Signs about indoor plants


We began to grow plants not for food and medicinal purposes in Ancient Babylon (recall the legendary gardens of Babylon). Signs about indoor plants began to form around the same time, but alas, very little has come to us.

Another thing is the Middle Ages (especially the European one).

Naturally, many of them are modernized, but the essence remains the same. And for a more full-color picture, it is better to consider them not in divisions by categories of topics will be accepted, but in relation to specific types.

In order for mutual understanding to prevail in the family, an even number of pots with begonia or azaleaif the containers are not divided into two, these plants will contribute to the development of creative abilities, but a person will become a more zealous owner of everything he owns.

Growing begonias at home. Continuous flowering conditions

Exotic calla lilies they attract luck, but you should be careful not to put white / cream flowers on the windowsill - this leads to depression. It is curious that on a table or a rack squeezed to the window, they do not produce such an effect.

Calla in a pot: the secrets of home care

Contemplation geraniums protects from nervous breakdowns, and also, it is worth in her presence to have a cup of tea with a guest and he will become much more talkative (but no one will open personal secrets). If you are allergic to geraniums of any color other than white, maybe someone is spoiling it.

The benefits and dangers of geraniums - we already wrote earlier

Hibiscus - a flower of health (in the literal sense, by the way, if you drink tea with it). The beginning of its flowering is the best start for a diet or to accustom yourself to sports. Suddenly dried hibiscus promises a situation that will seem terrible at first glance, but will turn into something harmless or even funny.

Why is hibiscus called the "flower of death" and "husbands"?

Hyacinth those who decided to exchange a heart broken by a partner for arranging a life in which there is no place for a relationship yet will appreciate it. It is also believed that if you put an extra mark under his pot for the night, then the exams will be passed brilliantly, and if the keys to the car, then it will never be stolen.

Let hyacinth bloom at home all year round!

Oxalis, or simply sour, a lovely plant is not so much in flowers as in elegant leaves (varieties with purple are popular). This is the best green neighbor for those who constantly lose something, do not have time, says out of place. In the presence of acid, self-development will certainly bring the desired results. The plant will make a person more accurate, punctual, eloquent.

The happiest flowers are indoor roses and it is optimal that their color matches the sign of the zodiac. By the number of buds that blossomed a week before the new moon, one can guess at desires - even means “yes”, odd means “no”.

Violet - growing, care, transplanting and reproduction

The woman who grows violets and pansies, there is the opportunity to always look great, be the most stylish and attract the attention of men, but without stupid harassment of anyone. Only flowers should at least once a month "bathe" at night in the moonlight pouring in the windows.


 For wealth and well-being for two millennia, the best plant is considered Crassula, or Crassula. If the family has a common budget, one money tree is enough, if it is separate, then it is better to sprout according to the number of households. And it is very important not only to water the plant, but also to wipe its round thick leaves from dust in time.

If you choose a tree with small leaves - there will always be money for small pleasures and spontaneous purchases, if with large ones - it will turn out to save up for large acquisitions.

Fern - the main energy vampire among plants, because of which a person loses his appetite, sleeps poorly, is indifferent to everything and looks at the world gloomily. The only option to keep the fern is to neutralize it with magical amulets, for example, to put rock crystal crystal on the ground in a pot or to put the fern in the area of ​​Feng Shui knowledge and wisdom (but it should be properly designed).

Growing fragrant greens - basil, marjoram, thyme in the kitchen, promotes appetite and good, healthy taste habits. This was known in the Renaissance.

Mother-in-law's tongue quite popular and even positively affects the energy of the house (we emphasize - the home itself, and not the furniture and people in it), but on condition that only women live nearby. It is believed that a man who comes into the house, if he is an unworthy life partner, will soon negatively manifest himself as a conflict. And if he came to visit more than once and was “tested” by a plant, then he can be trusted. Another "pike tail" attracts positive cosmic energy to the house.

A small lemon or orange tree it is worth keeping the owners of their own business - so that it grows and flourishes. If you make a wish when a recently established citrus fruit is noticed, you can hope for its fulfillment by the time it ripens.

The last twenty years you can come across the theory that cactus - salvation from radiation from a computer and other equipment. From the point of view of science - terribly doubtful. But a much older belief that it provokes men to drink alcohol and prevents young women from having a happy personal life.

Cactus in the house: the benefits and harms, care tips

If a couple dreams about children, but it is impossible to get them, urgently needed ficus on the window to the bedroom. If you want a boy, blue decorative soil is strewed onto the ground, if the girl is pink. And you can not water the ficus after sunset - this is a difficult pregnancy.


It is well known that to break a little dishes - fortunately.

If the flower pot fell, this event can be interpreted in different ways:

  • only the lower part broke away - a new tenant will appear in the house, maybe relatives will come for a long time or a cat will be brought up;
  • the top was beaten off by small fragments - changes are coming, someone will show a sign of attention;
  • cracked as if in half - you need to take care of your health on time.

Any climbing plant, flowing down a green wave, a place on the balconywhere they are able to "shelter" the apartment from the negative energy of the street. Kitchen for them is the most inappropriate place, so they literally "drive" male households from the family.

It is impossible to keep dried, sick and not recovering plants in the house, as well as the old flora, which no longer blooms - all this can exacerbate chronic human diseases.

Are indoor plants able to improve living standards? An inconspicuous source of health: monstera, geranium, violet or cactus


Watch the video: Perfect Plant bring Good Luck & Prosperity for 12 Zodiac Signs - Know Everything (July 2024).