Joints of the big toes were inflamed - the main thing is to prevent complications! Causes of inflammation of the joint of the thumb


The development of the inflammatory process can lead to severe and unbearable pain.

This condition causes constant discomfort while walking, and, one way or another, violates the usual way of life. How to relieve pain in the joints of the thumb with inflammation and prevent the disease from progressing further?

Inflammation of the joints of the big toes causes

Before a specialist proceeds with the treatment of the disease, it is necessary to find out what caused this condition. Below we consider the main reasons why the joints on the fingers become inflamed.

Gouty arthritis

Gout - a disease is a common cause, as a result of which the joints on the toes begin to become inflamed. Symptoms of the pathology are very typical, therefore, a diagnosis can be made already at the first examination. The main sign of the disease is aching in nature. A person does not know what to do so that the pain ceases to bother. The first attack is short-term, gradually the pain will last longer and longer, until the disease develops into chronic gout.

With the development of gout, inflammation of the big toe always occurs. In exceptional cases, inflammation affects other joints. Pain most often occurs at night, sleep is disturbed. The skin around the sore spot swells and acquires a purple hue. Due to edema, the finger cannot move. Such typical symptoms make it possible to suspect the development of the disease at an early stage of development.

Arthritis with gout can quickly turn into a chronic form. If you do not start treatment on time, the pain will become constant. As a result, complete or partial destruction of the cartilage will occur. Treatment should be supervised by a specialist.

Rheumatoid arthritis

With the development of the disease, small joints on the legs and arms, in particular on the fingers, are affected. Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by the defeat of absolutely all fingers, but most often the joints on the thumb suffer. As a rule, the disease affects only women who are over the age of 40 years. Symptoms of the disease are as follows:

1. Severe pain, when moving, it intensifies.

2. In the morning, fingers are constrained.

3. The skin at the site of the inflamed joint is swollen, has a red color.

4. Other organs are affected, for example, the heart, kidneys.

In the acute stage of the development of the disease, signs of pathology are more pronounced. Few patients can ignore the symptoms of pathology. Upon its transition to a chronic form, stiffness and limited movement will be present almost constantly. Treatment is effective only at an early stage, then it is difficult to get rid of the disease.


If suddenly the joints on the thumb begin to hurt badly, then we can talk about the development of a disease such as osteoarthritis. This is a serious pathology that can lead to the destruction of the joint. Arthritis is associated with proliferation of connective tissue. Pathology can lead to the fact that the foot simply can not move. If treatment is not started on time, persistent contours form on the site of the cartilage, which will impede any movement.

Osteoarthrosis can affect not only the joints of the thumb, but also other, large structures. The disease affects people in adulthood. The treatment lasts a long time and should be carried out under the constant supervision of the attending physician.


Bursitis is a disease in which a periarticular bag is inflamed. Symptoms appear at the time of movement, with a load on the foot. The patient constantly feels severe pain, inside everything seems to burn, the finger swells, and its color becomes very red. A lump may form on the thumb. If the pathology is not treated, it will progress further, as a result, the joint may completely collapse, and this in turn will lead to other, more serious consequences.


A thumb injury cannot be overlooked. A bruise and the development of edema on the thumb indicates that an injury has occurred. Swelling and pain can gradually increase, especially if the joint is dislocated. A traumatologist is involved in the treatment.

Inflammation of the joints of the big toes, the causes of which are described above, cannot be ignored. If you experience suspicious symptoms, you must visit a medical facility.

Large Toe Joint Inflammation - Diagnosis

When diagnosing, it is necessary to identify the exact causes of the inflammatory process. It is on this basis that the specialist will prescribe the appropriate treatment. It is imperative to carry out the following:

1. Blood test - an inflammatory process is indicated by an accelerated ESR and an increased level of white blood cells. Eosinophilia will indicate an allergy.

