How to cook a classic vinaigrette: recipes. Obligatory guest of the feast - classic vinaigrette with peas


Vinaigrettes - salads are popular and loved by many.

The secret is simple, in most cases, recipes consist of products that are easy to get at any time of the year, and due to the variety of recipes it is not so difficult to make 5-7 practically unlike salads.

Not sure what else to surprise the guests with?

Nothing could be simpler than making classic vinaigrette with peas. Well, maybe replace it with canned beans. And in that, and in another case, you will get a juicy, satisfying salad.

Dressed with oil, or mayonnaise, the vinaigrette is not easy to taste, its advantage is that a large amount of coarse vegetable fiber perfectly cleanses the intestines. Vinaigrettes are served on the first and, especially, on the second day of long feasts. Having a drink of a misted glass with fresh vinaigrette is a well-known way to improve your health if the first day of the festival was a success.

Dietary, without high-calorie foods, classic vinaigrettes with peas - the most hearty dishes acceptable in most sparing diets.

Kids are also attracted to multi-colored, colorful salads. In baby food, vinaigrettes are assigned the role of a storeroom of vitamins, and if the baby is gaining excess weight, then a small portion of vinaigrette half an hour before the main meal slightly reduce his appetite.

How to cook classic vinaigrette - the basic principles of cooking

• Classic vinaigrette with peas includes: beets, carrots, potatoes, peas and onions.

• Before cooking, potato tubers, carrots and beets are boiled or baked in the oven, wrapped with foil and tightly fixing its edges.

• Ready vegetables are cooled until completely cooled and only then they are sliced. Cut into small cubes, trying to withstand about the same amount.

• Pickled or salted mushrooms, sauerkraut, light-salted fish, boiled meat, processed cheese, red caviar or boiled seafood, boiled or canned beans can be used as additional ingredients.

• Additional ingredients, except for legumes and caviar, are crushed, as well as the main ingredients.

• So that vegetables are not stained with red beets, they are transferred to a separate dish after cutting, moistened with a small amount of oil, and added to the salad just before dressing.

• In modern cooking, vinaigrettes are served not only in the general dish, but also in portions, laying the salad in layers. You can also lay out classic vinaigrette with peas and on a serving dish.

• Season vinaigrettes with both fragrant and refined sunflower oil, specially prepared dressings or mayonnaise.

• When cooking classic vinaigrette with peas, there are no exact proportions of the products used in the cooking process and therefore they can be replaced with your favorite, well-combined with the main ingredients, or eliminated altogether. The main thing is not to make the dish too sharp or fresh, but to find a middle ground.

Classic vinaigrette with peas


• two large beets;

• one medium-sized carrot;

• four small potatoes;

• medium-sized head of lettuce;

• 120 grams of sauerkraut cabbage;

• five table. tablespoons of sunflower, unrefined oil;

• six table. tablespoons of green (canned) peas.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the cooled boiled beets into cubes, put them in a separate bowl and season with a small amount of sunflower oil.

2. Grind boiled carrots and potatoes in the same way as beets, and put in a separate bowl.

3. Add sauerkraut squeezed from excess brine, canned green peas, chopped onions.

4. Next, put the beets, season with oil, slightly sprinkle with table vinegar and mix well.

How to cook classic vinaigrette with herring and mustard sauce


• medium-sized carrot - 2 pcs.;

• three small potatoes;

• three burgundy beets;

• two large pickles;

• 200 grams of salted herring fillet.

For the sauce:

• ready, acetic mustard - 2 tbsp. l .;

• 50 ml of white wine, dry;

• two tables. tablespoons of vinegar;

• 50 ml of aromatic (unrefined) oil;

• fine salt, a mixture of aromatic peppers and sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the potatoes, beets and carrots thoroughly, cut them in half and individually wrap in foil. Each half must be wrapped with foil tightly. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees, forty minutes.

2. Remove the foil, cool and peel. Cut into even, small cubes.

3. With a thin layer, remove the skin from the cucumbers, cut into small slices, drain the juice released when slicing and put into chopped vegetables. Add the herring chopped into small pieces.

4. For dressing, combine all the liquid ingredients of the sauce and set on low heat to cook. While cooking, stir constantly so that the sauce does not stick to the walls and does not burn.

