Facial care with banana wrinkle masks - smooth tone, radiance and elasticity. How to make a banana wrinkle mask at home


Delicious tropical fruit banana has recently been appreciated by cosmetology - the high content of minerals, amino acids and vitamins defines it as an effective anti-aging agent. However, banana masks are characterized by a variety of properties useful for facial skin. And cooking them is very simple.

What determines the benefits of a banana face mask and when is it needed?

A banana fruit contains fiber and a lot of calories, but in the cosmetic field of its use it is not very important, but the fact that it contains tannins that remarkably dry acne and flavonoids, with their antibacterial and antioxidant properties, is noteworthy.

Even in a banana, there are a lot of pectins - they remove heavy metals, slags from the body and improve the absorption of various cosmetics by the epidermis.

Also, the following elements are clearly marked in the composition of the banana.

· Vitamin C - promotes the production of collagen, tightens the skin and increases its elasticity, as well as immunity from ultraviolet radiation;

· A group of vitamins B - is involved in the enrichment of the epidermis at a deep level with oxygen and in tissue regeneration. B4 relieves irritation and peeling, evens complexion;

· Vitamin A - suppresses inflammatory processes, tones the skin and returns a lively glow to the cheeks;

· Fruit acids - help remove dead skin cells from the skin, cleanse and narrow the pores, normalize the sebaceous glands and bleach;

· Potassium - restores the water balance of the skin and intensively nourishes;

· Magnesium preventing the occurrence of rosacea (a disease that spoils the face with vascular nets).

A banana mask for wrinkles is suitable for combating a range of manifestations of facial imperfections related to various types of aging and aging.

· Age-related changes are particularly inexorable - a network of wrinkles around the eyes, nasolabial folds, flabby cheeks and a double chin;

· Photoaging, on the contrary, can attack at any age, since its cause is damage to the skin by ultraviolet rays. These include deep wrinkles, dry skin and age spots;

· Unhealthy skin color, tightness or, on the contrary, lack of tone, as well as wrinkles again, including facial wrinkles - all this can also occur from stress loads, after a protracted illness, in poor environmental conditions.

Banana face masks do not solve the problem instantly, but they work well as a long-term remedy and in order to admire the result of their use, you will have to wait 2-4 weeks, using a mask 2-4 times in each of them.

Moreover, it is not forbidden to combine banana products with masks of a completely different type, for example, with mud, from kelp, yeast, coffee or other things.

Wrinkle Banana Mask Recipes


Green tea in any form (infusion, tea leaves, extract) rejuvenates the skin, affecting its very structure, and not on individual wrinkles. Starch is useful in a similar way, and also moisturizes and soothes problem skin.

Mash 1 banana in mashed potatoes, add 1 teaspoon of potato starch and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of tea leaves, mix everything, dilute with weak green tea to a suitable consistency, wait 10 minutes, apply a mask and wash in half an hour.

From clay

Honey and sour cream tighten the facial contour and nourish the skin, and a special clay variety, the main component after a banana, effectively rejuvenates and smoothes wrinkles.

Add 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream and green clay powder to 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of banana puree, mix 1 teaspoon of liquid honey and apply the mask for 25 minutes, then wash with warm water with care, as the clay hardens.


For youth, the skin requires careful cleansing and massage, which rice does a great job of, and it also improves its color and gives radiance. Yogurt nourishes and protects the epidermis of any type from ultraviolet radiation.

Stir in a gruel banana with 1 teaspoon of rice flour and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of natural yogurt. Use a mask (can be applied around the eyes), wash after 45 minutes.

Banana peel

It is useful to dilute the course of banana cosmetics once every 10-14 days with a mask of fruit skin, which has a powerful effect on prematurely aging skin and on the deep wrinkles that have formed on the forehead and nose.

Wash the banana thoroughly, peel and chop the peel in a blender into a pulp. It is important that there is not a single spot of rot on it! Transfer to a bowl, add 1 teaspoon of avocado juice and 2-3 drops of tea tree oil.

