What to cook for dinner quickly and inexpensively: helpers for housewives! A selection of quick and inexpensive lunch recipes


Quick recipes from simple products will help in two ways to make dinner and feed the whole family. Here is a selection of dishes from inexpensive ingredients that are in any home or sold in nearby stores. Savings can be delicious!

Quick lunch dishes - general cooking guidelines

Lunch usually starts with soups. Since there are quick recipes, there can be no talk of any meat broths. The stew, canned fish, sausages, cheeses will be a help out. Additionally, for the soup you will need vegetables, possibly cereals, mushrooms, beans, it all depends on the selected recipe. Cooking time does not exceed an hour, sometimes 20-30 minutes are enough.

Main courses for quick dinners are usually prepared in simplified ways. If meat is used, then twisted. Stuffing takes much less time to get ready. Also, canned food, sausages come to the rescue. Quickly and easily cook fish.

What to cook for lunch quickly and inexpensively: cheese soup

Cheese for this dish is used ordinary processed (in foil), 1.5-2 pieces are enough for 1.5 liters of broth. Soup is prepared in literally 25-30 minutes. If the kettle already has hot water, it will take even less time. For taste, sausages are added to the soup.


· 1.5 l of water;

· 1-2 cheese;

· 4 potatoes;



· 0.5 bunch of dill;

3-4 sausages;

· 2 tablespoons of oil.

Cooking method

1. Cut potatoes, toss into boiling water. Immediately chopped carrot into cubes and add after boiling. Cook until soft, about ten minutes. If the potatoes are chopped coarsely, it may take a little longer.

2. While the vegetables are cooked, chop the onions and send them to a frying pan with warmed oil. As soon as it becomes transparent, add the sausages cut in circles or in another way.

3. Put the sausages from the pan into the pot with soup, stir, boil for a minute.

4. Rub cheese, you can immediately into the pan. Or cut into cubes and shift. Salt the soup, let it boil for a couple of minutes.

5. Chop the dill, add to the pan and turn it off. Cover, leave for five minutes, pour on plates.

What to cook for lunch quickly and inexpensively: stewed potatoes

This is both soup and the second dish at the same time. It is cooked very quickly and simply, if you replace the meat with stew, you need one small jar. Smoked meats or sausages can also be used.


· A can of stew;

7-8 potatoes;

Large onion head

· Large carrot;

· 3 tablespoons of oil;

Bell pepper (optional);

· Herbs, spices.

Cooking method

1. We take a stewpan or a cauldron, pour oil, pour the chopped onion. If it is small, then we take two things. We fry a couple of minutes. Immediately put the kettle on the stove.

2. Rub the carrots, send to the onion. Fry for another five minutes. Throw potatoes. You can cut it in any way, the finer it is, the faster the dish is cooked.

3. Salt, pour boiling water, which barely covers the vegetables. Cover, cook. The more liquid you add, the more the dish will look like soup. If you add less water, you get a second dish.

4. Put the stew in the pan and heat for five minutes, add chopped bell pepper, transfer to the potatoes in a couple of minutes.

5. Stir, add more spice to the taste, bring the dish to readiness. Throw greens immediately or then into plates.

What to cook for lunch quickly and inexpensively: pilaf with mushrooms

A very simple but tasty recipe for pilaf, which will be ready in 35-40 minutes. It is better to take champignons fresh, so as not to waste time evaporating excess water.


300 g of mushrooms;

2 carrots;

· 2 onions;

· 2 tbsp. rice;

· 4 tbsp. water;

· 0.5 tbsp. oils;

1 tsp seasoning for pilaf;

Head of garlic;

· Laurel.

Cooking method

1. If you do not want to cook fat pilaf, then the amount of oil can be reduced. We pour it into the cauldron, heat it.

2. Throw chopped onions, fry for a minute over high heat. Add the carrot. We cut it into strips or use a coarse grater. Continue frying for another minute.

3. Mushrooms cut arbitrarily, add to vegetables.

4. While the mushrooms are slightly fried, rinse with cold water and use any variety.

5. Add the seasoning for the pilaf to the mushrooms, add salt, stir and put rice on top.

6. We measure boiling water from the teapot, send it to pilaf, stick a head of garlic, throw a bay leaf.

7. We cover the cauldron, after boiling, simmer for 20 minutes. Then let stand a quarter of an hour on a warm stove.

What to cook for lunch quickly and inexpensively: buckwheat with breast

If you do not know what to cook for lunch quickly and inexpensively, then this recipe will come to the rescue. The total cooking time is about half an hour, as the fillet is used. Immediately boil a couple of glasses of water so that the process is not delayed.


1 fillet (about 300 g);

· 1 tbsp. buckwheat;

· Onions and carrots;

1 tsp tomato paste;

· A little oil.

