Vitamins in carrots, which are contained and why they are needed. Useful properties of vitamin root vegetables, in which cases the vitamins in carrots will be used to the maximum?


Carrots are one root vegetable used by people in dishes almost daily. Culinary experts appreciate it for its slightly spicy, pleasant taste, a large number of vitamins, plant fibers and carbohydrates. Vitamins in carrots are not destroyed during winter storage and during proper heat treatment.

This is a versatile vegetable, it can be eaten raw, fry, stew, cook, it is used for canning and added to salads. Carrots are good not only on the table, but also as a folk remedy that can make life easier for the body. It is amazing how many useful elements fit into this familiar root crop, there is a huge amount of vitamin A in it. Surely, from childhood you were told only about a large amount of vitamin A in carrots, which is needed to improve the vision and development of children, but this is far from the case, it is much more useful.

What vitamins are found in carrots?

In carrots, all trace elements and vitamins are perfectly absorbed by humans, they stimulate the intestines and have a positive effect on metabolism. In the chemical structure of this vegetable, carotene is most found. It is a substance from which vitamin A is synthesized, which is necessary to relieve eye fatigue, treat conjunctivitis, prevent the development of astigmatism and myopia, and strengthen the retina. It is, in fact, an ideal drug for eye health.

Beta-carotene in the root crop is more than other vitamins, its use, in addition to improving vision, in strengthening immunity, improves mood, cleanses the skin, makes nails strong, and makes hair beautiful, boosts the recovery of diseased tissues, and regulates redox reactions and metabolism. Beta-carotene is an excellent prophylaxis against kidney stones and cataracts. According to some reports, it prolongs life and suppresses cancer cells. The brighter the coloring of the root crop, the higher the carotene content. Just one medium-sized carrot will provide you with a daily intake of vitamin A.

So much carotene can not be found in any other vegetable, and the whole complex of vitamins in it has a powerful restorative effect on the whole body. Thanks to the substances contained in carrots, vitality is enhanced, blood is purified, metabolism is stabilized.

What are carrot vitamins for?

Vitamin A. Surely every person knows that there is vitamin A in carrots, and that not everyone can give this vitamin, besides improving eyesight. It is not for nothing that it is often called the “beauty vitamin”, it will help to give your skin a healthy look and even tone, reduce the risk of wrinkles, make nails beautiful and strengthen your hair. In addition, vitamin A will protect your body from most infections.

Vitamins of group B. If you are irritated and depressed, bite more carrots - vitamins of group B improve the functioning of the nervous system. A lack of vitamin B2 will cause cracks in the corners of the mouth and dandruff. This also includes vitamin PP, or it is also called B3, it will protect against hypertension, diabetes, reduce cholesterol.

Vitamin C. Will make your vessels elastic and resilient, rejuvenate your skin, because it allows the body to synthesize collagen, which improves skin integument. Probably everyone knows that vitamin C protects against viral diseases and strengthens the general defense of the body.

Vitamin E. Vitamin root crops will bring great benefits to young women with the help of vitamin E, which is responsible for youth and preserves women's health. This vitamin is a very powerful antioxidant that protects you from carcinogens and the effects of their work.

Vitamin K. plays an important role in bone formation.

An interesting fact is that in boiled carrots there are noticeably more useful trace elements, compared to fresh vegetables. But in order to preserve the healing properties of the root crop, it must be cooked correctly: immerse only in boiled water. Salads with carrots are best seasoned with vegetable oil or sour cream, so it will be easier for the body to absorb vitamin A. Boiled root vegetables will help with diabetes, gastritis, colitis, enteritis, and ulcers. If you have a malignant tumor, then vitamin A will inhibit the development of cancer cells. This root crop has substances that remove excess bile and burn fat, for this reason it is useful for people with digestive diseases and obesity.

An increased amount of volatile, allows the root crop to successfully remove from the body an infection that is concentrated in the mucous membranes of the internal organs and the respiratory tract. Fresh carrots can be used instead of toothpaste destroying microbes, because if you chew it daily, then pathogenic microorganisms from the oral cavity will disappear. Vitamin root crop will be of great benefit to nursing mothers and pregnant women. The vitamins contained in the vegetable will pass through the mother’s milk or placenta to the baby, strengthen its immunity and, strengthening the nervous system, give strength for the development of the fetus and growth, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Carrot juice will also be very useful for any person, doctors advise him to drink with vegetative-vascular dystonia, anemia, kidney, stomach, pancreas, liver diseases. Fresh root juice perfectly cleans the kidneys and liver from toxins and toxins, which will significantly rejuvenate and improve the skin. Carrot juice can regain lost appetite, it is an excellent assistant in the treatment of dermatitis. If you have a runny nose, it’s better to try dropping a few drops of juice in your nose instead of pharmacy drugs. It will destroy pathogens and dry the mucosa.

Is there any harm from carrots?

A healthy vegetable, in spite of its positive qualities, can sometimes even hurt; you should not eat it too much. Too much orange root can cause "carotene jaundice", in this situation the skin of the palms and faces will become yellowish. Lethargy in the body and migraine may appear, of course, this is not life threatening, but it will bring you inconvenience. In order for the excess carotene to be removed from the body, it will take a certain period not to eat carrots. In addition, it is necessary to reduce the amount of carrots in the diet for those who suffer from intestinal inflammation and stomach ulcers.

Very rarely, but sometimes an allergic reaction to carrots is possible. If you are an allergy sufferer, be wary of vitamin root crops and eat them little by little. Children under three years old should be given freshly squeezed carrot juice, diluting it with water, you can dilute it with apple juice. Breast babies can begin to lead him into complementary foods only for 4 months, gradually, one drop at a time.


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