Apply a thin layer, vigorously conducting along the massage lines. Rinse off after 20 minutes.

Yeast with strawberries

This mask, in terms of effectiveness, replaces one with any other two, but be sure to do an allergy test before applying it - apply a little on the wrist and use it on the face if the skin does not turn red within a quarter hour.

Mix 1 teaspoon of dried yeast with 2 teaspoons of warm milk or cream and 1 raw yolk, make mashed potatoes from 1 banana and 4-6 fresh strawberries. Stir everything and cover your face with a mask for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and rinse with cool.

Of dried bananas

Dried fruits are often no less effective than fresh fruits, and nuts are a valuable source of amino acids and oils that are always lacking in the skin. Professional cosmetologists also recommend that from wrinkles periodically "pamper" the skin with pure vitamins.

Grind in a coffee grinder into pulp 2 tbsp. tablespoons of pistachios, also grind in flour 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of dry bananas, add to this a little natural yogurt, bringing the mask to the desired consistency. Mix the contents of the capsules of vitamins A and E into the mixture. Apply the mask for 30 minutes, rinse.

Other recipes for banana face masks


Protein dries the skin, which is useful for acne, lemon - whitens and tones, delivering ascorbic acid and essential oils, due to which makeup will go much better the next days after the mask. Also, the mask brightens age spots, and kiwi has an antibacterial effect.

Knead a banana, add mashed potatoes from a half of kiwi, as well as 2 egg whites and 1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice (replace with lime or grapefruit juice). Apply the mask and after 15 minutes, when it is noticeably dry, rinse with very warm water.


Coffee beans are one of the few means that can restore damaged skin as a result of an unsuccessful cosmetic procedure or frequent exposure to the sun. Sour cream also helps in the latter, and the yolk nourishes.

Turn into a banana puree, mix with 2 teaspoons of coffee grounds (sugar free), 2 yolks and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fat sour cream. Apply the mask for 20 minutes, then wash.


The use of oatmeal for beauty can be extracted not only from porridge - in this mask it acts by delicate peeling, resists oily sheen and peeling of dry skin, and almond oil heals the skin, accelerating metabolism.

Grind 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oatmeal in flour and pour them 2 tbsp. tablespoons of very hot milk, mix. Add them to puree from 1 banana, add a few drops of almond oil to the mask and apply it on your face for 20 minutes. Wash yourself.

Color enhancer

Redness of the wings of the nose under stress, pallor and dullness, small rashes that make it necessary to apply foundation and powder more - all this helps with a banana mixed with zucchini and high-quality vegetable oil.

Take 3 tbsp. tablespoons of grated young zucchini, pour it with boiling milk for two minutes, squeeze out the excess liquid and mix the vegetable with mashed potatoes from 1 banana and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil. Apply to face and wash after 40 minutes.

The secrets of cooking and the rules for using a banana mask for wrinkles and not only

Only ripe bananas are suitable for making masks - not greenish, but also not with rotten marks.

After cleansing the fruit from the skin, it is kneaded with a fork to mashed air and, in fact, the banana face mask in its simplest version is ready.

But, as a rule, masks do not consist of one ingredient. What else to add - depends on the needs of the skin and personal preferences.

A ready-made banana mask is used right there - it is a perishable product.

In preparation for the beauty procedure, you should wash yourself, removing traces of makeup or dirt, and steam out the skin. This can happen in passing in a hot shower, or you can make a bath for your face, you can finally just attach a wet, hot towel to it. After steaming, you need to wipe the skin with a tonic or lotion, degreasing it, and wash again with warm water, finally dry your face with a clean towel.

The mask is applied along the massage lines, in a rather thick layer, excluding the area around the eyes, and after the set time it needs to be washed off with room temperature water or pleasantly cool.

If according to individual perception this adds comfort - you can use some kind of moisturizing emulsion or mousse, but preferably not a “heavy” fat cream.
