Stress - what is it and how to deal with it? Is it possible to cope with stress manifestations on my own, why go to a psychologist?


In our rather difficult time, many people are so loaded with problems, troubles and hardships that they simply have no time to enjoy life. A person who does not feel joy and pleasure from life - condemns himself to stress. Stress - how to deal with it?

Stress - how to deal with it, basic information

Let's deal with what is stress? Doctors believe that stress should be considered the reaction of the body to some extreme factor, a situation that is difficult to resolve. In stressful situations, a huge amount of adrenaline is produced in the body. This hormone stimulates the survival function in humans, while its overabundance can provoke various kinds of psychological deviations.

The main stressful situations:

· Change of work;

· Living place;

· Inseparable love;

· The death of someone from relatives;

· Difficulties in the financial sector;

· Lack of enough sleep;

· Lack of regime;

· Improper, malnutrition, starvation.

The list goes on and on. It is also important to share the stressful situations that arise in a person’s life for a reason that is directly related to it and not directly related to it.

That is, you may experience a financial crisis because of your personal actions, or because someone intervened in the course of your work, someone prevents you from fully fulfilling your labor duties. In any case, stress cannot be avoided.

It is also important to divide stressful situations into objective and subjective. If your loved one died and you are experiencing a stressful state, the reason for its occurrence is objective. But, if you quarreled with your lover and cheat yourself, concentrate on negative thoughts - the cause of stress is subjective.

Stress - how to deal with it, if a person creates a problem for himself? In this situation, you need not fight, but to identify for what reason a similar reaction arose. Perhaps a person is inclined to self-flagellation, self-abasement, self-flagellation, and does not want to admit it in any way or does not want to cope with it, to fight.

Stress - how to deal with it, comfort zone

Adrenaline dependence has been studied by doctors for a long time. They established the fact that regular excessive release of adrenaline into the blood leads to a person getting used to his increased norm in the blood. Then, when a person ceases to be in a stressful situation, adrenaline will not be enough for his body and the person will look for a situation for himself in order to return to the comfort zone.

What are we talking about now? About those situations when a woman thinks up problems for herself, when she very often feels offended and humiliated. When, she constantly complains, laments for life. Yes, she is in a stressful situation, but the situation is subjective, it could have been avoided.

Out of the comfort zone for many is a very difficult task, which they simply can not cope with. They are increasingly delving into their stress, constantly looking for reasons for suffering and worries. If they do not find these reasons, they begin to look for other methods for the release of adrenaline.

Stress - how to deal with it, the main signs

The main signs that your body is experiencing stress are:

· Cardiopalmus;

· Excessive sudden sweating;

· Cold in the limbs;

· Dizziness;



· Stuttering;

Sudden tears.

These are the main symptoms that you are experiencing a stressful situation. How to respond to them? It is important to understand that you can get rid of the symptoms when you realize what is happening to you. It happens that a person cannot control his emotions and is constantly immersed in stress.

Some already have such irreparable consequences on the physical level that their health suffers insanely. Problems begin with sleep, with excitability. A person is constantly in a state of stress, tension, desire to get out of a vicious circle, to be free.

If you have a rather difficult job, this does not mean at all that you will be constantly in a state of stress. You can suffer from insomnia and not because of the stress experienced, but because of hormonal changes, a change in the biological rhythm of the body. Everything is individual, but if you went through a rather difficult period in your life and after that you started having health problems, stress and its consequences are present in your life.

Stress - how to deal with it yourself

It is not always possible to deal with stress, sometimes it just needs to be overcome. We can talk about the loss of a loved one, as well as a big crisis situation related to finances. If you have lost a loved one and experience constant depression, anxiety, are not enjoying life, then there is already no stress at all.

It may be a question of neurosis or even psychosis. How to cope with this situation yourself?

· It is important to be aware of yourself here and now;

· Do not drip in the past - close the door to it;

· Do not wait for help and support;

· Make plans for the future, even if it seems that everything is lost;

· I do not want anything - sleep;

· I want to run away from everything - take a walk;

· Eat more fruits;

· Be in the sun more often.

It would seem that these are the simplest and most easily implemented recommendations. There is nothing special about them, but do you fulfill them? Yes, there may be global problems at work, but they are not eternal. You may have to change jobs, but isn’t it for the better? Do not try to change something without changing yourself. It is not effective.

If you constantly feel miserable and don’t understand what to do about it, then we are talking about depression. Yes, stress could have caused it, but you most likely have said goodbye to a stressful situation for a long time and are now trying to deal with its echoes. Is it worth it? Think well before you start to drip again in the past.

Learn to forgive and let go - it's quite simple to learn how to do it, if you understand that stress harms the body and shortens life. Exercise more, tone your body in such a way, increase your self-esteem.

If you are constantly in tension, start doing relaxing practices. Allow yourself to relax and enjoy life. Do not rush anywhere, give yourself at least a day a week to relax, when you can not think about anything.

Stress - how to deal with it, when it's time to consult a psychologist

You should turn to a psychologist when all of the above methods do not work, when you constantly get stuck in problems, or break down on others for no reason. If you begin to respond inappropriately to others and are constantly discouraged.

Stress - how to deal with it, if you are completely alone. A person does not really need anyone to help solve his psychological problems. If you really want a new car and it doesn’t work out for you - it means that you are doing something wrong, this does not mean that you need to live tense and nervous. A psychologist can prescribe a hundred treatments, the most effective is to learn to manage fears, phobias, blocking attitudes and thus avoid stress.


Watch the video: How to Deal with Stress. 7 Stress Management Tips (June 2024).