September 14: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on September 14th.


Holidays September 14

Judgment Day (Yom Kippur)

This is the tenth day of the Jewish New Year, the only one when on the Torah a person must analyze and rethink his actions. The process of rethinking was also carried out by the high priest, performing the self-cleaning procedure, then he entered the temple and performed the ritual of sacrifice. Later, instead of sacrifice, they began to say prayers. The symbol of the whole holiday is the "Opening Prayer" - Kol Nidrei, pronounced on a beautiful medieval Spanish motif. The memorial prayer also includes parts dedicated to the victims of the catastrophes and wars for the independence of Israel. According to the tradition of Doomsday, every Jew receives an assessment of his actions, gracious or condemning the sentence.

Slavic New Year (New Year)

The first day of the church new year comes after the Assumption of the Virgin. In the new year, a new cycle of holidays will begin. September 21 - The Birth of the Virgin, today the Slavic world celebrates New Year, services are held in churches, recalling the service of the Savior in the synagogue of Nazareth. Another name for the holiday is the beginning of the indication. Previously, there was another unit of calculus of time - a 15-year milestone, an indicator, consisting of 15 parts. This concept was first introduced by Emperor Constantine. After the New Year, taxes began to be distributed again. Then he ordered in 15 years to finish military service, and due to the indicator to provide retirees with the payment of benefits. By the way, astronomers believe that the choice of the New Year's reference point can be absolutely any, since in a year all days are placed equally.

Mobilization Worker Day of Ukraine

On September 14, the newly created Headquarters of the Armed Forces was renamed the GOMU Mobilization Directorate. Mobilization workers provide mobilization at all levels, organizational and staffing, staffing military units with personnel and much more. Today, the draft is completed according to the territorial principle - 40% of men serve in the military in the region where they live, 30% of the draftees are sent to study in other regions and return to serve in their native land.

Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Crete

The most significant holiday celebrated in Crete is associated with Elena, the mother of the great emperor Constantine. It was she who wished to enter the church where the crucifixion of Jesus was once located. The cross was lost for several centuries, and then Elena, finding it, went to Constantinople. Before reaching the city, a great storm began, and the ship was forced to stop off the coast of Cyprus. At night, she had a vision of erecting a temple and leaving a crucifix on Crete.

In addition, in the morning it was discovered that particles of the crucifix were gone. On the highest mountain of Cyprus, Olipmos, the cross of one of those who died with Jesus was found, and this was an occasion - it was in this place that they decided to build a church. After its construction, even the climate on the island changed, drought and heat disappeared, and beautiful crops began to be grown. There today is the monastery of Stavrovuni, on the territory of which women are not allowed to enter.

Folk calendar September 14

Memory of Simeon the Pillar

Simeon Stolpnik (Archimandrite of Antioch) lived in Syria in the 4th century, converted to Christianity at a young age. The young man asked God to show him the way - how to live on. He became the founder of pillarwork - asceticism, in which he lived on a high pillar, depriving himself of the opportunity to even sleep and rest. He deprived himself of not only rest, but also food. The elder lived exactly one hundred years and died during another prayer.

Popular signs: on this day you should watch the web - if it is abundantly present in the Indian summer, then the autumn will remain warm for a long time, but prolonged. Clear days also speak of this. The work of women began with hemp, flax, yards. By how the threads lie, you can judge how the husband will be. But the peasant women loved to take a good walk - they laid tables and arranged funny gatherings, round dances, and festivities.

The guys looked after the brides, and after this day the wedding weeks began. Another interesting custom of Semin of the day is putting out a fire at night and lighting a new one in the morning, as well as the "funeral" of cockroaches. Insects became the cause of poverty, so they tried to get rid of them with the help of symbolic coffins made from turnips or carrots.

Historical events of September 14

September 14, 1052 - St. Sophia Cathedral was erected and lit in Novgorod, which today is the oldest church in Russia, created by the Slavs. Lighting was provided by Bishop Luke. In 1929, an anti-religious museum was made from St. Sophia Cathedral, in which many valuable items belonging to the church were stored. During the Great Patriotic War, the walls of the temple were destroyed, the property was taken out by the Germans. In the postwar years, St. Sophia Cathedral was restored, it is currently a department of the Novgorod Museum-Reserve.

September 14, 1866 - The Moscow State Conservatory named after Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky was founded, which today is one of the leading music higher educational institutions of the country. The founder of the institution was Rubinstein, co-founder was Prince Nikolai Petrovich Trubetskoy.

September 14, 1896 - Courses of teachers and leaders of physical education, which were a prototype of modern educational institutions of physical education, opened in the Russian capital. On the basis of the institution organized by Peter Lesgaft, the National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after P.F. Lesgaft is now formed.

September 14, 1947 - in Peterhof (a suburb of St. Petersburg), the Samson fountain, which crowns the cascade of fountains, was destroyed, destroyed during the Great Patriotic War. Specialists Simonov and Mikhailov worked on the sculpture, photographs of the former statue were taken as the basis.

Born on September 14

Robert Cecil (1864 - 1958) - British politician

A recognized peace activist, Cecil came from a noble aristocratic family, received an excellent education, became a member of the conservative party, and then left it because of ideological disagreements. He opposed restrictions on women's law in election campaigns, as well as certain trade bans. He was elected to parliament as an independent candidate. He held many government posts, and in 1916 proposed creating the League of Nations, which he devoted 30 years to. He always excited public opinion, and when the United Nations replaced the League of Nations in 1946, he greeted it with great enthusiasm. Another 12 years before his death, Cecil continued his activities.

Igor Kirillov (1932) - the legendary presenter

The host of the "Time" program of the Soviet era is known and respected by the whole country. Igor Leonidovich began his career at the Taganka Drama Theater, then moved to the Shabolovsky television center. Having won the competition, he became the permanent announcer of information programs for a long time, although he said that he took part in the competition of the hosts by accident. He was also trusted to conduct his favorite holiday programs - Blue Light, Song of the Year, Cinema Panoramas and Satellite Viewer. After the release of the “look” program, he became the host of this program.

Pavel Nikolaevich Yablochkov (1847-1894) - Russian electrical engineer, entrepreneur

In his young years, the famous inventor has already shown his innovative vein - he invented a goniometer for measuring and a device that counts the paths of the cart. Continuing his technical education, he began to invent, and created a workshop of devices in which he studied the use of electric current. A circle of inventors worked at the Moscow Polytechnic Institute, in which he took an active part. His invention is an electric candle, to which cities that have received excellent street lighting owe. A special factory began to produce several thousand candles per day.

Dmitry Medvedev (1965) - President of Russia 2008-1201

Dmitry Anatolyevich made an excellent career as President at the age of 43.
Starting as a university teacher, he went a long way - first in St. Petersburg, then in Moscow. He headed the campaign headquarters of the previous and current President Vladimir Putin, was the chairman of the board of Gazprom, and then the head of the Administration of President Putin.

Name day September 14th

Name day celebrate: Martha, Semyon, Natalya, Tatyana.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (July 2024).