Acne after sunburn: causes and how to deal with them? After tanning, a rash appeared - what to do, how to be treated


Acne after sunburn causes and what to do?

With the start of the summer season, many outdoor enthusiasts ask this question.

A rash after tanning is not only ugly, but also unpleasant.

Itching, burning, painful lying and putting on clothes.

How to get rid of a rash after sunburn and prevent its appearance again?

Acne after sunburn: causes

Summer is the time for vacations and trips to the sea. And, as you know, not a single summer is complete without sunbathing.

Many people believe that the sun negatively affects the skin, it burns, and sometimes burns, so you need to use special creams. There is an opinion that if you take sunbathing, a rash after tanning will occur. This is perfectly acceptable, but if everything is done correctly, opinion will be only a myth.

If after sunbathing a lot of acne spills out onto your skin, do not be alarmed, much less panic. Any person is subject to such rashes, the whole point is in non-compliance with the rules of tanning. It is a little more difficult to get rid of such rashes than ordinary acne, ordinary drugs from a pharmacy may not help. But how to solve this problem and is there any way out?

People with fair skin are most susceptible to rash, as they have a small pigment, melanin, which should protect the skin. But this is not the only way that a problem may arise.

A rash after sunburn may appear when using a cream that is not suitable for your skin, and also if you are taking medications in order to get a tan. But if you sunbathe correctly, is it possible to protect your skin from acne? Yes, in this case, the skin will become a bronze hue, and acne will disappear.

All this applies to natural tanning. Now you need to understand whether tanning in a tanning bed affects acne formation? You need to repeat it again, if you sunbathe correctly, such unpleasant consequences can be avoided.

After going to the tanning bed, the skin will become rough and tanned. As expected, the upper layer of the skin will die off, it must be removed, otherwise the dead cells will clog the pores, and new cells will not be able to fully develop. This is what provokes the formation of acne. After that. As you return home from the beach, take a slightly cool shower.

After sunburn acne appeared, what to do: how to sunbathe

In order for sun exposure to be beneficial, some rules must be followed. Tanning and acne are a complex issue as well as a moot point.

What is the main principle of tanning? You need to know the time at which you can sunbathe. Many people believe that the sun's rays are dangerous before lunch, but this is not so. Even between 15 and 16 hours, they will not become less dangerous.

Starting at 12 noon, sunbathing is prohibited. Otherwise, the skin will suffer.

In order to get a good and even tan, you need to come to the beach at ten in the morning. At this time of day, heat is emanating, it does not soar like in other hours. Arriving at the beach, do not spread a towel and immediately go to sunbathe, try to do something. Breathe air, walk on the sand, touch the water. It will take 10-15 minutes, the body will relax, which means it will be ready to take sun baths.

The first time is enough to spend no more than 10 minutes on a tan. Yes, so little time is required for the body to get used to the sun and its influence.

Important! Kick your feet to the sun, so the tan will be uniform.

Being on the beach, just lie down and relax, put away phones and books. After 10-15 minutes it is not necessary to go home, lie down in the shade and continue to relax.

Every day, increase your exposure to the sun by one to two minutes. After a week, you can see the positive effects of the sun on the body.

After sunburn acne appeared, what to do: how to get rid of acne

Today, many residents of cities and villages have disrupted life processes. For example, the body does not produce enough melanin to protect the body from exposure to the sun.

Observing the basic precautions, you can avoid the formation of acne, as well as cleanse the skin from them, if they still have time to appear.

The first thing to do identify the cause of acne, perhaps the whole thing is low-quality cream. This will allow you to avoid many problems in the future. However, if acne has already formed, they are accompanied by itching, you need to get rid of them.

Returning home from the beach and finding acne on the body, take antihistamines to prevent the development of allergies.

A cool shower can relieve burning and itching. In places where acne rashes are strong, apply a cold compress.

You can calm the skin with folk remedies, they have long been used to relieve pain, eliminate acne and itching. Use the following methods:

1. Sour cream.

2. Sour milk.

3. Yogurt.

A decoction of daisies can relieve discomfort (in a glass of boiling water, dilute two tablespoons of raw material). Blot tissue and wipe sore spots. Black tea compresses help.

Immediately after sunbathing, make a mask of pumpkin or raw potatoes. Grate the ingredients, lay on a skin in a dense layer, leave for 5-10 minutes.

Doctors insist on using special creams to prevent burns. They soothe the skin, eliminate discomfort.

Make it a rule - Before you go to sunbathe, protect your skin. Covering them with clothing is not enough. It is necessary to apply a special cream, which includes components that protect against the harmful effects of the sun.

Important! Many people have intolerance to sunburn, a doctor can pick them up.

If after acne a lot of acne forms on the skin, it itches and burns, visit a medical facility.

Acne that occurs immediately after tanning can talk about a disease such as photodermatitis. In this case, you need to constantly protect the skin from tanning.

Treat the resulting rash with any sedative, such as diphenhydramine.

Remember the water balance, this will remove all toxins and toxins from the body.

After sunburn acne appeared, what to do: folk remedies

Folk remedies have been used for many years, they have been tested for years, and many of them are more effective than medicines. They will save you from acne after sunbathing, and also prevent their development.

Chamomile and Calendula

To prepare a medicine, it is necessary to pour a spoonful of flowers half a liter of boiling water. Put to insist for half an hour, strain. Wipe the affected area with a cotton swab dipped in the drug.

Aloe tincture

Preparing tincture from aloe is quite simple. Cut a few leaves of a young plant, put in a cellar or refrigerator for 10 days. Crush the leaves until porridge forms, pour boiling water in a ratio of 1: 5. Soak for one hour, set on fire, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Strain the cooled medicine. If acne after sunburn is not inflamed, wipe it with clean juice.

Fir oil

If your skin is combination, sunburn acne can be wiped with fir oil. It has a bactericidal property, does not dry out the skin. Moisten cotton wool or gauze and gently wipe the affected area.

People's advice:

• In order to avoid the formation of spots after acne, lubricate the area from acne with hydrogen peroxide.

• Before you go to sunbathe, eat a few slices of lemon, it prevents the formation of acne. If you can’t eat it in its pure form, drink tea, but add lemon there.

• Include ginger in your diet, it cleanses the skin of toxins and toxins.

• Wipe the skin with carrot juice, or juice obtained from fresh parsley.

• In the summer, eat more fruits and vegetables.

• When you wake up in the morning, wipe your face with milk.

• In the evening, apply slices of cucumber on the skin, then wash in cool water. As you know, cucumber is a good tool to relieve irritation.

According to the state of our skin, we can judge in what condition the body is. If you are constantly acne attacked by the sun, reevaluate your lifestyle, you may be sunbathing incorrectly.

In pharmacies, a large selection of products that protect against sunburn and prevent the appearance of acne.

Sunbathe correctly, and then your skin will be healthy and beautiful!


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