The rules of healthy eating: why follow them. How to cook according to the rules of a healthy diet, which is absolutely impossible


If the balance arrow crawls up, intestinal discomfort occurs after eating, or an unpleasant heaviness appears under the right rib, it’s just right to remember the rules of a healthy diet. Something is wrong with the body, and you need to immediately begin to correct the diet.

The rules of healthy eating

The basis of human health is its nutrition. To live, a person needs energy, and the only way to get it is through food. The rules of a healthy diet allow you to monitor weight, reduce it, and prevent inflammatory diseases of internal organs and systems: liver, pancreas, stomach, intestines.

Try to adhere to the recommendations on the organization of proper nutrition, if you decide to lose weight, help the body after a serious illness, or just care about your health and want to stay young, beautiful and cheerful as long as possible.

1. Switch to fractional nutrition. This is a simple and quick way to normalize metabolic processes and smooth weight loss. You need to eat often: not three times a day, but five or even six. But make portions small. The ideal option is to eat 250-300 grams of food at a time, that is, apply half of your usual portion.

2. Do not overeat. A distended stomach works with a heavy load, its walls are injured, and eating behavior is disturbed. If you overeat regularly, especially at night, over a year you can gain 6-10 kg of excess weight. Control your sensations: you need to finish the meal with a feeling of lightness. You can eat something else, but just do not need to do this, so as not to overeat. The symptom of overeating is drowsiness and weakness after eating.

3. Only eat when you feel hungryrather than appetite. Separating one from the other is simple: if the thought of eating a piece of bread causes salivation, it is hunger. Otherwise, you do not want to eat, but pamper yourself. This appetite is the best friend of being overweight. Most likely, the body is thirsty. Slowly sip a glass of water at room temperature, and the "hunger" will disappear.

4. Chew your food long and thoroughly. No wonder in the east they say: food needs to be drunk, and water is eaten. Indeed, well-ground, saliva-soaked food is a feast for the stomach. It does not overload, is not injured, digestion becomes ideal.

5. Take the habit of preceding any meal with a glass of water. This prevents overeating and stimulates the stomach.

6. The older a person becomes, the less food he needs to saturate. Therefore, after 35 years, stop eating like you ate at 20. Reduce the calorie intake, eat less fat (you can’t refuse them at all, otherwise hormonal disorders cannot be avoided), less carbohydrates. It is extremely rare to eat bread, pasta, white rice, potatoes, butter. Save the amount of protein so as not to lose muscle mass.

7. If you have the opportunity and desire, give the digestive system periodically "vacation": arrange fasting days. Do it every week or once a month - decide for yourself. It all depends on willpower and purpose.

8. Do not eat writing, which stood in the refrigerator for more than a day. There is nothing useful in it: it is a food filler, but not the right food. According to the rules of a healthy diet, you need to eat cooked immediately.

Advice is not after six, take it as a recommendation of those to whom this technique helps to lose weight. Focus on your health and daily routine. If you go to bed at midnight, then the last meal at 20.00 is acceptable.

Try to take food calmly, without making it a cult or an enemy. After all, nutrition is a natural way to regain strength, which no one can refuse. So why not make the process enjoyable, bringing joy and pleasure?

It’s easy: think what kind of food you like. Count the number of calories that will be beneficial to your body. Make a diet for one, three days or a week, trying to diversify your table and include in each meal something tasty, but not harmful. Someone loves suites and kiwi, someone is crazy about shrimp and parmesan, and someone seems like a delicacy stalk of celery in sour cream sauce. A small portion of something tasty and healthy is something that you can easily afford.

In general, treat your diet as an interesting creative task, plan a diet. You will be surprised: eating right and tasty is cheaper than filling the refrigerator randomly with food and complaining about the high cost of “healthy” foods.

Diet: what is and what is not

A variety of healthy foods should be the basis of the diet. In practice, this means that you need to remember the food pyramid, but calculate the amount of macronutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) for your body individually.

What foods will go into nutrition.

• Protein: meat, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs, offal, nuts, legumes.

• Carbohydrates: cheeses, dairy and dairy products (the amount of proteins and carbohydrates in them is approximately equal, therefore it is more logical to include in carbohydrates), cereals, rye, bran and whole grain bread, bread rolls of a similar composition, bran, pasta from durum wheat, rice unpolished, brown.

• Fats: vegetable edible oils, and various in quality (sunflower, flaxseed, olive, buckwheat, etc.).

Eat porridge for breakfast, snack on fruits and nuts, eat protein for lunch and dinner. During the day, accompany protein food with a side dish of buckwheat, and in the evening with stewed or fresh vegetables.

Every day, eat some sour-milk product. This is very important for the proper functioning of the intestines. Useful bacteria contained in kefir, fermented baked milk, bifidok, serum, restore the intestines, and therefore, strengthen the immune system.

The richer the diet, the better for the body and mental health. External abundance is perceived as the absence of restrictions. If you are just starting to learn the rules of healthy eating, then they will not be perceived as a diet and psychologically crush.

What kind of food should you refuse from when switching to proper nutrition:

• Alcohol, especially sweet and strong. Liqueurs, beer, champagne, cognac, vodka are evil, especially for women. Alcohol not only knocks down "food settings." It destroys the hormonal system, destroys the liver, prevents the body from synthesizing the most important substances involved in metabolic processes, and causes swelling.

• Salinity, smoked meats, pickled products. Harmful to writing.

• Shop ready-made sauces. They have a lot of food debris, a huge amount of sugar, there is starch. Dyes and flavor enhancers are harmful, and it is precisely to them that the body gets used. Mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard - all this can be done independently, if you can’t refuse.

• Sparkling water in any guise: fantasy, sprite, Coca-Cola, lemonade or duchess - this is a disaster for the body. The colossal amount of sugar drunk with one glass of water destroys the liver and hormonal system.

• Do not eat unusual foods, such as spicy oriental dishes. Chinese, Indian, Japanese cuisine are good as a rare exception, but you cannot make them the rule.

• Bananas, sweets, chocolate, pastries, grapes, melons - limit. In general, one cannot refuse something, but sweets are not included in the concept of a healthy diet, they raise blood sugar too much. Instead, you can eat a few dried fruits, fruits, honey, marmalade or homemade meringues without sugar.

Be sure to add vitamin complexes to the diet, but do not drink vitamins all year round. If the drug is not prescribed by a doctor in complex therapy, then drink a course of vitamins in February-March and September-October. So you prepare yourself for the winter flu epidemics and recover after a long winter.

How to cook and eat food

Cook according to these rules.

1. Instead of frying - baking or stewing without oil, instead of boiling - steaming. Food fried in oil is not healthy. This cooking method should be abandoned once and for all.

2. Put a minimum of salt, replace it with natural spices and seasonings.

3. Try not to eat protein foods with carbohydrates. The meat goes well with vegetables, with them you can eat carbohydrate side dishes.

Do not rush, eat slowly. Remember that broths stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, so you need to eat them at the beginning of the meal.

A healthy diet will help maintain weight or reduce it, normalize the digestive tract, and prevent the development of diseases. Thanks to this system, you will feel cheerful, strong, confident.


Watch the video: This Is Why Eating Healthy Is Hard Time Travel Dietician (July 2024).