5. When the sauce is almost ready thickened enough, remove it from the heat, add sugar and salt, season with a small pinch of ground pepper and mix well, taste. Correct the ingredients if necessary and mix well again.

6. Season classic vinaigrette with peas and herring in a cooled mustard sauce. Dressing is not added to the vinaigrette all at once, but gradually, constantly mixing and each time taking a sample.

"Meat" classic vinaigrette with peas


• small chicken fillet;

• three large boiled potatoes;

• small boiled carrot;

• sweet salad onions - 2 heads;

• pickles - 4 pcs.;

• two large boiled beets;

• 130 grams of sour sauerkraut;

• 120 grams of canned peas;

• a tablespoon of fresh or frozen cranberries;

• for refueling - vegetable odorous oil.

Cooking method:

1. In salted water with spices (at your discretion, which ones you like), cook the chicken fillet until tender and refrigerate it until it cools completely.

2. Dice the chicken meat, boiled vegetables, cucumbers and onions into small cubes. Wring out excess moisture from cucumbers.

3. Mix chopped ingredients with chopped cabbage, green peas and cranberries. If the berries are frozen, thaw them and dry with a towel.

4. Add a little salt, season the vinaigrette with vegetable oil and mix gently.

How to cook classic vinaigrette with pickled honey mushrooms


• two medium beets;

• three large potato tubers;

• 200 grams of pickled young mushrooms;

• 130 grams of canned peas;

• large onion;

• four tablespoons of quality vegetable oil;

• 25 ml of fruit or wine vinegar;

• food fine salt "Extra".

Cooking method:

1. Potato tubers, rinse the beets with water, removing the remaining soil with a clean foam rubber sponge for washing dishes, and cook until cooked in different pots. Cool under running water, dry and prepare, cutting into even centimeter cubes.

2. Transfer mushrooms from the jar to a colander, draining the excess marinade, and chop the onion as finely as possible.

3. Combine chopped vegetables with pickled mushrooms and peas.

4. Mix fruit or wine vinegar with salt and oil and mix well, season with the prepared mixture of vinaigrette.

5. Stir the salad well and serve to the table, shifting the salad in a serving salad bowl.

Classical vinaigrette with peas "Festive"


• 200 grams of salted salmon fillet;

• two large beets;

• small carrots - 2 pcs.;

• 4-5 large potatoes;

• pickled, "sharp" cucumbers - 3 pcs.;

• two green sour apples;

• small onion;

• half a large lemon;

• half a glass of frozen vegetable oil;

• 25 gr. refined sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Cool separately boiled vegetables, gently peel the peel and cut into centimeter cubes.

2. Chop the onion, pickled cucumbers, and peeled apples and slices into pieces about the same size as the vegetables. Also chop the fish fillet.

3. Gently mix all the prepared ingredients, add the oil, grated zest in small chips, freshly squeezed lemon juice with sugar dissolved in it. Pepper at your discretion and taste, salt and mix again.

4. Vinaigrette must be infused for at least a quarter of an hour before serving.

How to cook classic vinaigrette with salted mushrooms


• three medium burgundy beets;

• two small carrots;

• three sweet, medium-sized potatoes;

• two small white onions;

• salted (barrel) cucumbers - 3-4 pcs.;

• half a glass of boiled or canned (preferably colored) beans;

• 100 grams of young canned peas;

• 300 grams of salted mushrooms: "Ginger", "Gruzdi";

• 9% table vinegar;

• fine table salt.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the carrots and potatoes without peeling them until tender, and bake the beets in the oven, wrapping them in foil.

2. Cool the baked vegetables, remove the peel and cut into small cubes.

3. Chop the salted mushrooms in small strips.

4. Mix chopped vegetables with mushrooms, chopped into small pieces onions and cucumbers.

5. Add pre-boiled and cooled beans, canned peas, pour in oil, sprinkle a little with table vinegar and again gently mix everything.

6. After removing the sample, add vinegar and salt if necessary.

Classic vinaigrette recipe with red caviar


• four small boiled potatoes;

• one boiled big beet;

• three medium, pickled cucumbers;

• two large heads of the "Yalta" sweet onion;

• red caviar - a small jar.

Cooking method:

1. Pre-boiled, chilled and peeled vegetables, cut into medium-sized cubes.

2. In the same way, chop the sweet onions and cucumbers.

3. Combine everything, pepper, salt to your taste, add sunflower oil and mix.

4. Place a special portion form for the formation of puff salads, or a plastic bottle cut for these purposes, on a plate and fill it with salad. Slightly pressing, squeeze it with a spoon, lay on top a thin layer of red caviar and remove the form.

