What to do if burned the tongue: emergency rules? Tips for those who have burned the sky, tongue or throat and do not know what to do


Accidentally drunk boiling water is the most common cause of burns of the oral mucosa.

It is very painful and unpleasant.

It is often difficult for a bewildered person to understand what to do in order to relieve pain.

It would be nice to be fully armed (just in case, of course) and know exactly what to do if you burned your tongue, sky or throat.

What to do if you burn your tongue

The mucous membrane of the mouth is very tender, therefore, it requires a special attitude. In addition, everything that appears in the language necessarily gets inside. That is why the use of conventional ointments for burns in this case is strictly prohibited. All of them contain toxic substances hazardous to health and life.

If the burn is thermal (from a hot drink or food), first of all you need to cool the damaged area to relieve acute pain. Reflexively, a person begins to breathe often and quickly, providing access to the skin of chilled air. A good way, but you won’t be able to breathe for a long time in this way. The head will spin.

What else can be done

1. Put a frozen cube of water or frozen fruit juice on the tongue. Cold perfectly relieves pain and soothes. No ice - ordinary cold water will do.

2. It is very good to put a spoonful of sugar or honey on the tongue. They will melt slowly, gradually relieving pain and soothing a burnt tongue. You can’t eat sweets right away: it should work for at least three minutes.

3. If the house has indoor aloe, you need to tear off a piece, cut into halves and apply to the burn site with a cut. It is bitter, tasteless, but it helps quickly. In addition, it prevents inflammation and has a powerful regenerative effect. Instead of a plant, you can use a solution or gel of aloe (sold at the pharmacy).

4. To make a "home freeze" (by analogy with dental injections), you must suck medicinal lozenges for the throat or against cough. The composition should include menthol, benzocaine, lidocaine. They relieve pain well, create a cooling effect.

When the pain is slightly dull, you can proceed to the treatment of the mucous membrane. From home remedies, decoctions of medicinal herbs are known for their antiseptic and regenerating properties: sage, chamomile, oak bark, calendula. What if burned the tongue, yet? You can use rinses with soda solution, alternate it with herbal rinses. During the recovery period, drink green tea, it also heals tissues perfectly.

To quickly repair damaged mucous membranes and relieve dull pain, oil products are very good: Aekol, sea buckthorn oil or an oil solution of vitamin E. They are applied to a cotton swab or stick and the burn site is treated.

What to do if burned the sky

A burn of the sky is very similar to a burn of the tongue. Most often, two troubles occur simultaneously. What to do if burned the sky? In principle, the same as with a burn of the tongue. Sequence of actions: relieve pain, disinfect the mucous membrane, carry out procedures for its recovery.

Cold water will help relieve pain. Sipping a little from a glass, you need to rinse the sky. As soon as the water gets warm, spit or drink.

Raw chicken protein relieves pain very well. Stir it in cold water and do the same as in the previous case: rinse or drink a little.

To stop pain and at the same time to disinfect the mucous membrane will help hydrogen peroxide 3%. The sky is treated with a cotton pad, richly soaked with a solution. After treatment, rinse your mouth with water. Instead of peroxide, you can use a tasteless, but very effective aqueous solution of chlorhexidine (use only according to the instructions).

A good result is obtained by applying to the mucous membrane a special gel designed to relieve inflammation on the gums. This can be, for example, Holisal, Metrogildent, etc. A good and pharmacy drug Stomatophyt is a concentrated elixir consisting of plant components.

You can apply the same aloe leaf to the burn site, and herbal decoctions and oils will help to heal.

What to do if it burns the sky and there is severe swelling, blisters, severe pain that does not stop for two or three days, only a doctor can say. It is better not to pull and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

What to do if you burn your throat

Burns of the oral mucosa are very unpleasant, and sometimes deadly. Not only boiling water can cause a burn. Kids can sip vinegar from a beautiful bottle or taste a liquid household cleaner. And adults can become a victim of alkali, acid, poison.

What to do if you burn your throat? First of all, understand what caused the burn. The successful outcome of resuscitation measures directly depends on this. A throat burn is dangerous because choking can occur, especially if swelling develops quickly within a few minutes.

The most harmless option is thermal skin damage. In this case, a plentiful and very cold drink is recommended. You need to drink water in small sips to relieve the first attack of pain. Then you can take any pain medication in liquid form. This may be a solution of novocaine or lidocane 0.25%. Be careful with allergies: if there is a reaction to lidocaine, taking it is deadly.

Conventional lidocaine is sold in a two percent solution. To prepare a solution for oral administration with a burnt throat, a 2 ml ampoule must be diluted with 14 ml of water or saline.

Deadly throat burns caused by alkali, acid, vinegar, iodine. They can be recognized by vomiting, a discharge from the mouth or a specific smell. Mucous, oily masses indicate alkali poisoning. Black, yellowish brown, vomit - a sign of acid poisoning. If a person is poisoned with iodine, the discharge is blue or brown.

There should not be any self-medication: an ambulance should be called urgently. However, resuscitation is possible before the arrival of doctors. With an alkaline burn, you can give the victim a little acidified with citric acid, lemon or vinegar. When acidic - a weak soda solution or soapy water. Further treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

If the burn is thermal, weak and does not require hospitalization, you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate, soda, decoctions of herbs to rinse (all the same chamomile, calendula, sage). It is better to treat the throat with oily vitamin preparations. Good and ordinary olive oil.

Inhalations with oil of St. John's wort, eucalyptus, peach well help. If the house has an extract of grapefruit seed, this wonderful remedy should definitely be used to restore the mucosa.

In the first days after a burn, you will have to carefully protect your throat: give up irritating mucous membranes, spicy foods, and solid foods. Mashed vegetables, broths, oily liquids, sour cream, raw proteins, warm drink will become the basis of the diet.

What to do if you burn your throat with chemicals, only a doctor can say. It is dangerous to self-medicate. Serious damage to the mucous membrane can even be done with medications such as lugol or yoks.

To protect yourself from burns, you must follow the rules for storage and use of household chemical or acidic foods. And be sure to check how hot tea is in your glass or broth in the tureen. God saves man, who save himself.


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