seizures and scenes of jealousy about me. She did not understand how he could spend more time with me, not with her. In the end, as in the situation with a gift for March 8, the palm branch of the championship went to her, and I won the second consolation. We stopped being friends, and they continued to meet for several years. In my opinion, in this relationship, we all played the role of a blunt angle.

The sad conclusion, made from bitter experience - love triangles are not eternal, but they are much stronger than it seems at first glance. The figure is not broken even when the moment of exposure comes. Someone swallows an insult, someone adapts, forgives or ignores this fact. And very rarely, apparently, the triangle turns into a strong pair. The current situation already indicates that someone has problems with self-esteem and responsibility for their actions.

Although, for me personally, the differences of the triangles are obvious: "You-he-one more girl" and "You-he-one more guy." In the first case, the man hides behind two women, trying to get rid of the inferiority complex, he is childish and unable to make a choice on his own; in the second case: a girl who doubts both, as a result makes her choice in favor of one, more reliable and serious.

BUT! Regardless of the specifics of the triangle, I know one thing for sure - "How many threads do not twist, but the end will still be."


Watch the video: Ah, The Right Triangle (July 2024).