Oven-baked dumplings are an unusual way to cook regular food. Step-by-step photo recipe for dumplings with potatoes in the oven


You want a quick bite to eat, but scrambled eggs or pasta are just tired. Look in the freezer, maybe there are dumplings or dumplings? Have you found? Fine! Then we will cook. You still have to find sour cream and some cheese, but the latter is not necessary. And sour cream, however, can be replaced with mayonnaise.

We want to share with you a very original recipe - baked dumplings in the oven. And we will bake in sour cream it turns out tasty and unusual. In this way, you can bake dumplings. As mentioned above, sour cream can be replaced with mayonnaise, add fried onions, cheese is not necessary, but preferably. In general, there is scope for imagination, even if the recipe is simple.

Preparing a dish from home or store dumplings is your choice. For a greater flavor, dumplings are fried over very high heat for literally 2-3 minutes to make the sides brown.


Dumplings with potatoes - 300 grams

Sour cream - 200 grams

Any spices to taste

Cheese - 100 grams



Dumplings before baking do not need to be boiled. They will be perfectly cooked in the oven. Put the dumplings in a pot or a small baking dish.

Preparing the fill - mix sour cream with spices - black pepper, salt and others. If homemade sour cream, it is better to dilute it with water a little. You can add an egg to sour cream, the taste of a kind of casserole will be slightly different.

Pour the dumplings with sour cream. On must cover them completely

Three cheese on a grater and sprinkle with dumplings. We cut the greens or disassemble them into twigs and spread them on top.

Put the dumplings in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees. During this time, the dumplings will be cooked, and the cheese will melt and there will be a crisp on top of the dish.

The dish must be slightly cooled before serving. They serve it as an independent dish, you can supplement it with salad.

Cooking time - 15 minutes

Servings - 2

Per 100 g:

feces 98.83

Squirrels 5.02

Fat 8.25

Carbohydrates 1.02


Watch the video: Jamaican Fluffy Fry Dumpling. Recipes By Chef Ricardo (July 2024).