Bite can be gentle


There are many kinds of touches, with the help of which a man and a woman excite each other during foreplay or sexual contact. And besides stroking and kissing, biting can be a very effective caress. However, there is not so simple.

If the same touches with fingers or lips can hardly bring unpleasant feelings to the partner, then biting can easily turn into pain. That is why such caresses should be treated very carefully. It is best to remember a few rules to secure biting, and always apply them in practice. Let's take a look at the list of these recommendations to never hurt your soulmate even during the most passionate sex.

Bite for the "right" places. Biting to be a large part of the human body, but still not all. So, you can not bite the eyelids, upper lip, bridle of the penis. In addition, each person has his own body parts, biting of which only brings him discomfort. Therefore, using biting, it is necessary to closely monitor the reaction of the partner.

Do not bite during orgasm. At the time of orgasm, men and women often lose control over their bodies. Including over the jaw muscles. That is why if a man or woman feels the approach of an orgasm, then you should stop biting any part of the partner’s body. Otherwise, there is a risk that it is banal to bite through the skin, causing not only severe pain, but also quite serious damage. In this case, the bites bleed profusely, difficult to heal and often inflamed.

Hygiene. Biting of the partner's genitals, in fact, is the most real oral sex. At the same time, the human oral cavity often contains bacteria, the ingestion of which on such tender areas of the body is unacceptable. That is why, before proceeding with such caresses, it is necessary to carry out proper oral hygiene. Simply put, brush your teeth, rinse your mouth with special compounds that support oral hygiene. However, the purity of the genitals themselves is also worth taking care of.

Alcohol. Often, people have sex while intoxicated, and there is nothing particularly bad about this (of course, if the partners took care of the availability of effective contraception). However, it is better to refuse biting in this situation. The fact is that, firstly, he bites with difficulty and evaluates the safety of his actions. And secondly, the party receiving such caresses due to the anesthetic effect of alcohol may not notice the danger that threatens it.


Watch the video: This Is Why Cats Bite You Sometimes When You Pet Them (June 2024).