Knee injury - how to prevent the inflammatory process? What should be done first after a knee injury: first aid


Knee injury is a common trauma that is common in both children and adults.

Starting from a certain age, trauma carries a certain danger to the whole organism.

Treatment of the damaged area should begin immediately after it has arisen.

Knee injury - what to do, treatment: ambulance

After a knee injury, it is not always possible to immediately contact a medical institution. That is why it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim, which consists in the following:

1. The joint needs to ensure complete peace - to avoid any movements.

2. In order to avoid large hematoma and swelling, you need to apply ice. Applying cold is only effective the first few minutes after being injured. The duration of application should be no more than 10 minutes. You can get ice from the refrigerator and wrap it in cloth, or attach a cold object.

3. If the knee begins to swell, it is necessary to apply a tight bandage - it is better to use a special elastic bandage, if it is not at hand, use an ordinary dense cloth. The bandage is applied in such a way that its edge protrudes beyond the bruise for 3-4 centimeters. So the bandage will be better fixed and will not fall when moving.

At the time of each procedure, try to perform each action very carefully, the damaged knee should be on a small hill. This will improve the outflow of lymph and blood, pain due to this will be much lower, and the knee will not swell.

Regardless of how severe the bruise was, treatment is recommended after consultation with a specialist. Radiography is recommended in order to rule out a possible fracture. You can also determine it yourself, for this, try to move your foot slightly, if you can do it, then most likely there is no fracture.

Knee injury - what to do, treatment: medications and devices

After first aid has been provided, it is necessary to proceed with further treatment. In most cases, knee bruises are treated in the outpatient clinic. But only after the necessary studies have been carried out, and damage to the joints will be ruled out.

Treatment begins with rest of the injured leg. This effect is achieved by applying a plaster back spacers, for several weeks.

If this is not possible, you just need to wrap the leg with an elastic bandage.

Anesthesia is mandatory. This is done with the help of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. A good analgesic effect can be achieved by taking ketans, analgin, diclofenac. You can take them inside or make injections. You can also use painkillers, for example fastum gel, lyoton.

If the cartilage tissue is damaged, then chondroprotectors are mandatory. These drugs (fermatron, don), contain several components of the cartilage tissue, after they are taken orally, the damaged cartilage will be restored.

On the 10th day after the injury, it is recommended to conduct physical therapy and physiotherapy. All symptoms of injury by this time should pass.

Knee injury - what to do, treatment: folk remedies

The mobility of a damaged knee can be restored not only with the help of various medicines, but also with the help of traditional medicine. You can prepare compresses and ointments yourself, and then apply them to the damaged area.

Many are wary of folk recipes, believing that they can only do harm. But this is far from the case, even experienced doctors advise drinking various tinctures from medicinal plants. In the case of a knee injury, there are no exceptions, and many drugs can literally heal the patient in a couple of three days. But you need to use only proven methods, so as not to really hurt. Our ancestors left behind many different recipes for the treatment of almost all diseases. You can find them in old records or search the Internet.

So, for example, to treat knee injury, vegetable oil, vinegar and hot water help well. It is enough to take only one spoon of each of the ingredients and mix thoroughly. In the resulting solution, the fabric is wetted and applied to the knee. From above it must be fixed with a bandage and left in this position for four hours. The procedure must be repeated for three days, every morning and evening.

Another equally effective remedy is an ointment made from tar, spruce resin and pig lard (but without salt). All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, then put in heat for one day, after which they are rubbed into a sore spot two to three times a day.

Most patients believe that treating such injuries does not take much time at all. Most often, patients do not even consider it necessary to contact a medical institution, and prescribe treatment for themselves. But, of course, this is not recommended.

With a knee injury, most likely, bed rest, rest will be prescribed. You need to be sure that there is no bone fracture, and only a doctor can examine for such injuries. That is why it is recommended not to neglect a visit to the hospital.

In addition to standard medicines, the doctor will probably prescribe painkillers, which can be easily replaced with folk remedies.

All recipes of traditional medicine for the treatment of knee bruises are internal and external. Outside, usually used compresses, wraps. Means for oral administration, increase tissue elasticity.

Knee injury - what to do, treatment: step-by-step instructions

Below are the most effective treatments for knee injuries.

Wormwood Porridge

In order to get rid of the constant sensation of pain, use a paste based on wormwood. To prepare it, you need to pick the leaves of the plant and grind them, or scroll through a meat grinder. The resulting product is applied to the tissue, and then applied to the sore spot, you need to change the bandage once an hour. But the use of such a tool is allowed only if there is no bleeding. Also, people suffering from allergies from wormwood, it is contraindicated.

Porridge made from sugar and onions

After getting a knee bruise, the knee joint may become inflamed, in order to somehow help yourself in this condition, you can make porridge from sugar and baked onions. For one small onion, you need to take 200 grams of sugar, then grind everything and attach to a sore spot. From above it is recommended to cover everything with a soft cloth. With this procedure, the patient needs to ensure complete peace.

Dairy lotions

With severe bruises, milk lotions help. Heat the milk and soak the cloth with it, then attach to the site of the injury. As the milk cools, you need to change the dressing. But doing such lotions is allowed no earlier than 12 hours after the injury was received.

Compress based on alcohol and honey

Take the two ingredients and mix them in a 1: 1 ratio. Take a comfortable position and attach a compress on top, on top you need to cover it with something warm.

Propolis and honey compress

If desired, you can use only propolis, without honey. But if you decide to take both ingredients, then mix them in equal proportions, and then soak the fabric with the resulting product. Wrap the knee joint completely with it, and leave it in this position all night. The treatment will be much more effective if you cover the leg with something warm and the leg is motionless.

Lavender oil lotions

Immediately after injury and in the next 12 hours, it is necessary to apply cold lotions, on which a few drops of lavender oil are dripped in advance. This allows you to slightly reduce pain, and also saves you from severe swelling.

A mixture of grated potatoes and plantain

Take a few potatoes and rub them on a fine grater, scroll the plantain through a meat grinder. Mix the two ingredients in one container, it’s kind of gruel. Apply it twice a day, for one hour, on the affected area. Rinse off any remaining product with slightly cool water.

Bay leaf decoction

In order to provide joints with mobility, and to make the ligaments more elastic, it is recommended to use bay leaf. Take 20 grams of the plant and fill it with one glass of boiling water. Put everything on the fire and cook for 20 minutes, then set to insist for several hours. The broth is recommended to be taken orally, it is better to do this before bedtime.

Bay leaf tincture

Take half a pack of bay leaf and pour one glass of unrefined oil, put it to infuse in a dark place for 10 days. After a knee injury, rub the product into the damaged area. This will relieve swelling and prevent the inflammatory process.


In order to avoid inflammation in the joints, after an injury, you need to eat half a gram of curcumin every day.

Any injury in humans requires close attention to themselves, knee injury is no exception. It is necessary to be examined in a medical institution in order to avoid serious consequences and speed up the healing process. Well, of course, you need to be more careful not to allow such bruises!


Watch the video: Treating Knee and Ligament Injuries (July 2024).