The meaning of the name Darin


Name Darina came to us from Persia. There, Darius was called the mighty conquering king. On his behalf went the female name Darina. In literal translation, it means "winner." Synonyms for "Darina" are the names of Daria, Theodore. In Russia, the name is extremely rare. The Daria version is more common, although it began to be used after the fashion returned to its old names.

Some linguists interpret the meaning of the name "Darina" as a "gift of God."

Darina - character traits

Darina is growing a leader. She is the soul of any collective. She has many talents, she is a creative and harmonious person.

Baby Darina will always play major roles in children's performances. Her teachers will be touched by looking at the doll face and angelic appearance. With its natural beauty, Darina is also unusually relaxed in her thoughts, judgments and actions. She at any age is a well-mannered and morally stable person. Since Darina always strives to act on her own discretion, it is difficult to turn off the chosen path. She is not a slave, but a leader. Therefore, Darina often becomes the center of global attention in the team.

A growing up girl begins not only to think about her career, which is certainly important for her, but also to look closely at the opposite sex. In her imagination, an image of that way that she would like to receive as a result was formed long ago. In her opinion, she should have a good education, good work and a good husband, with whom she can live her whole life in love and harmony.

Darina does not expect mercy from fate, she does everything possible so that her dreams come true. Darina is able to predict events, she often has prophetic dreams. Having once shared her assumptions with someone, she can quickly go into the category of psychics and clairvoyants. Her natural flair is so developed that Darina practically does not get into trouble. She is able to prevent many unwanted events. Small incidents, of course, happen to everyone, but this is rather an exception to the rule.

Darina will perfectly prove herself in the natural sciences, her path is a connection with wildlife, man, and she also perfectly adapts to the world of art. Darina loves everything beautiful. She is especially fascinated by music. She herself can compose to perform her works.

For complete happiness Darina needs a faithful and devoted man. Of course, being a bright and extraordinary personality, Darina attracts many men. However, she knows exactly who she needs. She will not be exchanged for fleeting ties, and moreover she will not reciprocate with a collector of female hearts. She will find her only friend, protector, lover, who will make her family happiness.

Darina - name compatibility

Darina will be the most suitable for marriage, Alexander. Both names represent victory and winners, therefore such a union is destined to be eternal and productive. Darina’s frivolous connections do not happen. But in order not to get burned, she needs to be afraid of Sergey, Denis, Valery and Mikhail.

Darina - famous people who bore this name

Darina Saydazimova - model.

Darina Schmidt is a modern director, screenwriter, artist.

Darina - interesting facts about the name

Darina - first appeared on the screens in a duet with Dima Bilan. Today, professionals from foreign countries work with Darina. She is so original and talented that her creative union with professionals from Sweden can be considered a great success. Darina is quickly gaining popularity not only in Russia but also in Europe.


Darina 09/22/2016
nevermind climbed only information about the name to look for homework and here I am in shock in a good way

Darina 09/14/2016
I read and realized that it was me! My name is Darina)

Darina 08/20/2016
Yes, yes, everything is literally about me) Cool ...

Marina 06/20/2016
Darina is the name from Old Slavonic (donated), and Daria from the Persian (lady) open the dictionary and read it, gentlemen !!! And do not write nonsense!

Vera Akimova 06/18/2016
Only yesterday I came across the idea that a woman decided to call her daughter Darina (she herself is Daria). Perhaps all these qualities are inherent in the owner of this name ... But, the mother herself is an unusually vile lady, deceitful, selfish, etc. Now she pays for her abomination ... but it doesn’t interest me ... the most important thing is that she has her newborn daughter, and the child in general should not be responsible for the rudeness and insignificance of parents, this is my personal opinion, she is going to call Darina


Watch the video: Darin Meaning (June 2024).