Mother's Prayer for Son at Difficult Hour


Maternal love and care knows no bounds. Excitement for your own child and even less deprives sleep, appetite and rest, especially in difficult times. Every mother wants to help her son and sometimes does not know how to do it. However, some mothers know that in difficult situations you can resort to the help of the Almighty. What prayers should be read for their sons and how to do it - in this article.

How to raise a petition for sons?

Before embarking on a prayer for a son, you should decide on what goals are pursued and what result you want to achieve. Therefore, we will consider options for applications that can be read to mothers:

  • for health;
  • to get rid of bad habits;
  • protective prayer;
  • for marriage;
  • on job search;
  • for good luck.

Each prayer must also comply with a number of specific rules that contribute to its strengthening. The main thing that should be considered mother:

  1. The meaning and focus of prayer. Without a properly formulated message and its clear awareness, it is impossible to convey the desired thought and request to the heavens.
  2. Emotional component. It is necessary to invest the right emotions in your prayer, while remaining calm and peaceful. Unnecessary negative manifestations of feelings, such as tears, sobs, tantrums, can interfere with the reading of prayer.
  3. Vera. Naturally, without sincere faith, prayer remains plain text. Only by believing in the powers of the Most High and the Saints without doubt and hesitation can we turn to them for help.

In addition to these mandatory instructions, there are some recommendations that allow to strengthen the message so that it will be heard. First, prayers should be read in the temple or at home in complete solitude. Nothing and no one should interrupt praise. Secondly, you may need certain items as ancillary paraphernalia: candles, icons, holy water. Thirdly, any prayer should be pronounced in a state of rest, in an even and clear voice, but not in an orderly tone, but with humility and faith in Our Lord.

In some cases, it may require additional exposure in the form of certain actions, for example, washing with holy water. Also, sometimes you should read auxiliary prayers, often "Our Father" and "Our Lady the Virgin, rejoice." These circumstances depend on the main prayer chosen, therefore we will consider the most effective mother prayers for the son.

Protective maternal prayer

The strongest prayer read by the mother for her son is defensive. Protective prayers are most often offered to the Guardian Angel, both his own and the person he is being asked for. You can ask for help to the Angel in your own words - any mother's petition is powerful and will be heard if it is said sincerely and from a pure heart. They also pray for protection for the child, the Most Holy Mother of God, as a mother of heaven, and the Lord himself.

The Guardian should begin praying with the following phrase: “I appeal to the Angel of God, my Guardian, the Protector of destiny and my soul, with a request and a low bow. I pray for the protection! ”

Next, you should express your request. Prayer should sound simple, understandable and brief, but with the maximum sense available. For example, you can continue the text with the following petition: “Not for myself, for the son (name) I ask. Save him from troubles and hardships, hide from the misfortunes and attacks of others, from the words of evil, from the wiles of devils, from ailments and ailments. Mighty wings from the stones of fatal cover, as I protect with my motherly hands. I call with an open soul and pure thoughts, with boundless love for my son and the children of this world. Amen!"

After the main prayer, one should also apply to the Keeper of the Son or his Holy Patron. In the second case, an icon of the saint will be required, and in the first case it is necessary to light incense, preferably incense. It is recommended to do this in the room of the son: the present one or the one where he previously lived and slept. Get down on your knees and read the following text:

“The Guardian Angel, the Guardian of God, the Guardian of the People and the Slave of God (the name of the son), I appeal to you! Save and save my son, protect him and save him from malice and evil spirits, take the disease, scare the evil spirits. May the Lord help you, guide you with your finger and give you power. Amen".

Appeal to the Saint - the patron by name or date of birth - should begin with "Our Father", then proceed to the main prayer:

"(The name of the holy) Holy! I pray you for help, for blessing and forgiveness! Defend the Slave of God (the name of the son) from all sorts of misfortunes and guide you on the right path! Save from pain and misfortune, grant only peace and joy, so that you do not know sad and unsuccessful days. As you have done good in the world, bring it into the life of my son. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit! Amen!"

After each mention of the three guises of the Lord (Father, Son, Holy Spirit), it is imperative to bow and cross. Prayers for protection should be read daily in the morning and evening for a month, after which you can read them once a week, preferably on a Sunday. For more effect, you can go to church and ask the clergyman to pray for the child.

To the Lord

Prayer for a son turned to the Lord helps not only protect the child, but also contributes to his good fortune, brings success, allows you to choose the right path in life, move up the career ladder, find new work, friends and even love. This prayer is universal and is read at any time of the day in the church or at home.

Prayer of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Appeal to the Virgin Mary is the most powerful prayer of the mother for her son. It is recommended to contact the Mother of God in prayed places or at home near the icon. You should light three church candles, fit the hem of the face of the Virgin and take a prayer position, and then read "Our Lady, rejoice ..." and only then you can proceed to the main prayer:

"The Most Holy Mother of God, Heavenly Mother, is the protector and will savethe mistress of everyone and everyone, I pray for your help and favor! O Lady, save my child (the name of the son) from disasters and diseases! Cover your hem and grant salvation! So that the mother honored and honored, loved and respected, things all argued and good luck followed on the heels. So that his life was happy and long, without any adversity and difficulties. I entrust my son to your custody and maternal protection, amen! ”

After you have to cross three times and bow three times to the icon in gratitude and faith.

If the son in the army

The mother's prayer for the son in the army can refer to both the Most High, the Saints, and Heaven in general. The prayer is read in the following cases:

  • for the son to return from the army alive and well;
  • to make the service easier;
  • as a talisman;
  • to help carry all the burdens.

Repeat praise is necessary in the morning and in the evening daily throughout all service life. For the first time, it is advisable to read a prayer on the way to the son, just before the departure from the paternal home. You can pronounce sacred words out loud or in your mind, most importantly, with all your heart, you want their performance:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the Most Holy Mother of God, hear me! I ask for the protection of the Slave of God (the name of the son), for the talisman and blessing. Save and save him in difficult times, save others from the machinations of others. Grant your protection and fall by grace, for your kingdom is eternal and all-powerful. Amen".

To enhance the prayer, you should finally cross the son or sprinkle it with holy water.

Prayers for the son about health and from drunkenness

It is most difficult for the mother to see how the child suffers, especially due to the pernicious habits. Therefore, you can resort to prayer for his son and protection over him. Such a prayer helps to get rid of alcohol and other addictions, to restore health and strengthen the spirit.

Appeal for healing and health in front of icons in the light of lighted candles, in the process often use holy water. The most popular and universal prayer from all dependencies is considered to be “Our Father”, which must be read three times in a row into holy water. Then it is recommended to pour the namolennuyu water to the son in order to help heal faster and attain health.

For greater reliability, you should seek help from Jesus Christ. The full text of the prayer to the Son of God can be downloaded here.