Cooking method

1. Cut all the vegetables into cubes or straws, it does not matter. We send it to hot oil, it’s convenient to use a cauldron or stewpan for preparing this dish. Fry.

2. Chop the chicken. It cooks quickly, so we add it to onions with carrots, and not vice versa. Fry a couple of minutes.

3. Add a spoonful of tomato paste to improve the taste. You can replace ketchup or pour a little soy sauce. Add spices, stir.

4. Pour washed buckwheat and pour two cups of boiling water. For crumbly porridge, there is always twice as much water as cereals. It is advisable to use the same glasses so as not to be mistaken with the proportions. Stir, cover.

5. Stew all together for 12-15 minutes until the cereal is ready.

What to cook for lunch quickly and inexpensively: cabbage soup with sprats

A variant of wonderful fish soup. If you do not know what to cook quickly and inexpensively for lunch, then this recipe will help out. A small pot of cabbage soup needs only one jar of sprat. It is inexpensive, there is in all stores.


· 0.4 kg of cabbage;

· 3 potatoes;

Sprat jar;


· One carrot;

· Two tablespoons of pasta;

· Oil and spices.

Cooking method

1. Pour a couple of liters of water or immediately boiling water into the pan. We send it to the stove, after boiling, we throw the potatoes cut into arbitrary pieces. Bring to half-preparedness and salt.

2. Shred the cabbage, send it to the potato. Cook together until soft.

3. While preparing the base for soup, we are engaged in passerization. Just fry the onions and carrots, add the tomato paste. If it’s cool, then pour a little water.

4. Open the jar with sprats, put in a pan after a couple of minutes of frying the pasta. It is important not to stir all this often after adding fish so that the sprat does not lose shape. Stew for three minutes.

5. We shift the sprats in tomato and vegetables into cabbage soup. Stir.

6. Throw pepper to taste, add salt, simmer over low heat for five minutes to combine tastes.

7. Cabbage soup with sprat greens, laurel, but not garlic. He will be superfluous in such a dish.

What to cook for lunch quickly and inexpensively: pasta with bacon!

A variant of a very interesting and delicious Italian pasta with bacon, which is prepared very quickly, will be a wonderful lunch and even dinner. Bacon needs quite a bit, a small piece is enough. You can use any pasta.


· 250 g of pasta (dry);

50-100 g of bacon;

150 ml cream;

50 g of cheese;

· Spices.

Cooking method

1. Boil the pasta in the usual way in water in a pan, do not forget to salt, then recline in a colander.

2. Cut the bacon into small cubes. Similarly, you can cook pasta with ham, a little longer with chicken fillet. We send to the pan and fry. A little fat should stand out.

3. Pour cream to the bacon, heat. Pepper and salt sauce. You can add chopped garlic before cream and warm for a few seconds, it will also turn out delicious. Sometimes fry the onion or the white part of the leek.

4. Add half the grated cheese to the hot cream, quickly stir and combine all this with the cooked pasta. Stir again, arrange in portions.

5. The remaining cheese sprinkle on top of the dish, decorate with herbs.

What to cook for lunch quickly and inexpensively: lazy cabbage rolls

A variant of a simply wonderful meat dish that will replace both the first and second. Unlike classic stuffed cabbage, everything is prepared very simply and quickly. We take any minced meat at our discretion. Stuffed cabbage is baked in the oven.


300 g of minced meat;

· One onion;

500 g of cabbage;

1 egg

100 g of paste;

200 g of sour cream;

200 ml of water;

· Some oil;

· Any spices.

Cooking method

1. Chop the onion finely, sprinkle with minced meat.

2. Chop cabbage with straws, salt, mash with hands and also combine with minced meat. Add the egg and any spices to them, you can squeeze a clove of garlic.

3. Thoroughly knead the mass and immediately form large patties with your hands. Put in the form, put in the oven and bake a quarter of an hour at 200 degrees.

4. While the cabbage rolls are in the oven, prepare the filling: mix sour cream with pasta, add a glass of water. If you need more sauce, you can add more. We put it on the stove, warm it up.

5. We take out the cabbage rolls, fill it with the prepared mixture and cook in the oven for another 15-20 minutes.

Quick meals for lunch - tips and tricks

· Before starting to cook dinner or looking for recipes, immediately place a kettle or pot of water on the stove. Boiling water will save time; it is needed for all dishes.

· A side dish or just porridge will be tastier if you add oil when cooking in water, also do not forget about spices. In buckwheat, you can throw one dried mushroom.

· Even the most modest lunch of inexpensive products will be tastier if you add different spices, do not skimp on greens, and creatively approach the design and presentation.


Watch the video: Top 10 Quick Japanese Meals. OCHIKERON. Create Eat Happy : (July 2024).