Melanoma - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Melanoma (another name is melanoblastoma) is a malignant tumor that develops from melanocytes - cells that produce melanin. Melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer. The tumor is mainly localized on the skin, sometimes on the retina or mucous membranes (for example, the rectum, vagina, oral cavity). The tumor metastases through the lymphogenous and hematogenous pathways to almost all organs, which is the main danger of this malignant neoplasm.

Melanoma - Causes

The cause of melanoma is damage to the gene level, which is caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Sunlight is the main source of ultraviolet radiation and the basis of the cause of the tumor, and a certain amount of UV radiation can be received by the human body in the solarium.

It is important to note that DNA damage caused by ultraviolet radiation does not immediately lead to the development of a malignant neoplasm. The occurrence of melanoma can occur decades after receiving a high dose of radiation.

In addition, changes in the gene structure can be inherited, therefore the descendants of patients with melanoma are at particular risk.

Melanoma - Symptoms

1. Particular attention must be paid to the color of moles. Caution should cause a blackening of the mole or any other change in its color.
2. Change in the shape and size of the mole.
3. Redness of the skin around the mole, itching.
4. Bleeding from a mole.

Melanoma - diagnosis

If you suspect melanoma, a special examination is performed. First of all, the doctor should collect a medical history and conduct an external examination. In this case, the patient’s contact with various chemicals is determined, hereditary factors are studied, as well as the causes that can cause melanoma. The doctor checks the condition of the lymph nodes, determines whether there is a neoplasm bleeding and wetness.

In the future, a biopsy of the damaged area of ​​the skin is carried out (according to modern standards - complete removal of the altered mole). The resulting material is examined under a microscope and an accurate diagnosis is made.

Melanoma - treatment and prevention

There are several ways to treat melanoma. The most radical and most effective is the surgical removal of a malignant tumor. The method is used in 95% of cases and is performed under local anesthesia. With surgical intervention, remission is quite high, especially in the early stages of melanoma.

Immunotherapy is one of the latest treatments for melanoma. It is usually used after surgery. The following drugs are used: interferon-alpha, interleukin-2. These drugs not only increase the general tone of patients with melanoma, but also reduce the number of metastases in the late stages of the disease.

Chemotherapy is a classic treatment for all oncological diseases. Modern medicine uses drugs that are the so-called cancer cell blockers. They act at the molecular level.

In advanced cases of melanoma, point radiation exposure is used. The latest treatment for the disease is gene therapy.

Prevention of melanoma is to reduce the risk factors for the development of the disease. These include birthmark injuries, as well as excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation (both natural and artificial). And of course, those who have a lot of moles on their bodies need to show up for an appointment with an oncodermatologist once a year.


Watch the video: The 4 Stages of Melanoma: The Deadliest Form of Skin Cancer - Mayo Clinic (July 2024).