Fibrosis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Fibrosis is called a densification of connective tissue in various organs, which is accompanied by the appearance of cicatricial changes. Fibrosis is a disease that can affect almost any organ in the human body. It begins by the production of a large amount of collagen in the diseased organ (a substance that the body needs to create the basis for connective tissues). Gradually, the amount of connective tissue reaches an amount significantly higher than the norm, and then the process of displacing ordinary cells necessary for the proper functioning of the organ begins.

The occurrence of many pathologies is associated with fibrosis. So, cataract is nothing more than a consequence of lens fibrosis. Also, fibrosis can be the cause of female infertility. One of the most common fibrosis is liver fibrosis and pulmonary fibrosis. Unfortunately, due to the fact that the connective tissue does not have the ability to regenerate into normal, a complete recovery in case of fibrosis is impossible today. However, with proper therapy and medical supervision, you can live a long and fulfilling life with him.

Fibrosis - Causes

Typically, fibrosis is caused by radiation, trauma, infectious-allergic and other processes.

Pulmonary fibrosis is usually caused by prolonged inhalation of dust (silicosis, asbestosis), radiation exposure, granulomatous pulmonary diseases, etc.

The cause of liver fibrosis is a chronic lesion of this organ (for example, viral hepatitis).

Focal breast fibrosis in women develops as a result of fibrocystic mastopathy arising from hormonal imbalance.

Fibrosis - Symptoms

The initial stages of any fibrosis are asymptomatic. Further, the clinical manifestations of a progressive disease become more pronounced. So, the symptoms of liver fibrosis correspond to the last stage of liver disease (for example, portal hypertension, liver failure, etc.).

Pulmonary fibrosis is manifested by shortness of breath, cyanosis of the skin, bronchitis, heart failure, rapid, superficial breathing.

With focal breast fibrosis in women, education can be determined by palpation only when it reaches medium size. The patient does not feel any pain in the patient; as a rule, there are no other clinical symptoms.

Fibrosis - diagnosis

Diagnosis of liver fibrosis is carried out using:
- objective examination of the patient by a gastroenterologist;
- analysis of his complaints;
- medical history;
- Ultrasound of the abdominal organs (OBP);
- fibroellastography (multicamera image on the device fibroscans)
- liver biopsy;
- fibrotest;
- fibromax.

Pulmonary fibrosis is diagnosed using a chest x-ray. If necessary, use targeted radiography and tomography. To determine the condition of the lung tissue, computed tomography is used.

To determine focal breast fibrosis, mammography and ultrasound of the mammary glands are performed. The final diagnosis is based on the results of cytological and histological examination.

Fibrosis - treatment and prevention

Liver fibrosis in the decompensation period requires inpatient treatment, in which the same means are used as in exacerbation of chronic hepatitis. In ascites and edema, a strict restriction of sodium, food with a sufficient amount of potassium is prescribed, as well as drug therapy with diuretics, albumin and drugs to stop esophageal, gastric and intestinal bleeding.

As for the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis, its goal, first of all, is to prevent the rapid progression of the disease. This is achieved by eliminating all possible causes that serve as the focus of its occurrence, and applying preventive measures to prevent any inflammatory processes in the lungs. Doctors also recommend healthy nutrition, stress avoidance, and breathing exercises to such patients.

Treatment of focal breast fibrosis is carried out with the help of hormonal balance correction, the use of immunomodulating drugs and antihomotoxicological agents.


Watch the video: What Causes Cystic Fibrosis? - Marlyn Woo, MD. UCLAMDCHAT Webinars (July 2024).