The benefits and harms of oatmeal: how to get the best from the product. Useful tips for hostesses, facts about the benefits and dangers of oatmeal


Breakfast, consisting of nutritious grain dishes - a great way to recharge your batteries for the whole day, to replenish the supply of essential nutrients and vitamins.

The use of oatmeal, simplicity and speed of cooking - the main advantages of the famous "Hercules".

Eating oats in reasonable quantities will bring great health benefits; a few simple tips will help you avoid potential harm from the product.

Rules for making oatmeal and choosing raw materials

The taste of the dish and its influence on health depend on the culinary skill of the hostess. Knowing and following the rules of cooking products, you can achieve a delicious aroma and preserve the important, useful properties of all components. Every country originated its own tradition of making oatmeal. The dish is known and loved by residents of Russia and the CIS, English-speaking countries and Europe.

To oatmeal does not bring health harm, you should pay attention to some features when choosing a product:

• when choosing packaged flakes, pay attention to the tightness of the packaging. Flakes sealed in a plastic bag are stored for six months longer than in a carton;

• it is better not to buy porridge for future use: a stale product rather quickly acquires a bitter taste;

• the shelf life of the product is calculated from the date of production, rather than packaging;

• high-quality raw materials are white flakes with a pleasant beige tint that do not have additional inclusions (additives, flavor enhancers).

Whether you and your children benefit from oatmeal, depends largely on the duration of cooking the original mixture. Cooking time depends on the type of oats and the degree of its processing. The more time it takes to boil, the more useful the final product will be. The name of one of the most well-known trademarks producing oat flakes became the common name for the entire range of this category of cereal products - “Hercules”.

The principle of cooking is quite simple. The hostess will get a tasty treat, having made some simple actions.

1. Before the direct heat treatment process, carefully read the instructions on the packaging. It is so easy to determine the right amount of raw materials, the right proportion of water or milk, to get the required number of servings.

2. If we are talking about whole-grain product, then the flakes should be washed before cooking. Unlike rice or buckwheat, oatmeal is not washed in most cases. But such an action does not entail negative consequences - the taste, healthy properties and flavor of the dish will remain after contact of the raw material with running water. Oatmeal, from which you also get a delicious breakfast, is boiled without pre-processing.

3. Oatmeal is added to boiled milk or water, boiled, stirring, over low heat. The finished dish is left to stand for a couple of minutes under the lid.

With the advent of multicookers, the cooking process has become even faster and easier. Simply select the desired program, download the ingredients, and you get a delicious and nutritious breakfast for the whole family. At the same time, it is not necessary to control the temperature and stir the dish, the process of cooking a tasty dish practically does not require human participation!

Undoubted dignity oat flakes - ease of preparation. The final product will turn out in any case, spoil the dish is almost impossible. Harm oatmeal can cause in very rare cases, and only to people with specific health characteristics. Grain is cooked quickly. Having stood at the stove a couple of times, even an inexperienced chef will cope with the task of “cheers,” especially if he adds additional ingredients to the masterpiece (raisins, dried apricots, banana).

The uniqueness of oats in that it can be served with a huge amount of extra goodies. A nourishing and healthy dish suitable for dieting ladies that can satisfy hunger, saturate the body with useful substances - “oat-flakes”, cooked in chicken broth, with the addition of meat.

Children prefer sweet recipes. Beneficially complement the taste of oats additives such as nuts, honey, candied fruits and fruits, which can be served in the form of finely chopped pieces, or pre-made from the ingredients of mashed potatoes. Sweetie sweets ready cereal chocolate and caramel.

Oatmeal: the benefits and composition

Persuading the kid to enjoy a delicious breakfast, each mother thinks about the benefits of oatmeal.

In the study and analysis of the properties of the product should also be understood that any, even the most necessary body and useful delicacy consumed in reasonable quantities, taking into account the state of health, weight, age. In case of doubt when compiling the daily menu, the doctor’s detailed advice will help you determine the right and safe dishes. Eating oatmeal porridge causes harm very rarely (and this is due to the wrong choice of product and its quantity, as well as some diseases), but the positive effect on the body is indisputable. The dish contains a lot of substances necessary for a healthy life for adults and children.

The main components that make up the oatmeal are involved in all important processes of human life support.

Main elements

Effect on the body


It has a positive effect on bone tissue.


It helps to improve the activity of the brain and the nervous and digestive systems.


Maintains bones, cartilage, connective tissue in good condition.


Needed to maintain immunity.


It prevents the development of atherosclerosis, improves the functioning of the thyroid gland.


Plays an important role in blood formation.


Necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system.

Elements, amino acids, vegetable fats and proteins are well absorbed by the body, have a positive effect on metabolic processes, provide a feeling of fullness. Oatmeal has a beneficial effect on digestion. The product rich in fiber helps cleanse the body of harmful components, removes toxins, helps to normalize the water-salt balance.

Porridge should be included in the diet of representatives of all age groups. For babies, croup will ensure rapid and full growth, protect and strengthen the skeletal system. The habit of eating healthy food will go to adulthood, laying the foundation for proper nutrition. Middle-aged people will help the dish to avoid dangerous diseases, protecting the digestive system, and contribute to the normalization of weight. Pensioners, using the product, will provide their bodies with all the necessary substances in adulthood. The benefits of porridge are proven not only by scientists, but also by the experience of many families from different countries. In Scotland and other countries, the dish has become national due to its properties and low price of raw materials.

Oatmeal: harm and contraindications

Unfortunately, even the most necessary body product may be contraindicated. Oatmeal will harm health in extremely rare cases:

• having a diagnosis of celiac disease, or gluten intolerance - a reason to refuse appetizing cereals. The disease is often inherited, may occur in infancy;

• excessive use of the product helps to eliminate calcium from the body;

• in case of individual reactions of the organism, the question of including oats in the diet is better solved together with the therapist.

Without having contraindications to the use of healthy grains and eating a reasonable amount of oatmeal, you can provide substantial support to your health, take care of your beloved family.

Porridge - the best diet product

Being overweight is not just a problem of appearance. Although for most women just the aesthetic moment is a priority. Extra pounds affect the cardiovascular system, have a devastating effect on the bones, cause a lot of unpleasant and dangerous diseases. The benefits of porridge and its pleasant taste make the product popular among nutritionists.

Water boiled oatmeal is a common and popular dish. But its pleasant and simple taste can be quickly satiated. To make food enjoyable, it is supplemented with healthy fruit and meat components.

1. Fruits - a worthy addition to oatmeal. You can complement the taste of the dish with natural and dried fruits. Citrus lovers use orange juice and zest to give the fresh sour oats. Coconut milk is a worthy alternative to fat-containing additives. It will give the porridge a soft and delicate taste.

2. Chicken, turkey and rabbit are considered dietary meats, giving a low-fat and nutritious broth. On this broth, you can cook delicious and nourishing porridge.

Oats is one of the leading places in the diet menu. The latter, despite the prohibitions, should be diverse. Oatmeal will harm the body if it is consumed excessively.

In addition to the low calorie content of the dish, the undoubted advantage is the high content of fiber in it.

This important component helps to normalize the work of the intestine, the removal of excess substances from the body, which helps to achieve the desired result.

The benefits of porridge, light, pleasant taste and rich aroma are the main reasons for the popularity of the dish. Properly prepared delicacy will satisfy hunger, improve immunity and provide energy at the beginning of the working day!


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