2. Biochemical test - thanks to the study, it is possible to establish the defeat of the rheumatoid factor.

3. An x-ray is performed - a specialist will visually see a change in the joints, deformity, as well as arthrosis.

As an addition, ultrasound diagnostics are used. If necessary, you need to do a puncture with bakossev from joint fluid. In case of suspected tuberculosis infection, specific samples must be taken.

Inflammation of the joint of the big toe treatment

After the therapist receives research data, he will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. If the prescribed drugs do not bring a positive result, the patient will be referred to a rheumatologist.

If the patient goes to the doctor at an early stage of the development of the disease, then the likelihood that the treatment will be successful is high. It may be enough to conduct physiotherapy and apply manual therapy. In the event that the patient observes that the joints are very crisp, it is necessary to undergo electrophoresis, and also use drugs to introduce into the joint.

The patient should be prepared for the fact that the treatment will take a long time, and the approach to it should be precisely comprehensive. It is thanks to him that you can get rid of pain and remove the inflammatory process.

With inflammation of the joint of the big toe, the treatment involves the use of drugs from certain groups:

1. Anti-inflammatory.

2. Injections and steroid drugs.

3. Diclofenac (a non-steroidal drug).

4. Various food additives with anti-strengthening effect.

5. In exceptional cases, it is necessary to use potent drugs.

In addition to medicines, the specialist will prescribe a fixing bandage on the leg, thanks to it the mobility of the joints will be limited, the pain will be relieved.

Many specialists at an early stage of the disease recommend the use of chondroprotectors. Under their influence, the cartilage tissue will recover, with an exacerbation, the process of joint destruction will be slowed down. Since the restoration of cartilage tissue requires a lot of time, treatment with such drugs can take up to several years.

Depending on how the patient feels, a specialist may prescribe a massage course or treatment procedures. Blood circulation in the joint of the thumb will be normalized, toxins removed, this is important for the patient.

If the inflamed joint is in a neglected state, the patient will undergo surgery. The operation to treat arthritis in our country has been carried out for a long time, there is a certain scheme during which the affected joint is fully or partially prosthetized. Sometimes this is the only chance to return to a full life.

During treatment, great attention must be paid to proper nutrition. Everyone should know that with gout you need not only to use medicines, but also to eat properly. Such patients need to eat more fruits and vegetables. You can not abuse bad habits, eat legumes and too fatty foods.

It is believed that the prognosis of arthritis is always poor, and, unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of it. However, using therapy can facilitate the development of the disease and improve the quality of later life.

Inflammation of the joint of the big toe treatment: folk remedies

In folk medicine, there are many recipes for the treatment of various ailments. Below are the most effective ways to treat arthritis and other diseases associated with inflammation of the thumb joint:

1. Foot baths. For their preparation you will need St. John's wort, calendula, essential oil, eucalyptus, sandalwood. Pour water into a basin with a temperature of not more than 40 degrees, drip a few oils. Pour water from steamed herbs, lower your legs and soak for half an hour. The procedure can be performed daily until the desired result is obtained.

2. Useful anti-inflammatory medicinal herbs (St. John's wort, calendula).

3. Grind onions, wrap it in gauze, attach to a sore spot and hold for half an hour. If necessary, repeat up to 5 times a day.

4. Attach the cabbage leaf to the thumb, wrap it with a cloth, leave it for several hours.

5. Grind the chalk, fill with a small amount of kefir, apply to the affected area, wrap with plastic wrap and leave overnight.

With the development of the inflammatory process, you can not engage in an active sport, since it will only aggravate the development of the disease. It is recommended to perform an exercise with stretching, muscle elasticity will be increased. It is impossible to jump, run, and feel with this disease.

Despite the difficult course of the disease, there are many ways that allow you to remove unpleasant symptoms and give the patient a chance to lead a full life. Watch your health and be examined in a timely manner.


Watch the video: Big Toe PainStiffness Hallux Rigidus 10 Steps to Cure. (July 2024).