Classic puff vinaigrette with peas and cream cheese


• burgundy beets - 2-3 pcs.;

• three medium potatoes;

• three carrots;

• 150 grams of green canned peas of brain grades;

• one hundred gram processed cheese, "Dutch";

• 72% mayonnaise for seasoning vinaigrette.

Cooking method:

1. Boil vegetables thoroughly washed from the remains of the earth until cooked in different pots, cool and peel them.

2. On a large serving dish, rub the beets, carrots, potatoes with a layer and coat with plenty of mayonnaise. Then also grate the cheese, and lay a layer of canned peas on top of it. Brush with mayonnaise again and repeat the layers.

3. On top of the lettuce, apply a rather rare mayonnaise net and spread it with a knife or spoon over the entire surface of the lettuce.

4. Garnish with boiled vegetables or peas.

The recipe for classic vinaigrette with squid


• one large beet;

• a small carrot;

• two medium-sized white potatoes;

• pickled cucumbers - two large;

• 200 grams of canned peas;

• 200 grams of frozen squid carcasses;

• 50 ml of high quality olive oil;

• half a small head of salad sweet onion.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the thawed squid carcasses well under the tap, remove the chordal plates and gut the insides, turning the squids out and slightly scraping the inside with a knife.

2. Cut the carcasses into small strips and fry in a pan in a small amount of oil for no more than three minutes.

3. Boiled vegetables, cut into cubes, as for a regular vinaigrette, chop the cucumbers and onions with slices of the same size.

4. Combine all chopped ingredients in a salad bowl, salt as you wish, and season with olive oil.

Tips and Tricks to Make Classic Vinaigrette

• So that vegetables are not boiled during cooking and tastier, boil them unpeeled.

• When baking vegetables, a little water is added to the baking sheet, thereby ensuring their uniform cooking.

• When cooking classic vinaigrette with peas and the addition of salted fish, the volume of potatoes and onions is usually increased, and cabbage is not put at all.

• Before cutting, the herring is presoaked in pasteurized milk for an hour and dried by wetting with a disposable towel.

• Overly acidic cabbage, as well as herring, is soaked, but not in milk, but in boiled cold water. Then the excess moisture is decanted, discarded in a colander and dried a little, added to the vinaigrette.

• Beets are cooked without cutting the roots so that the root crops remain juicy.

• Unpeeled beets are cooked for a very long time, in order to speed up the cooking process, dip the root crop in boiled water and cook for forty minutes after boiling again. After quickly cool it under the tap for ten minutes.

• During prolonged cooking, the beets are clarified, in order to maintain its original color, add a little vinegar or citric acid to the water.

• In water with boiled carrots, add half a teaspoon of sugar, in boiled form it will be brighter and sweeter, as from a garden bed.

• You can get rid of the bitterness contained in the onion if, after chopping, pour it with boiling water for a minute, then quickly rinse with cold water. With this onion, before adding to the vinaigrette, you need to properly remove all the water.

• Sweet lettuce or onion can be replaced with finely chopped green onion feathers. Not only the taste of the salad will change, green onions will fill the vinaigrette with a specific spring aroma.

• If you season salad with oil, first add salt and mix, and only then pour oil, since salt does not dissolve in vegetable oil.

• How to cook classic vinaigrette with peas and dressing? For such a vinaigrette, dressing is prepared separately, tasted and only then added to vegetables. Gently stir, constantly making sure that all the liquid is evenly absorbed, and not accumulate in one place at the bottom of the dishes.

• After cooking, it is not recommended to store vinaigrettes even in the refrigerator, as the taste of the food changes very quickly. Such a salad is very useful to eat immediately after cooking.

• How to cook a classic vinaigrette, we have already told you, and what to do if suddenly the baby is stubborn, or some of the guests do not like the treat? One orange, a couple of bananas, a handful of frozen cherry, a can of chopped pineapples, two cups of ice cream and 200 grams of medium-fat sour cream. Cut everything, half the size of the pineapple, and the cherry is even smaller, the ice cream is larger, mix everything, beat the sour cream a little with a spoon and pour over the top "sweet vinaigrette".


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